Keras 2 Deconv2D层

时间:2017-06-06 00:27:24

标签: keras

尝试跟踪Keras 2中完全卷积密集网络的this implementation。我更新了某些层的函数调用并更新了连接层

def transition_up(added, wd=0):
    x = concat(added)
    _, r, c, ch = x.get_shape().as_list()
    return Deconvolution2D(ch, 3, 3, (None,r*2,c*2,ch), init='he_uniform', 
                           border_mode='same', subsample=(2,2), W_regularizer=l2(wd))(x)

def transition_up(added, wd=0):
    x = concat(added)
    _, r, c, ch = x.get_shape().as_list()
    return Deconv2D(ch, (3, 3), input_shape=(r*2, c*2, ch), padding='same',
                    kernel_initializer='he_uniform', kernel_regularizer=l2(wd)) (x)

但输入并不像在向下路径之后那样加倍。这是使用Keras 2创建模型的完整代码。

def conv(x, nf, sz, wd, p, stride=1):
    x = Conv2D(nf, (sz, sz), strides=(stride, stride), padding='same',
               kernel_initializer='he_uniform', kernel_regularizer=l2(wd)) (x)
    return dropout(x, p)

def conv_relu_bn(x, nf, sz=3, wd=0, p=0, stride=1):
    return conv(relu_bn(x), nf, sz, wd=wd, p=p, stride=stride)

def dense_block(n, x, growth_rate, p, wd):
    added = []
    for i in range(n):
        b = conv_relu_bn(x, growth_rate, p=p, wd=wd)
        print('x:', x, 'b:', b)
        x = concat([x, b])
    return x, added

def transition_dn(x, p, wd):
    return conv_relu_bn(x, x.get_shape().as_list()[-1], sz=1, p=p, wd=wd, stride=2)

def down_path(x, nb_layers, growth_rate, p, wd):
    skips = []
    for i, n in enumerate(nb_layers):
        x, added = dense_block(n, x, growth_rate, p, wd)
        x = transition_dn(x, p=p, wd=wd)
    return skips, added

def transition_up(added, wd=0):
    x = concat(added)
    _, r, c, ch = x.get_shape().as_list()
    return Deconv2D(ch, (3, 3), input_shape=(r*2, c*2, ch), padding='same',
                    kernel_initializer='he_uniform', kernel_regularizer=l2(wd)) (x)

def up_path(added, skips, nb_layers, growth_rate, p, wd):
    for i, n in enumerate(nb_layers):

        x = transition_up(added, wd)
        x = concat([x, skips[i]])
        x, added = dense_block(n, x, growth_rate, p, wd)
    return x

def reverse(x):
    return list(reversed(x))

def create_tiramisu(nb_classes, img_input, nb_dense_block=6, growth_rate=16, nb_filter=48,
                    nb_layers_per_block=5, p=None, wd=0):
    if type(nb_layers_per_block) is list or type(nb_layers_per_block) is tuple:
        nb_layers = list(nb_layers_per_block)
        nb_layers = [nb_layers_per_block] * nb_dense_block

    x = conv(img_input, nb_filter, 3, wd, 0)
    skips, added = down_path(x, nb_layers, growth_rate, p, wd)
    x = up_path(added, reverse(skips[:-1]), reverse(nb_layers[:-1]), growth_rate, p, wd)
    x = conv(x, nb_classes, 1, wd, 0)
    _, r, c, f = x.get_shape().as_list()
    x = Reshape((-1, nb_classes)) (x)
    return Activation('softmax') (x)

input_shape = (224, 224, 3)
img_input = Input(shape=input_shape)
x = create_tiramisu(12, img_input, nb_layers_per_block=[4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15], p=0.2, wd=1e-4)

当它尝试使用Keras 2语法创建模型时,这是堆栈跟踪。当在上采样路径的开头它应该是(None,14,14,656)时,连接层的一个输入不会从(None,7,7,656)加倍。使用Keras 1语法不会发生这种情况,我也可以发布。

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-133-fb96a61666a1> in <module>()
----> 1 x = create_tiramisu(12, img_input, nb_layers_per_block=[4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15], p=0.2, wd=1e-4)

<ipython-input-131-f58faf58b799> in create_tiramisu(nb_classes, img_input, nb_dense_block, growth_rate, nb_filter, nb_layers_per_block, p, wd)
     62     print('p', p)
     63     print('wd', wd)
---> 64     x = up_path(added, reverse(skips[:-1]), reverse(nb_layers[:-1]), growth_rate, p, wd)
     65     x = conv(x, nb_classes, 1, wd, 0)
     66     _, r, c, f = x.get_shape().as_list()

<ipython-input-131-f58faf58b799> in up_path(added, skips, nb_layers, growth_rate, p, wd)
     38         print('up path', 'i:', i, 'n:', n)
     39         x = transition_up(added, wd)
---> 40         x = concat([x, skips[i]])
     41         x, added = dense_block(n, x, growth_rate, p, wd)
     42     return x

<ipython-input-130-c6d2942be960> in concat(xs)
      5 def bn(x): return BatchNormalization(axis=-1)(x)
      6 def relu_bn(x): return relu(bn(x))
----> 7 def concat(xs): return concatenate(xs, axis=-1)

/home/clu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/layers/ in concatenate(inputs, axis, **kwargs)
    389         A tensor, the concatenation of the inputs alongside axis `axis`.
    390     """
--> 391     return Concatenate(axis=axis, **kwargs)(inputs)

/home/clu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/engine/ in __call__(self, inputs, **kwargs)
    528           [0])
    529                 else:
--> 530           
    531                 self.built = True

/home/clu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/layers/ in build(self, input_shape)
    158                              'inputs with matching shapes '
    159                              'except for the concat axis. '
--> 160                              'Got inputs shapes: %s' % (input_shape))
    162     def call(self, inputs):

ValueError: `Concatenate` layer requires inputs with matching shapes except for the concat axis. Got inputs shapes: [(None, 7, 7, 240), (None, 14, 14, 656)]

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