
时间:2017-07-13 00:19:50

标签: algorithm performance list c++11 vector

我为我的游戏写了一个简单的A *算法:


#pragma once

#include <SFML\Graphics.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

class Field;

//Comparer using by set to allow priority
struct FieldComparer
    bool operator()(const Field *, const Field *) const;

using FieldSet = set<Field*, FieldComparer>;
using FieldContainer = vector<Field*>; ///////////////////////////faster than list ?!

//Contains info about field, buildings builded on it and type of terrain
class Field
    sf::Vector2i mapPosition{ 0, 0 };

    unsigned hCost{ 0 }; //to goal
    unsigned gCost{ 0 }; //to start

    Field *  parent;

    bool     isWalkable { true };
    bool     isPathPart { false };
    void SetParent(Field&);
    Field * GetParent() const;

    unsigned GetFCost() const; //sum of hCost and gCost
    unsigned GetHCost() const;
    unsigned GetGCost() const;

    bool     IsWalkable() const;
    bool     IsPathPart() const;

    void SetHCost(unsigned);
    void SetGCost(unsigned);

    void SetWalkable(bool);
    void SetAsPartOfPath(bool);

    sf::Vector2i GetMapPosition() const;

    //compares positions
    bool operator == (const Field& other);

    Field(sf::Vector2i mapPosition, bool isWalkable) 
        : mapPosition(mapPosition), isWalkable(isWalkable) {}

//Contains fields and describes them
class Map
    sf::Vector2u mapSize;
    Field *** fields; //two dimensional array of fields gives the fastest access

    sf::Vector2u GetMapSize() const;
    Field *** GetFields();

    Map() {}

//Searching patch after giving a specified map
class PathFinder
    //Calculate score between two fields
    unsigned CalcScore(Field&, Field&) const;

    //Get neighbours of field in specified map
    FieldContainer GetNeighbours(Field&, Map&) const;

    //Find path that have the lowest cost, from a to b in map
    FieldContainer FindPath(Map&, Field&, Field&);

    //Reconstruct path using pointers to parent
    FieldContainer ReconstructPath(Field*, Field*) const;


#include "Navigation.hpp"

#pragma region Field

    void Field::SetParent(Field & parent) { this->parent = &parent; }
    Field * Field::GetParent() const { return parent; }

    unsigned Field::GetFCost() const { return hCost + gCost; }
    unsigned Field::GetHCost() const { return hCost; }
    unsigned Field::GetGCost() const { return gCost; }

    bool Field::IsWalkable()   const { return isWalkable; }
    bool Field::IsPathPart()   const { return isPathPart; }

    void Field::SetHCost(unsigned value) { hCost = value; }
    void Field::SetGCost(unsigned value) { gCost = value; }

    void Field::SetWalkable(bool isWalkable)     { this->isWalkable = isWalkable; }
    void Field::SetAsPartOfPath(bool isPathPart) { this->isPathPart = isPathPart; }

    sf::Vector2i Field::GetMapPosition() const { return mapPosition; }
    bool Field::operator == (const Field& other)
        return this->mapPosition == other.GetMapPosition();

#pragma endregion Field

#pragma region Map

    sf::Vector2u Map::GetMapSize() const { return mapSize; }
    Field *** Map::GetFields() { return fields; }
    Map::Map(sf::Vector2u mapSize) : mapSize(mapSize)
        //initialize map
        fields = new Field**[mapSize.x];

        //initialize all fields
        for (unsigned x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++)
            fields[x] = new Field*[mapSize.y];

            for (unsigned y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++)
                fields[x][y] = new Field({static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y)}, 
                    (!(y == 3 && x >= 1) || (x == 5 && y < 4))              

#pragma endregion Map

#pragma region PathFinder

    bool FieldComparer::operator()(const Field * l, const Field * r) const
        return l->GetFCost() <  r->GetFCost() ||   //another field has smaller fcost
               l->GetFCost() == r->GetFCost() &&   //or fcost equals, and checked field is nearer to goal than current field
               l->GetHCost() <  r->GetHCost();


    unsigned PathFinder::CalcScore(Field & a, Field & b) const
        sf::Vector2u dst
            static_cast<unsigned>(abs(b.GetMapPosition().x - a.GetMapPosition().x)),
            static_cast<unsigned>(abs(b.GetMapPosition().y - a.GetMapPosition().y))

        return (dst.x > dst.y ? 14 * dst.y + 10 * (dst.x - dst.y) :
                                14 * dst.x + 10 * (dst.y - dst.x));

    FieldContainer PathFinder::GetNeighbours(Field & f, Map & m) const
        FieldContainer neighbours{};

        //cout << "checking neighbours for field: { " << f.GetMapPosition().x << ", " << f.GetMapPosition().y << " }\n";
        for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
            for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                int xPos = f.GetMapPosition().x + x;
                int yPos = f.GetMapPosition().y + y;

                if (x == 0 && y == 0) //dont check the same field

                //check that field is in the map
                bool isInTheMap = (xPos >= 0 && yPos >= 0 && xPos < m.GetMapSize().x && yPos < m.GetMapSize().y);

                if (isInTheMap)

        return neighbours;

