H5py - 使用生成器创建数据集 - ValueError:使用序列

时间:2017-07-15 01:22:02

标签: numpy generator h5py

我正在尝试通过生成器将1D numpy数组(平面图像)输入到H5py数据文件中,以便创建训练和验证矩阵。


from scipy.misc import imread
import h5py
import numpy as np
import os

# Creating h5 data file
f = h5py.File('../data.h5', 'w')

# Source directory for image data
src = '/datasets/aic540/train/images/'

# Showing quantity and dimensionality of data
images = os.listdir(src)
ex_img = imread(src + images[0])
flat_img = ex_img.flatten()
print "# of images is {}".format(len(images))
print "image shape is {}".format(ex_img.shape)
print "flattened image shape is {}".format(flat_img.shape)

# Creating generator to feed in data to h5py's `create_dataset` function
gen = (imread(src + i).flatten().astype(np.int8) for i in os.listdir(src))

# Creating h5 dataset
                 #shape=(59482, 1555200),
                 data=np.fromiter(gen, dtype=np.int8))


# of images is 59482
image shape is (540, 960, 3)
flattened image shape is (1555200,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "process_images.py", line 30, in <module>
    data=np.fromiter(gen, dtype=np.int8))
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

我在这个上下文中搜索这个错误时已经读过,问题是np.fromiter()需要一个列表而不是一个生成器函数(这似乎与名称“fromiter”暗示的函数相反) - 将生成器包装在列表调用中list(gen)允许代码运行,但当然,在调用create_dataset之前,它会占用此列表扩展中的所有内存。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

with a sequence错误来自您尝试提供fromiter的内容,而不是生成器部分。


In [15]: np.fromiter(range(3),dtype=int)
Out[15]: array([0, 1, 2])
In [16]: np.fromiter((2*x for x in range(3)),dtype=int)
Out[16]: array([0, 2, 4])


In [17]: gen = (np.ones((2,3)).flatten().astype(np.int8) for i in range(3))
In [18]: list(gen)
[array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int8),
 array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int8),
 array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int8)]


In [19]: gen = (np.ones((2,3)).flatten().astype(np.int8) for i in range(3))
In [21]: np.fromiter(gen, np.int8)
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.



即使没有分块,您也可以通过&#39; row&#39;将数据写入文件。或其他切片。

In [28]: f = h5py.File('test.h5', 'w')
In [29]: data = f.create_dataset(name='test',shape=(100,10))
In [30]: for i in range(100):
    ...:     data[i,:] = np.arange(i,i+10)
In [31]: data
Out[31]: <HDF5 dataset "test": shape (100, 10), type "<f4">



In [33]: data[:10,:]
array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.,   4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.],
       [  1.,   2.,   3.,   4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.],
       [  2.,   3.,   4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
       [  3.,   4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12.],
       [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12.,  13.],
       [  5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12.,  13.,  14.],
       [  6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12.,  13.,  14.,  15.],
       [  7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12.,  13.,  14.,  15.,  16.],
       [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12.,  13.,  14.,  15.,  16.,  17.],
       [  9.,  10.,  11.,  12.,  13.,  14.,  15.,  16.,  17.,  18.]], dtype=float32)
