
时间:2017-05-22 11:13:32

标签: c# views gdi+


我正在使用C#GDI +构建一个游戏引擎,并且它的表现非常出色(考虑到GDI +对游戏的无能为力)。


obj.X -= ViewY;
obj.Y -= ViewY;



                //Game loop
            if (objects.Count > 0)

                foreach (GameObject obj in instances)
                        if (obj.Active) //Only perform this action if the object is currently active
                            if (RectangleInsideView(obj.X, obj.Y, obj.Width, obj.Height))

                            //It's because it is constantly updating the object position based on the views position rather than accepting where the view is and
                            //Just relating it's position to it. 
                            //Eg. if ViewX = 2, obj.X is = obj.X -2...
                            //We some how need to have a false X and Y variable to set and return...
                            obj.X = obj.X - ViewX;
                            obj.Y = obj.Y - ViewY;
                    catch (Exception ex) { }


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因此,如果视图位于某个位置,则GameObject位置为   更新(在Engine.Loop()循环中)基于ViewX和ViewY   位置。

obj.X = obj.X - ViewX;
obj.Y = obj.Y - ViewY;

有物体有位置。视图只绘制对象。如果您使用GDI +进行游戏,那么还有很多工作要做!


foreach (GameObject obj in instances)
    if (obj.Active) //Only perform this action if the object is currently active
        // obj.X -= ViewY and obj.Y -= ViewY;;
        GameObject objCopy = view.convertViewIn();

        Point[] points = view.convertToScreenCoords(objCopy.getPoints());
        Point a = ps[0];
        Point b = ps[1];
        graphics.DrawLine(usePen, a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y);

public override Point[] convertToScreenCoords(IList<Vector3D> list)
    Point[] points = new Point[list.Count];
    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
        points[i] = convertToScreenCoords(list[i]);
    return points;

public override Point convertToScreenCoords(TheoCAD.Maths.Vector3D coords)
    return coords.GetTransformedCoord(this.matrixRotateScaleToScreen).toPoint();

public Vector3D GetTransformedCoord(Matrix3D matrix)
    double[] result = new double[4];
    double[] temp = new double[4];
    temp[0] = this.X;
    temp[1] = this.Y;
    temp[2] = this.Z;
    temp[3] = 1d;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
        result[i] = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
            result[i] += matrix[i, j] * temp[j];

    if (Math.Abs(result[3]) >= 1e-8)
        result[0] /= result[3];
        result[1] /= result[3];
        result[2] /= result[3];
    return new Vector3D(result[0], result[1], result[2]);

我会推荐“Java中的杀手游戏编程”。有怎么做这样的事情。 http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596007300.do