
时间:2017-05-15 02:44:17

标签: performance autohotkey

所以自从我触及任何类型的脚本以来已经有4年了,我想为了编写脚本而重新使用它。我喜欢随之而来的问题解决方案。 Annnyyyyway。



;Select first company. Any missions?
            ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k.bmp
                    sleep 223



编辑:这是用Scite4Autohotkey编写的C ++



            #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
            #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
            SetKeyDelay, 20, 20
            SetMouseDelay, 200
            #MaxThreads 255

            ;What gamemode is the game in? Solo or private?

            ;send {Escape}
            ;   ImageSearch FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Mode_Solo_Play.bmp
            ;       {
            ;           If ErrorLevel = 0
            ;               return
            ;                   {
            ;                       If ErrorLevel = 1

            ;Is the game loaded and in bulletin board? ((If not can we see starport service?)) -> ((If not can we see mission board?))

            labelstart: ;this label is the startingpoint of the script
            sleep 4500
            ImageSearch pointX, pointY, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Starport_services.bmp ;Can we see starport services?
                    sleep 150
                    If ErrorLevel = 1 ; If it CAN'T find Starport Services, it will look for Mission Board instead.
                            sleep 150
                            ImageSearch pointX2, pointY2, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Mission_Board.bmp  ;Can we see Mission Board?
                            if ErrorLevel = 1 ;If it CAN'T find mission board, it will ask for it.
                                        MsgBox, 48, Something went wrong!, I can't find "Mission Board" or "Starport Services" anywhere.
                                        MsgBox, 4132, Something went wrong!, Do you wish to retry?
                                        IfMsgBox Yes
                                                MsgBox, 4160, Restarting, Click OK and switch back to game with "Starport Services" Open!! `n(YOU GET 15 SECONDS TIME)
                                            sleep 15000
                                            gosub labelstart
                                        else IfMsgBox no

                            If ErrorLevel = 0 ;If it finds Mission Board it will navigate to the Mission Board.
                                        Sleep 143
                                        SendEvent s
                                        Sleep 177
                                        SendEvent {Space}
                                        sleep 10000
                                        gosub LabelMissionBoard
                    If ErrorLevel = 0 ;If it finds Starport services it will navigate to the Mission Board.
                                    Sleep 200
                                    SendEvent {space}
                                    sleep 15234
                                    SendEvent s
                                    sleep 134
                                    SendEvent {Space}
                                    sleep 10000
                                    gosub LabelMissionBoard


            ;Are we in the mission board?

            LabelMissionBoard: ;Jump here to check for missionboard
            ImageSearch pointX3, pointY3, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Mission_Board_Open.bmp ; Is the mission board open?
                    sleep 233
                    if ErrorLevel = 1 ;If it CAN'T find the Mission Board Open.
                                MsgBox, 16, Something went wrong!, I can't find the "Mission Board" Opened`, did I open it? `n- If I didn't`, please open it and press OK. (10 seconds before I retry.) `n- If I did please restart the script (end it with ctrl+R)
                                sleep 9989
                                gosub LabelMissionBoard
                    if ErrorLevel = 0 ;If it CAN find the Mission Board open.
                            sleep 50
                            gosub LabelEnoughCredits

            ;Do we have enough credits? (over 1,000,000)   ((Probably pixel search here))
            ;PixelSearch, Px, Py, 246, 190, 246, 190, 0xD1CECD, 10, Fast ;Looking for credits over 1,000,000 ((Credits shift to the left when below 1kk, so it should no longer be there.))!!UNTESTED!!
            ImageSearch pointX3, pointY3, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Above_1_Million.bmp ;Looking for credits over 1,000,000 ((Credits shift to the left when below 1kk, so it should no longer be there.))!!UNTESTED!!
                Sleep 80
                        Sleep 91
                        If ErrorLevel = 1 ;If it finds out you DON'T have above 1,000,000.
                                MsgBox, 0, MONEY PROBLEM!, Unfortunately you seem to have ran out of funds. If I go further you won't be able to pay your insurance!`n- Please Make sure you have above 1`,000`,000.
                                sleep 98
                        If Errorlevel = 0 ;If it find out you DO have above 1,000,000.
                                sleep 100
                                gosub LabelAID

