赛灵思。 xst:737错误

时间:2017-05-16 13:46:15

标签: vhdl xilinx

我有一个项目,我使用内存(24x12),当okk内部信号取值为4时写入内存,当我生成编程文件时,我的内存中的每一位都会出现xst 737错误。



 library IEEE;
 use IEEE.STD_logic_1164.all;
 use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity Termostat is
port (set: in std_logic;                         -- intrare folosita 
                                       pentru intrarea in modul de setare
      s: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);        -- intrare pentru a alege 
                                        modul de setare -> 3 stari de setare 
      clk: in std_logic;                         -- intrare de clock de pe 
      plus, minus: in std_logic;                 -- butoane pentru setarea 
                                        manuala a componentelor
      ok: in std_logic;                          
      mode: out std_logic;                       -- iesire care indica daca 
                                       incalzirea este pornita sau nu
      anod:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);     -- iesire pentru afisorul 7-segmente 
      display:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)); -- iesire pentru afisorul 7-segmente cu cifra de afisat
    end Termostat;

architecture TERM of Termostat is

component Ceas is
port (clk, set, plus, ok, minus: in std_logic; 
      ora: out std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
      min: out std_logic_vector (5 downto 0)); 
end component Ceas;  

component debounce is
port (buton:in std_logic;
      clk: in std_logic;
      buton_out: out std_logic);
end component debounce; 

component US is
port (temp, t_min, t_max:in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
      clk, set:in std_logic; 
      puls, mode:out std_logic);
end component US; 

component Termistor is
port (set, minus, plus, clk:in std_logic; 
      temp_mod, puls:in std_logic;
      temp:out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0));
end component Termistor;     

component UMDT is
port (ora:in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); set, plus, minus, ok, clk:in std_logic; 
temp_min, temp_max:out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
ora1, ora2:out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
t_min_set, t_max_set:out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0));
end component UMDT;

component bcd5 is 
port (in_vect:in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); out_vect:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component bcd5;      

component bcd6 is 
port (in_vect:in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); out_vect:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component bcd6; 

component afisor is
port (af:in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); clk:in std_logic;
display:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); anod:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component afisor;

signal ora: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others =>'0');         -- ora indicata de ceas
signal ora1, ora2: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others =>'0');  -- semanale utiliate la setarea intervalelor de temp. pe ore dela ora1 la ora2
signal min: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others =>'0');         -- min indicate de ceas 
signal temp: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others =>'0');        -- temp indicata de termistor
signal t_min, t_max: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others =>'0');-- temp minima si maxima corescunzatoare pt ora actuala de la UMDT la US
signal t_max_set, t_min_set: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others =>'0');-- temp minima si maxima utilizate la setarea intervalelor de temp pe ore
signal plus_deb, ok_deb, minus_deb: std_logic :='0';                -- iesirile de la debouncerele pentru butoane
signal t_mode: std_logic :='0';                                     -- modul de functionare al incalziri transmis de la US la termistor
signal puls: std_logic :='0';                                       -- semnal de clock trasmis de la US la termistor cu perioada 3 sec
signal com0, com1, com2, com3: std_logic :='0';                     -- semnalele de comanda
signal af_sig: std_logic_vector (31 downto 0):= (others =>'0');     -- semnalul de afisat transmis la afisor
signal ora_bcd, ora1_bcd, ora2_bcd, temp_bcd, min_bcd, t_min_bcd, t_max_bcd: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others =>'0'); 
                                  -- iesirile transformate in bcd ale valorilor de afisat

com0<='1' when (set='0' or (s(1)='0' and s(0)='0')) else '0';
com1<='1' when (set='1' and s(0)='1' and s(1)='0') else '0';
com2<='1' when (set='1' and s(0)='0' and s(1)='1') else '0';
com3<='1' when (set='1' and s(0)='1' and s(1)='1') else '0';

deb1: debounce port map (buton =>plus, clk =>clk, buton_out =>plus_deb);
deb2: debounce port map (buton =>minus, clk =>clk, buton_out =>minus_deb);
deb3: debounce port map (buton =>ok, clk =>clk, buton_out =>ok_deb);  

c1: Ceas port map (set =>com2, clk =>clk, min =>min, minus =>minus_deb, plus =>plus_deb, ok =>ok_deb, ora =>ora); 
c2: US port map (temp =>temp, t_min =>t_min, t_max =>t_max, clk =>clk, puls =>puls, mode =>t_mode, set =>com0);
c3: Termistor port map (set =>com1, plus =>plus_deb, minus =>minus_deb, clk =>clk, temp_mod =>t_mode, puls =>puls, temp =>temp);
c4: UMDT port map (set =>com3, plus =>plus_deb, ok =>ok_deb, minus =>minus_deb, clk =>clk, ora =>ora, temp_min =>t_min,
                    temp_max =>t_max, t_min_set =>t_min_set, t_max_set =>t_max_set, ora1 =>ora1, ora2 =>ora2);
end architecture;


library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;       

