
时间:2017-05-09 13:27:31

标签: java design-patterns

我的设计问题是我试图编写一个适合几种可能的子类型的通用类。具体来说,我试图为二叉搜索树编写一个Node类,它适合搜索树的几种实现(Avl Tree,2-3 Tree,Red-Black tree等)我的问题是:不同的树在Node类中需要不同的变量以保持效率。 AvlTree需要一个高度变量,RedBlackTree需要一个颜色变量(AvlTree没有用),依此类推。什么是最好的设计解决方案:

  1. 在Node中声明了很多变量(颜色,高度,平衡因子......),只给出了很多构造函数?
  2. 在Node中有一个Object类型的变量,称为元数据,每个实现都会用它来包含元数据吗?
  3. 别的什么?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



首先,这是一个很好的链接。肯定会曝光 问题的广度,严格遵守数据结构。

Abstract_Hierarchies让一切变得更加轻松。 至少你在思考正确的方向。正如我在这里看到的那些,至少在表面上,最好的方法(语言不可知)在OOP中始终是相同的。


IFace,IFaces,FullInterface 。建立任何良好的抽象层次结构的秘诀是“骨干”。实现。 (我不会在这里实现泛型,但Java只为此提供了强大的支持。 java.util.collection 这是集合层次结构的根目录)。


根据您的具体要求:伪...或伪伪 这是我所能掌握的全部。伪伪(无论如何)。

INode 必须至少包含:

  1. 一个私有DATA成员键。

  2. 至少提到参考,但此时不超过2。 孩子 INode s(这里有一点小小的不便.java没有 让用户通过指针直接访问内存,比如 C / C ++ )显然,这正好是2,但是至少是“#C ++”。是一个 在思考进步时非常重要的方法论 实现。只是绝对的本质,不再是。

  3. 私有DATA的公共访问者和mutator。

  4. 经理职能声明。(简短列表,我不记得了 是否支持运算符重载在java中是否支持) 考虑到这种情况,无法想象如何处理操作等于......嗯......

  5. 由于 INode 除了数据之外没用(不是fullley) 结构,这是我将设置私人访问密钥的地方。 (Java特定)这也意味着,参考了 上面的管理员功能 INode 不会声明 公共CTOR。 java的C ++朋友类版本(ITree) 在你的情况下。(查找类访问键/ Java)。这也是 展示Singleton模式的属性。 ---停在这里这个虽然看起来很不完整,但却是 第一阶段实现抽象 INode 层次结构。

  6. 这对于二叉树数据结构来说已经足够了 (扩展或实现) INode 接口 具体的二叉树节点类。到目前为止这么简单。

    接下来,我们正在寻找满足的设计规定 BST 节点类。可以想象,虽然既不方便也不方便 正确的,将我们当前的 INode 接口实现为 二进制搜索树节点类。(不......不......不...修改!!)它是什么

    我们将从新界面扩展 INode ...我想我会称之为 IOrderedNode 接口应始终具有超级描述性 命名约定。 (我知道,发生了什么事)。实际上,它 确实反映了二叉树和a之间的主要区别 二进制搜索树二进制搜索树只是一个有序的 二叉树。有与此相关的含义,显然是 琐碎,差异。主要是,所有的实用性都有一个 串行数据结构。这意味着,我们应该回到 INode
    评估(NOT CHANGE !!)私有数据成员。       --------

    希望在考虑抽象可扩展性时我们很周到 该数据成员。如果我没记错的话,java中的泛型已经成为了 增加了多功能性......我会把它留给你。借用一个概念
    从C ++开始,我会使用通用的指针来键入模板Arg 。或
    更好的是 无效指针 不能在那里使用星号'因为它格式化我的文字)不会#n;得到比这更抽象! void )(明星),我的意思是;

    整数类型,通过从Object类继承的哈希码来实现的 ToString()方法。用户定义类型(UDT)应该经过深思熟虑 在这里,因为跨数据结构的不同实现 将实施一系列IFace扩展。 (指针,java中的 refs:)始终是基本级别的最佳初始类型。他们可以是 适应指向甚至是最复杂的UDT的参考。

