无法将dplyr :: ungroup取消组合

时间:2017-09-02 16:24:58

标签: r dplyr


#Make sample data
    Species <- c("A", "B", "C","D")
    Animal <- c(1:100)
    Day <-c(1:10)
    P <- sample(1:100, 300, replace = TRUE)
    F <- sample(1:100, 300, replace = TRUE)
    C <- sample(1:100, 300, replace = TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(Species,Animal,Day, P, F, C)

 #Summarize by columns
    by_day <- df %>%
      group_by(Species, Animal, Day) %>%
      summarize(ptot = sum(P), ftot = sum(F), ctot = sum(C))

 #Here's where I suspect the problem lies    

 #This line produces repeating id numbers, where as I want each line to have a unique one.
    indexed <- mutate(by_day, id = row_number())

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您似乎认为ungroup会修改by_day,而不是mutate。您需要确保将未分组的数据框传递给mutate(ungroup(by_day), id = row_number()) # A tibble: 100 x 7 # Species Animal Day ptot ftot ctot id # <fctr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> # 1 A 1 1 266 262 45 1 # 2 A 5 5 84 201 159 2 # 3 A 9 9 141 149 244 3 # 4 A 13 3 94 142 157 4 # 5 A 17 7 188 138 142 5


1)在by_day # A tibble: 100 x 6 # Groups: Species, Animal [?] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # Species Animal Day ptot ftot ctot 之前:


2)ungroup(by_day) # A tibble: 100 x 6 # Species Animal Day ptot ftot ctot 返回未分组的数据框:


3)但它不会修改by_day # A tibble: 100 x 6 # Groups: Species, Animal [?] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # Species Animal Day ptot ftot ctot ,它仍然是分组

  $('body').on('submit', 'form[data-confirm-dialog-text]', (e) ->
    form = $(this)
      $.show_dialog(form.data('confirm-dialog-title'), form.data('confirm-dialog-text'), form.data('ok-text'), form.data('cancel-text'), (->

答案 1 :(得分:0)