            ;Is the filter "Aid" selected?
            ImageSearch pointX4, pointY4, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Aid_Selected.bmp ;Can we find Aid?
                    sleep 123
                    If Errorlevel = 1 ;If it ISN'T selected.
                            sleep 170
                            send a
                            sleep 163
                            send a
                            sleep 133
                            send a
                            sleep 125
                            send a
                            sleep 160
                            send a
                            sleep 163
                            send a
                            sleep 148
                            send a
                            sleep 151
                            send a
                            sleep 140
                            Send w
                            Sleep 142
                            Send w
                            Sleep 136
                            Send w
                            Sleep 132
                            Send w
                            Sleep 147
                            Send w
                            Sleep 146
                            Send w
                            Sleep 154
                            Send w
                            Sleep 137
                            Send w
                            Sleep 124
                            Send {Space} ;Selecting filter
                            Sleep 1107
                            send s
                            Sleep 113
                            send s
                            Sleep 118
                            send s
                            Sleep 118
                            send s
                            Sleep 116
                            send s
                            Sleep 139
                            Send {Space} ;AID filter is selected.
                            Sleep 123
                            send s
                            sleep 143
                            send s
                            sleep 154
                            send {Space} ;First mission is selected.
                            Sleep 162
                            Gosub labelMission1
                    If Errorlevel = 0 ;If aid IS selected.
                            Sleep 143
                            send s
                            sleep 143
                            send s
                            sleep 154
                            send {Space}
                            Sleep 162
                            Gosub labelMission1 ;If found select first Group to check for mission
            ;Select first company. Any missions?
            ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k.bmp
                    sleep 223
                if Errorlevel = 1 ; If mission ISN'T found.
                            Sleep 150
                            Send s
                            sleep 160
                            send {Space}
                            Sleep 113
                            gosub LabelMission2

                if Errorlevel = 0 ; If missions IS Found.
                            sleep 143
                            Send D
                            Sleep 160
                            Send w
                            Sleep 166
                            Send w
                            Sleep 129
                            Send w
                            Sleep 177
                            Send w
                            Sleep 167
                            Send w
                            Sleep 146
                            Send w
                            Sleep 172
                            Send w
                            Sleep 112 ;Top of mission list selected
                                Sleep 266
                                ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k_selected.bmp ;Did it select the 25k Mission?
                                        sleep 50
                                        If Errorlevel = 1  ;If Mission ISN'T selected.
                                                sleep 376
                                                send s
                                                sleep 185
                                                gosub Label25kSelected1 ;If it CAN'T find the mission by pressing 'S' once, it will retry untill it does.

                                        If ErrorLevel = 0  ;If Mission IS selected.
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w  
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 360
                                                Send D
                                                Sleep 260
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 831
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 322
                                                Send {backspace}
                                                sleep 241
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 951
                                                gosub Labelstart ;Mission is turned in, going back to start to see the refresh if there is anymore.




            ;Select 2nd company. Any missions?
            ImageSearch pointX6, pointY6, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k.bmp
                    sleep 143
                if Errorlevel = 1 ; If mission ISN'T found.
                            Sleep 550
                            Send s
                            sleep 660
                            send {Space}
                            Sleep 613
                            gosub LabelMission3
                if Errorlevel = 0 ; If missions IS Found.
                            sleep 143
                            Send D
                            Sleep 160
                            Send w
                            Sleep 166
                            Send w
                            Sleep 129
                            Send w
                            Sleep 177
                            Send w
                            Sleep 167
                            Send w
                            Sleep 146
                            Send w
                            Sleep 172
                            Send w
                            Sleep 112 ;Top of mission list selected
                                Sleep 266
                                ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k_selected.bmp ;Did it select the 25k Mission?
                                        sleep 50
                                        If Errorlevel = 1  ;If Mission ISN'T selected.
                                                sleep 376
                                                send s
                                                sleep 185
                                                gosub Label25kSelected2 ;If it CAN'T find the mission by pressing 'S' once, it will retry untill it does.

                                        If ErrorLevel = 0  ;If Mission IS selected.
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w  
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 360
                                                Send D
                                                Sleep 260
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 1231
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 322
                                                Send {backspace}
                                                sleep 241
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 3251
                                                gosub Labelstart ;Mission is turned in, going back to start to see the refresh if there is anymore.



            ;Select 3rd company. Any missions?
            ImageSearch pointX7, pointY7, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k.bmp
                    Sleep 163
                    if Errorlevel = 1 ; If mission ISN'T found.
                                Sleep 450
                                Send s
                                sleep 460
                                send {Space}
                                Sleep 513
                                gosub LabelMission4
                    if Errorlevel = 0 ; If missions IS Found.
                                sleep 143
                                Send D
                                Sleep 160
                                Send w
                                Sleep 166
                                Send w
                                Sleep 129
                                Send w
                                Sleep 177
                                Send w
                                Sleep 167
                                Send w
                                Sleep 146
                                Send w
                                Sleep 172
                                Send w
                                Sleep 112 ;Top of mission list selected
                                    Sleep 66
                                    ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k_selected.bmp ;Did it select the 25k Mission?
                                        sleep 250
                                        If Errorlevel = 1  ;If Mission ISN'T selected.
                                                sleep 376
                                                send s
                                                sleep 185
                                                gosub Label25kSelected3 ;If it CAN'T find the mission by pressing 'S' once, it will retry untill it does.