    好的,回到我们即将利用的那些Serial属性 遍历 :: 预购 按顺序 < em>订购后 广度优先 。由于我们只是在探索 INode 层次结构, 我们应该开始考虑将在实施中实施的算法 关联的数据结构,并尝试识别任何下属
    需要出现在 IOrderedNode

    //I think from here on out I will just write the code...
    //20 min later...this stupid @$$ message box is the worst
    //dev environment I have EVER! worked in...
    //......(granted it isn't that)
    //40 min later in Visual Studio. Tired of working without
    //a net...no KB short cts...NO TAB! no auto formatting...?
    template<class T>
    class IcanOnlyBeaBT;//fwd _decl 
                    //or a doubley linked list, an Adapter, a...
                    //keep thinking as you go...
    template<class T>
    class INode
        friend class IcanOnlyBeaBT<T>;//this takes care of access
    //  At this level we have protected
    //  access for derived classes--
    //  EXCEPT! with TEMPLATED classes!
    //  in C++ this is NOT an issue WHEN.
    //  1. data members are 'captured' by
    //     template instantiation
    //  2. and 3. are the exact same answer
    //     as 1. only I would be forced to
    //     elaborate on two specific instances
    //     with the only advantage being a 
    //     sufficing ward on those nit-pickers
    //     who love to leave comments like
    //          "Weellll...NOT exactly"
    //          I dont care. I would rather
    //          write my explaination for not 
    //          explaining further...
            // (no worries here in java - C#)
            // implement now to enforce the
            // design on higher level abstractions;
            // protected access may become 
            // private in remote derived classes
            // we never want to come back here!!!
            // push dependencies up! up! up!
         INode() : whatever_Data_I_want_Ha_Ha(nullptr) {}
         virtual void SetWhatEverDataIWant(T*) = 0;
         virtual T* GetWhateverDataIWant() = 0;
         virtual T* GetWhateverDataIWant() const = 0;
         virtual ~INode() = 0;
         T* whatever_Data_I_want_Ha_Ha;
     template<class T>
     INode<T>::~INode() {} // don't worry about this it's cool
                          //...notice that   
                      // the member is protected...and pure virtual...
                      // it's just a boomerang--    
        // Notice how adaptable this Interface has become
        // after only one extension and implementation is refined. 
        // This is BOTTOM UP because we are BUILDING... 
        // ...this should be TOP DOWN as we DESIGN...
        // Push ALL negotiable DEPENDENCIES UP AS YOU BUILD.
        // Ideally, these were identified during design.
        // It rarely ever goes that way cleanly...
        // at least not for me, but try...try
        // As incremental implementation progresses, You
        // may start to identify some of these negotiable
        // dependencies...these two interfaces are still
        // super lean..and rather boring, but continue towards
        // the AVL, Red Black, Other Data structurs they will show.
        // Nodes are, for the most part, like a drawer full
        // of silverware. They CAN'T do anything unless
        // they are being used.
        // GO UP now!!!...BUT always JUST enough!!
        // No more; GOAL...to have a DESIGN SPECIFIC
        // hierarchy, that IS extensible in a MODULAR 
        // fasion, like LEGOS. ADAPTABLE to ANY COMPATIBLE
        // Data Structure, Not just TREES. Even from here...
        // there are other suitablilities coming to mind,
        // such as Graphs, Doubley Linked Lists, circular queues.
        // Nodes are common place in Data Structures...on...on...
        // Principle Attribute: ICanBe_A_BST Data Struct now.
        // fwd _decl: 
      template<class T>     
      class ICanBe_A_BST; //The BT Node was FIRST Abstraction, 
                    // BST is SECOND.
                    // OR a Composite Object Structure! for the  
                    // Composite Design Pattern...or...or...or
                    // BECAUSE, this IOrderedNode is more QUALIFIED 
                    // and adaptable. LOOK HERE! Don't throw away
                    // the specific sutibility of lower abstractions
                    // This should be extended to fulfil design reqs
