从相同长度的两个给定排序数组中找到中位数的问题是众所周知且容易的(之前曾多次询问)。 (这可以通过简单的递归算法完成)
另外,如何找到相同长度的 k 排序数组的中位数?有一种有效的算法吗?
我试着回答最后一个问题,但没有找到一个好的解决方案, 谢谢!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在最坏的情况下,这是两个外部二进制斩波的成本,其中每个猜测花费你一个内部二进制斩,所以O(log ^ 2(n))。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我根据this leetcode discussion的注释(zzg_zzm在stellari算法之上的调整)将Python算法翻译成JavaScript。但是我选择了更直观的变量名,并添加了注释。
function findUnionMedianSorted(smallArr, largeArr) {
// there are an equal number of elements below and above median
// we need to find partitions on arr1 and arr2 such that arr1 and arr2
// together contribute an equal number of submedian and supermedian elements
// because fitness of partition point is transitive,
// we can use binary search to approach optimal partition
// we use the smaller array as a basis for finding the first partition,
// since this eliminates situation where small array lacks enough elements to balance the partition
// global median can then be calculated as:
// avg(elementBelowMedian, elementAboveMedian)
// so we must find also the elements that flank the median
// ensure smallArr is the smaller array
if (largeArr.length < smallArr.length) {
return findUnionMedianSorted(largeArr, smallArr)
const unionArrLen = smallArr.length + largeArr.length
// indices at which we would consider performing a cut
let smallArrCutStartIx = 0, smallArrCutEndIx = smallArr.length
while (smallArrCutStartIx <= smallArrCutEndIx) {
// cut we are evaluating
// midpoint of current search space of possible smallArr cuts
const smallArrCutIx = Math.floor((smallArrCutStartIx + smallArrCutEndIx)/2)
// partition on largeArr must provide same number of elements
// above median as smallArr provides below median
const largeArrCutIx = Math.floor(unionArrLen/2) - smallArrCutIx
// smallArr and largeArr both submit a candidate for "what may be the element preceding the median"
// this is the element preceding that array's cut
// if there is no such element: we are cutting at an end of the array, so we have no element to offer
// thus: we set extreme value such that comparisons favor the alternative (candidate from other array)
const smallArrElementBeforeMedian = smallArrCutIx === 0
: smallArr[smallArrCutIx-1]
const smallArrElementAfterMedian = smallArrCutIx === smallArr.length
: smallArr[smallArrCutIx]
const largeArrElementBeforeMedian = largeArrCutIx === 0
: largeArr[largeArrCutIx-1]
const largeArrElementAfterMedian = largeArrCutIx === largeArr.length
: largeArr[largeArrCutIx]
// elements before median must be smaller than elements after median
// this is already guaranteed within-array (elements are sorted)
// but we check whether our proposed cut violates this across the two proposed arrays
if (smallArrElementBeforeMedian > largeArrElementAfterMedian) {
// our cut on smallArr is at too high an index
// eliminate all cut locations equal to or greater than the cut index we tried
smallArrCutEndIx = smallArrCutIx-1
if (smallArrElementAfterMedian < largeArrElementBeforeMedian) {
// our cut on smallArr is at too low an index
// eliminate all cut locations equal to or less than the cut index we tried
smallArrCutStartIx = smallArrCutIx+1
// both candidates will be present in the union array,
// but only the smaller one will be directly after the median
const elementAfterMedian = Math.min(smallArrElementAfterMedian, largeArrElementAfterMedian)
// does the union array have one middle or two?
if (unionArrLen %2 === 1) {
// odd length; one middle
// why do we prefer `elementAfterMedian` and not `elementBeforeMedian`?
// the material I adapted this from did not explain, so what follows is my (shaky) guess:
// our "after" index points to the midpoint of a search space, so for odd-length arrays
// it is actually an "equal to" index.
return elementAfterMedian
// both candidates will be present in the union array,
// but only the larger one will be directly before the median
const elementBeforeMedian = Math.max(smallArrElementBeforeMedian, largeArrElementBeforeMedian)
// average the two middles
return (elementBeforeMedian + elementAfterMedian) / 2