                                        If ErrorLevel = 0  ;If Mission IS selected.
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w  
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 360
                                                Send D
                                                Sleep 260
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 1231
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 322
                                                Send {backspace}
                                                sleep 241
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 3251
                                                gosub Labelstart ;Mission is turned in, going back to start to see the refresh if there is anymore.




            ;Select 4th company. Any missions?
            ImageSearch pointX8, pointY8, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k.bmp
                    Sleep 196
                    if Errorlevel = 1 ; If mission ISN'T found.
                                Sleep 150
                                Send s
                                sleep 260
                                send {Space}
                                Sleep 113
                                gosub LabelMission5

                    if Errorlevel = 0 ; If missions IS Found.
                                    sleep 143
                                    Send D
                                    Sleep 160
                                    Send w
                                    Sleep 166
                                    Send w
                                    Sleep 129
                                    Send w
                                    Sleep 177
                                    Send w
                                    Sleep 167
                                    Send w
                                    Sleep 146
                                    Send w
                                    Sleep 172
                                    Send w
                                    Sleep 112 ;Top of mission list selected
                                    Sleep 66
                                    ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k_selected.bmp ;Did it select the 25k Mission?
                                        sleep 250
                                        If Errorlevel = 1  ;If Mission ISN'T selected.
                                                sleep 376
                                                send s
                                                sleep 185
                                                gosub Label25kSelected4 ;If it CAN'T find the mission by pressing 'S' once, it will retry untill it does.

                                        If ErrorLevel = 0  ;If Mission IS selected.
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w  
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 360
                                                Send D
                                                Sleep 260
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 1231
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 322
                                                Send {backspace}
                                                sleep 241
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 3251
                                                gosub Labelstart ;Mission is turned in, going back to start to see the refresh if there is anymore.




            ;Select 5th company. Any missions?
            ImageSearch pointX9, pointY9, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k.bmp
                    Sleep 131
                    if Errorlevel = 1 ; If mission ISN'T found.
                                Sleep 350
                                Send s
                                sleep 360
                                send {Space}
                                Sleep 313
                                gosub LabelMission6
                    if Errorlevel = 0 ; If missions IS Found.
                                sleep 143
                                Send D
                                Sleep 160
                                Send w
                                Sleep 166
                                Send w
                                Sleep 129
                                Send w
                                Sleep 177
                                Send w
                                Sleep 167
                                Send w
                                Sleep 146
                                Send w
                                Sleep 172
                                Send w
                                Sleep 112 ;Top of mission list selected
                                Sleep 66
                                ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k_selected.bmp ;Did it select the 25k Mission?
                                        sleep 250
                                        If Errorlevel = 1  ;If Mission ISN'T selected.
                                                sleep 376
                                                send s
                                                sleep 185
                                                gosub Label25kSelected5 ;If it CAN'T find the mission by pressing 'S' once, it will retry untill it does.

                                        If ErrorLevel = 0  ;If Mission IS selected.
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w  
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 360
                                                Send D
                                                Sleep 260
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 700
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 1231
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 322
                                                Send {backspace}
                                                sleep 241
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 3251
                                                gosub Labelstart ;Mission is turned in, going back to start to see the refresh if there is anymore.



            ;Select 6th company. Any missions?
            ImageSearch pointX11, pointY11, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k.bmp
                    sleep 385
                    if Errorlevel = 1 ; If mission ISN'T found.
                                sleep 273
                                gosub LabelSoloPrivate ;If at this point it CAN'T find anymore missions to turn in, it will go to gamemode check.

                        if Errorlevel = 0 ; If missions IS Found.
                                        sleep 143
                                        Send D
                                        Sleep 160
                                        Send w
                                        Sleep 166
                                        Send w
                                        Sleep 129
                                        Send w
                                        Sleep 177
                                        Send w
                                        Sleep 167
                                        Send w
                                        Sleep 146
                                        Send w
                                        Sleep 172
                                        Send w
                                        Sleep 112 ;Top of mission list selected
                                    Sleep 66
                                    ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Donate25k_selected.bmp ;Did it select the 25k Mission?
                                        sleep 250
                                        If Errorlevel = 1  ;If Mission ISN'T selected.
                                                sleep 376
                                                send s
                                                sleep 185
                                                gosub Label25kSelected6 ;If it CAN'T find the mission by pressing 'S' once, it will retry untill it does.