entity UMDT is
port (ora:in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);              -- ora actuala
set:in std_logic;                                       -- intrare de set pt intervale de temp
plus, minus, ok:in std_logic;                           -- butoanele + ,- si ok
clk:in std_logic;                                       -- clock de la placa
temp_min, temp_max:out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);    -- temp minima si temp maxima corestunzatoare pt ora actuala
ora1, ora2:out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);            -- orele din modul set de afisat
t_min_set, t_max_set:out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)); -- temperaturile din modul set de afisat
end UMDT;

architecture struct of UMDT is              
constant timer:integer :=20;--_000_000;             -- 5 cresteri pe secunda in modul set
type lin is array(11 downto 0) of std_logic;
type memory is array(0 to 23) of lin; 
signal mem: memory :=(others => "010100010001");    -- memoria utilizata pt retinerea intervalelor de temp, tmax si tmin initial 20 respectiv 17 
signal o1, o2: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others => '0');                -- semanle utilizate pt setarea intervalelor orare
signal t_min, t_max, t1, t2: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '0');  -- semanle utilizate pt setarea intervalelor temperaturilor, 
temperaturile de iesire t_min si t_max acutale
signal mem_line, mem_ora: lin := (others =>'0');
signal okk: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):= "000";                              -- semnal de selectie
signal oo1, oo2, oo:integer range 0 to 23 :=0;                                 -- valoare intreaga a semnalelor o1, o2 si ora
signal guard: std_logic := '0';                                                -- utilizata pt scrierea in memorie
signal perioada: std_logic_vector (23 downto 0) := (others =>'0');             -- utilizat pt cresterea de 5 ori intr o secunda in modul set

okay: process (ok)
    if ok='1' then
    end if;
    if okk=4 then 
    end if;
end process okay;

sett: process (okk, set, plus, minus, clk, o1, o2, t_min, t_max)
    if clk='1' and clk'event then
        if set='1' then 
            if plus='1' then
                if perioada>=timer then
                    perioada<=(others =>'0');
                    case okk is
                        when "000" => 
                            if o1=23 then
                            end if;
                        when "001" =>
                            if o2=23 then
                            end if;
                        when "010" =>
                        when "011" =>
                        when others => null;
                    end case;
                end if;
            end if;

            if minus='1' then 
                if perioada=timer then
                    case okk is
                        when "000" => 
                            if o1=23 then
                            end if;
                        when "001" =>
                            if o2=0 then
                            end if;
                        when "010" =>
                        when "011" =>
                        when others => null;
                    end case;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end if;
end process sett;


 mem_line(11)<= t_max(5);  
 mem_line(10)<= t_max(4); 
 mem_line(9)<= t_max(3);
 mem_line(8)<= t_max(2); 
 mem_line(7)<= t_max(1);  
 mem_line(6)<= t_max(0); 
 mem_line(5)<= t_min(5); 
 mem_line(4)<= t_min(4); 
 mem_line(3)<= t_min(3); 
 mem_line(2)<= t_min(2); 
 mem_line(1)<= t_min(1);  
 mem_line(0)<= t_min(0);  

 guard<= '1' when (okk=4) else '0';
 mem(0)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and ((oo1=0) or ((oo1>oo2) and (0<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2)) else mem(0);
 mem(1)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=1) and (1<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (1<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(2)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=2) and (2<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (2<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(3)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=3) and (3<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (3<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(4)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=4) and (4<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (4<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(5)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=5) and (5<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (5<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(6)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=6) and (6<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (6<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(7)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=7) and (7<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (7<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(8)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=8) and (8<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (8<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(9)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=9) and (9<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (9<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(10)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=10) and (10<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (10<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(11)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=11) and (11<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (11<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(12)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=12) and (12<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (12<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(13)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=13) and (13<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (13<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(14)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=14) and (14<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (14<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(15)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=15) and (15<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (15<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(16)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=16) and (16<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (16<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(17)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=17) and (17<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (17<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(18)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=18) and (18<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (18<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(19)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=19) and (19<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (19<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(20)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=20) and (20<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (20<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));  
 mem(21)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=21) and (21<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (21<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(22)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=22) and (22<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (22<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));
 mem(23)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=23) and (23<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (23<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));


end architecture struct;

这里是错误: enter image description here

enter image description here



我想在nexys 4 fpga上实现我的代码作为一个大学项目,该项目是描述一个公寓的恒温器,恒温器需要有一个数字时钟,并能够设置每小时最小和最高温度的间隔。这个组件(c4:UMDT)是我24小时内每个温度区间记忆的地方。间隔的集合由这个图表给出,我们有o1,o2,t_min,t_max,存储器应该写在小时o1和o2之间,最低温度是t_min,最高温度是t_max


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

嗯......错误信息非常清楚。在几乎所有行中都有不完整的when / else语句,您可以在其中为内存分配内容。例如:

mem(1)<=mem_line when (guard='1') and (((oo1<=1) and (1<oo2)) or ((oo1>oo2) and (1<oo2)) or (oo1=oo2));



  • 在时钟边缘敏感且没有复位的过程中, 你不必把灵敏度列出除此之外的任何东西 时钟。
  • 尽量避免使用嵌套的if语句。它导致复杂 逻辑。
  • 我不确定您在okay进程中想要实现的目标,但您可能需要将okk信号添加到敏感列表中。