    FieldContainer PathFinder::FindPath(Map& map, Field& a, Field& b)
        FieldSet open = {};   //not expanded fields
        FieldSet closed = {}; //expanded fields

        a.SetHCost(CalcScore(a, b)); //calculate h cost for start field, gcost equals 0
        open.insert(&a);             //add start field to open vector

        while (!open.empty()) //while we have unexpanded fields in open set
            Field * current = *open.begin(); //set current field

            //if current checked field is our goal field
            if (*current == b)
                    ReconstructPath(&a, current); //return reversed path

            closed.insert(current); //end of checking current field, add it to closed vector...
            open.erase(open.find(current)); //set solution

            //get neighbours of current field
            for (auto f : GetNeighbours(*current, map))
                //continue if f is unavailable
                if (closed.find(f) != closed.end() || !f->IsWalkable())

                //calculate tentative g cost, based on current cost and direction changed
                unsigned tentativeGCost = current->GetGCost() + (current->GetMapPosition().x != f->GetMapPosition().x && current->GetMapPosition().y != f->GetMapPosition().y ? 14 : 10);

                bool fieldIsNotInOpenSet = open.find(f) == open.end();
                if (tentativeGCost < f->GetGCost() || fieldIsNotInOpenSet)
                    f->SetHCost(CalcScore(*f, b));

                    if (fieldIsNotInOpenSet)
        return {}; //no path anaviable

    FieldContainer PathFinder::ReconstructPath(Field * a, Field * current) const
        FieldContainer totalPath { current };

        while (!(current == a))
            current = current->GetParent();

        std::reverse(totalPath.begin(), totalPath.end()); //reverse the path
        return totalPath;

#pragma endregion PathFinder

...我想知道为什么当我使用std :: list而不是std :: vector时,执行路径查找算法的时间等于或大于std :: vector,因为只有FieldContainer的添加操作

我使用std :: chrono高分辨率计时器在循环中检查执行时间10次:

#include "MapDrawer.h"
#include <iostream>

#include "Navigation.hpp"
#include <chrono>

typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock ChronoClock;

using namespace sf;

bool pathFound = false;

FieldContainer path;
Map gameMap;

const sf::Vector2f mapSize { 300, 300 };

void Test()
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        gameMap = { static_cast<sf::Vector2u>(mapSize) };
        PathFinder pathFinder{};

        auto t1 = ChronoClock::now();

        path = pathFinder.FindPath(gameMap, *gameMap.GetFields()[0][0], *gameMap.GetFields()[(int)(mapSize.x - 1)][(int)(mapSize.y - 1)]);

        auto t2 = ChronoClock::now();

        std::cout << "Delta: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t2 - t1).count() << " milliseconds\n";

void MapDrawer::draw(RenderTarget &target, RenderStates states) const
    if (!pathFound)
        pathFound = true;


map size        container       time (average)
  50x50           list               13,8
  50x50          vector              12,4
 150x150          list               54,0
 150x150         vector              41,9
 300x300          list              109,9
 300x300         vector             100,8


map size        container       time (average)
 500x500          list               9,3
 500x500         vector              7,4
1500x1500         list              23,9
1500x1500        vector             23,7




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



template <class T>
void build(T &t, int max) {
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
        t.insert(t.begin(), i);

快速测试表明,插入像这样的100000个整数需要vector几百毫秒,list需要5毫秒(尽管在这种情况下,一个双端队列是明显的选择 - 大约一半一微秒,它比传真或列表更快

要使列表有意义,您需要在已经相当大的列表中间插入某个位置 - 并且(重要部分)需要在许多插入时插入同一点,所以你不会花很多时间遍历列表来找到你的插入位置。例如,如果我们这样做:

template <class T>
void build2(T &t, int max) {
    max = max / 3;

    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
        t.insert(t.begin(), i);

    auto pos = t.begin();

    for (int i = -max; i < 0; i++)
        t.insert(t.begin(), i);

    // Now `pos` refers to the middle of the collection, insert some there:    
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
        t.insert(pos, i);

(轻微一点:对于dequevector,代码必须略有不同 - 因为任何后续插入都可能使pos无效,所以它们的第三个循环看起来像:

for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
    t.insert(t.begin() + max, i);


  List: 500 us
 Deque: 3500 us
Vector: 6500 us

当然,这不是关于这个主题的最终(或唯一)一个词 - 很大程度上还取决于你要处理的物品有多大,因为大件物品是(至少通常)复制速度相当慢。


哦,还有一点:时间也可能与编译器/库有所不同。前一次是gcc。使用VC ++,列表大致相同,向量大约快两倍,而deque 慢:

  List: 526 us
 Deque: 37478 us
Vector: 3657 us
