
时间:2017-05-17 16:11:02

标签: webpack three.js webgl aframe webvr


当我四处走动时,我会更改src - a-sky标记的所有内容,并添加和删除该场景中不需要的一些元素。

当我去3 th 房间的时候,导游会出现折痕,我收到了这个错误:



at Ft (three.js:16069)
at new Zt (three.js:16596)
at Jt.acquireProgram (three.js:17019)
at b (three.js:21105)
at M (three.js:21264)
at ae.renderBufferDirect (three.js:20243)
at _ (three.js:21034)
at ae.render (three.js:20771)
at THREE.VREffect.render (VREffect.js:394)
at HTMLElement.value (a-scene.js:475)

我认为这是A帧的记忆问题。有没有办法处理它?这个问题How to mange memory used by A-Frame?中的答案,我不知道如何使用它,因为它使用了我不使用的纹理和材料。


let aframe = require('aframe');




at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>)
at WebVRPolyfill.enablePolyfill (bundle.js:76211)
at new WebVRPolyfill (bundle.js:76143)
at Object.14../util.js (bundle.js:74118)
at s (bundle.js:68513)
at e (bundle.js:68513)
at bundle.js:68513
at i (bundle.js:68513)
at Object.<anonymous> (bundle.js:68513)
at Object.50 (bundle.js:76344)


'use strict';
let childeren;

function init() {
  //  1. Get all the data from an external file
  //  2. Get important elements of the scene

function render() {
  //  3. First remove all the childeren of the `childeren` variable
  //  4. Loop over an array from the loaded data and make a new node with 1 or 2 images 
  //     as child
  //  5. Add a click event listener to the node and execute `click` when triggered
  //  6. Add this node to the `childeren` variable
  //  7. Append the `childeren` variable as child of the `a-scene` tag.
  //  8. Change the `src`-attribute of the `a-sky` tag
  //  9. Change if different the `backgroundsound`s `src`-attribute
  // 10. Rotate the camera to the north of the image to avoid disorientation.

function click() {
  // 11. Depended of witch element is clicked:
  //      - Execute `render` again with other data 
  //      - Change the `voiceover` `src`-attribute

<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.5.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<a-scene id="scene">
  <a-sky id="sky" src=""></a-sky>

  <a-entity id="variables"></a-entity>

  <a-sound id="voiceover" src="" autoplay="true"></a-sound>
  <a-sound id="backgroundsound" src="" autoplay="true" volume="0.5" loop="true"></a-sound>
  <a-sound id="effects" src="" autoplay="true" volume="0.5"></a-sound>

  <a-entity id="camera">
    <a-camera look-controls wasd-controls cursor="maxDistance: 30; fuse: true">
      <!-- Here stands a cursor -->

每个节点都有data - 属性,以了解必须渲染的场景或必须播放的女声。


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