                    // IOrderedNode is not intended to be a BT, 
                    // IT 'IS A' BT by extension, BUT, it is a BST Node.
                    // This abstract hierarchy, UPON DESIGN COMPLETION  
                    // Will have pervasive extensibility @ unique levels.  
                    // think {OPEN-CLOSED} open for EXTENSION, and
                    // CLOSED for MODIFICATION...GOAL...DON'T...come
                    // BACK inside this BLACK BOX once it is CLOSED..!  
    template<class T>
    class IOrderedNode : public INode<T>
                  // RIGHT HERE! ALL previous implementation
                  // Is abstracted AWAY. Look how clean it all is..
                  // in java you would be Extending INode Interface HERE!.
                  // Extending IN JAVA IS inheritance.
                  // ALL public and protected members.
                  // Closed for MOD. open for EXTENSION
        IOrderedNode() : height(0) { }
    //NOTICE!(I Can Be A BST Node IF!)my data is INTEGRAL & comparable.
    //FOR instance a bool is unqualified--how can you order a tree
    //when the only value is a 1 or a 0;
    //UDT is dependent upon guess...
    //THE USER who defind it(integral && comparable);
    // Question: is there anything missing from this level 
    // that would disqualify concrete instantiations from adequately
    // filling the intended role? .....Seriously...
    // I have been awake for two days now. This may need editing. 
    // Regardless the process is the 
    // same all the way to Red Black and beyond...
    int height; //new data member; height of the tree at that node...
                //this comes in handy when computing the balance factor
                //on balanced trees...AVL, R&B,
    *   There are several considerations that have to be made 
    *   when you are "leaving" data and and implementation "behind". 
    *   We know we don't EVER want to come back here...
        (not a super realistic GOAL...)
    *   Is the implementation specific to the level of bstraction.?...
    *   YES? then leave it here. 
        IS...the DATA specific to the implementation ????
    *   this deserves 4 Q-marks because, IF at all POSSIBLE PUSH
    *   Inversion of Control Inversion of CONTROL INVERSION! of Control...
    *   Implementation dependencies should come from higher level abs
    *   to lower level Implementation...repeats you are seeing all over
        this now TLDR, are Cardinal principles of Object
    *   Oriented Design. Not because I love commenting code...
        but since YOU asked...I won't leave out the 'life blood'.
    *   Incidentally, there is a requisite 
        'AHAAH moment' that either comes
    *       or it doesn't.
    ****************************   PERSONAL NOTE:*********************
    *   I picked up java in the late 90's, and was like.
    *   "...what the hell is an OBJECT..?" Two years of programming from a
    *   procedural paradigm, in an OOP language-LATER! It hit me......
    *   (I know...slow learner)...but I remember saying out loud....
    *   'THAT...IS...THE...COOLEST...THING...I HAVE EVER...tripped over...
    *   Consensually, OOP is considered to be in its INFANCY. 
    *   Theories (opinions) are often the cause of some rather heated
    *   contest. In fact, one of the most intense and persistant 
        "cival-war" I have ever encountered, nearly dominated an entire 
        forum. I didn't really know enough to have an opinion
    *   one way or the other on the matter, but I remember thinking, 
        how absurd...and laughing alot.
    *   The theoretical epicenter was localized on the issue of...
            wait for it...
    *       Hmm....Everybody knows that programming to interfaces, 
        adhereing to common sense, established design principles, 
        and proven patterns, can all be accomplished without inheriting
        from a single archtype...
    *        "Not that there's anything wrong with that..." 
        I'm pretty sure, that was the vein of the row on that
             forum...Super entertaining though...

答案 1 :(得分:0)


abstract class BSTnode<K, M> {
    K key;
    M meta; 
    BSTnode<K> left;
    BSTnode<K> right;
    BSTnode<K> parent;