                                        If ErrorLevel = 0  ;If Mission IS selected.
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w  
                                                sleep 50
                                                send w
                                                sleep 50
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 360
                                                Send D
                                                Sleep 260
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 300
                                                send {Space}
                                                Sleep 300
                                                send {Space}
                                                sleep 231
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 822
                                                Send {backspace}
                                                sleep 841
                                                send {backspace}
                                                sleep 851
                                                gosub Labelstart ;Mission is turned in, going back to start to see the refresh if there is anymore.




            ;Back to Main Menu, Were we in Solo or Private?
                        sleep 678
                        send {Escape}
                        sleep 700           
            ImageSearch pointX5, pointY5, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Mode_Solo_Play.bmp ;Is the game mode set on Solo play?
                    Sleep 284
                    If ErrorLevel = 1 ;If game mode ISN'T solo play
                            sleep 786
                            gosub LabelModeIsPrivate
                            MsgBox, 0, Current Gamemode, Gamemode is private!
                            sleep 6000
                    If ErrorLevel = 0 ;If game mode IS Solo Play
                            Sleep 600
                            gosub LabelModeIsSolo
                            MsgBox, 0, Current Gamemode, Gamemode is solo!
                            Sleep 6000

            ;If solo, select private.  -- If Private, select solo.
                        Sleep 256
                        send w
                        Sleep 612
                        send w
                        sleep 302
                        send {space}
                        sleep 630
                        send d
                        sleep 234
                        send {space}
                        sleep 15000     ;Waiting for Main Menu to load.
                        send s
                        sleep 953
                        send {space}    ;Selecting start.
                        Sleep 943
                        send s          
                        Sleep 823
                        send {space}        ;Selecting Private group.
                        Sleep 723
                        send {space}        ;Starting Private group.
                        Sleep 18213     ;Waiting for game to start.
                        gosub labelstart
                        Sleep 502
                        send w
                        Sleep 682
                        send w
                        sleep 511
                        send {space}
                        sleep 687
                        send d
                        sleep 799
                        send {space}
                        sleep 17631     ;Waiting for Main Menu to load.
                        send s
                        sleep 653
                        send {space}    ;Selecting start.
                        Sleep 943
                        send s
                        Sleep 723
                        send s
                        Sleep 623
                        send {space}        ;Selecting solo.
                        Sleep 16347     ;Waiting for game to start.
                        gosub labelstart

            ;Eat, sleep, rave. Repeat.

            ^r::ExitApp ;Kills the script, if it goes haywire.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)






            ImageSearch pointX, pointY, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *125 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Starport_services.bmp ;Can we see starport services?
                    sleep 150
                    If ErrorLevel = 1 ; If it CAN'T find Starport Services, it will look for Mission Board instead.
                            sleep 150
                            ImageSearch pointX2, pointY2, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, *100 C:\Users\ICECOLD\Desktop\new_test\Mission_Board.bmp  ;Can we see Mission Board?
                            if ErrorLevel = 1 ;If it CAN'T find mission board, it will ask for it.
                                        MsgBox, 48, Something went wrong!, I can't find "Mission Board" or "Starport Services" anywhere.
                                        MsgBox, 4132, Something went wrong!, Do you wish to retry?
                                        IfMsgBox Yes
                                                MsgBox, 4160, Restarting, Click OK and switch back to game with "Starport Services" Open!! `n(YOU GET 15 SECONDS TIME)
                                            sleep 15000
                                            gosub labelstart

                                If ErrorLevel = 0 ;If it finds Mission Board it will navigate to the Mission Board.
                                        Sleep 143
                                        SendEvent s
                                        Sleep 177
                                        SendEvent {Space}
                                        sleep 10000
                                        gosub LabelMissionBoard

                                If ErrorLevel = 0 ;If it finds Starport services it will navigate to the Mission Board.
                                        Sleep 200
                                        SendEvent {space}
                                        sleep 15234
                                        SendEvent s
                                        sleep 134
                                        SendEvent {Space}
                                        sleep 10000
                                    }   gosub LabelMissionBoard

正如您在上面的代码中看到的那样,而不是我最初发布的代码的开头。其中有多个事情同时发生,所以不是在找到一个图像之后停下来而是一直不停,但它没有按下按钮只计算“睡眠”。无论出于何种原因,我都没有f& ^ *(线索,因为我此时基本上都是初学者。尽管如此,还是一个咸的。所以有你的答案,现在请原谅我再也不会回到这里了。