我是一个新的蟒蛇。在我的工作中,我打开大量的数据。所以我开始研究python以提高效率。 第一个小试验是:找到两个坐标之间的最近距离。 我有两个文件,一个名为" book.csv",另一个名为" macro.csv"。[文件内容屏幕截图] [1]
book.csv有三列:BookName,Longitude,Latitude; macro.csv有threed列:MacroName,Longitude,Latitude。 试用目的是为每本书找到最近的宏。我尝试使用熊猫来完成这个试验,现在我可以得到正确的结果,但效率有点低,当我有1500本书和200宏时,需要大约15秒。 请帮助我是否可以提高效率。以下是我的试用代码:
#import pandas lib
from pandas import Series,DataFrame
import pandas as pd
#import geopy lib, to calculate the distance between two poins
import geopy.distance
#def func, to calculate the distance, input parameter: two points coordinates(Lat,Lon),return m
def dist(coord1,coord2):
return geopy.distance.vincenty(coord1, coord2).m
#def func, to find the nearest result: including MacroName and distance
def find_nearest_macro(df_macro,df_book):
#Get column content from dataframe to series
# Macro
s_macro_name = df_macro["MacroName"]
s_macro_Lat = df_macro["Latitude"]
s_macro_Lon = df_macro["Longitude"]
# Book
s_book_name = df_book["BookName"]
s_book_Lat = df_book["Latitude"]
s_book_Lon = df_book["Longitude"]
#def a empty list, used to append nearest result
nearest_macro = []
nearest_dist = []
#Loop through each book
ibook = 0
while ibook < len(s_book_name):
#Give initial value to result
nearest_macro_name = s_macro_name[0]
nearest_macro_dist = dist((s_book_Lat[0],s_book_Lon[0]), (s_macro_Lat[0],s_macro_Lon[0]))
#Get the coordinate of the x book
book_coord = (s_book_Lat[ibook],s_book_Lon[ibook])
#Loop through each Macro, Reset the loop variable
imacro = 1
while imacro < len(s_macro_name):
# Get the coordinate of the x Macro
macro_cood = (s_macro_Lat[imacro],s_macro_Lon[imacro])
#Calculate the distance between book and macro
tempd = dist(book_coord,macro_cood)
#if distance more close
if tempd < nearest_macro_dist:
#Update the result
nearest_macro_dist = tempd
nearest_macro_name = s_macro_name[imacro]
#Increments the loop variable
imacro = imacro + 1
#Loop over each book, append the nearest to the result
# Increments the loop variable
ibook = ibook + 1
#return nearest macro name and distance(by tuple way can return 2 results
return (nearest_macro,nearest_dist)
# Assign the filename:
file_macro = '.\\TestFile\\Macro.csv'
file_book = '.\\TestFile\\Book.csv'
#read content from csv to dataframe
df_macro = pd.read_csv(file_macro)
df_book = pd.read_csv(file_book)
#find the nearest macro name and distance
t_nearest_result = find_nearest_macro(df_macro,df_book)
#create a new series, convert list to Series
s_nearest_marco_name = Series(t_nearest_result[0])
s_nearest_macro_dist = Series(t_nearest_result[1])
#insert the new Series to dataframe
df_book["NearestMacro"] = s_nearest_marco_name
df_book["NearestDist"] = s_nearest_macro_dist
# write the new df_book to a new csv file