
时间:2017-04-25 21:46:59

标签: c arrays pointers sdl

我正在使用C语言进行俄罗斯方块游戏,我正在尝试存储已经落在二维数组中的块,然后在屏幕上绘制它们并随后使用它们。我试图通过引用创建一个函数来将块添加到数组中。具体来说,我想知道如何将数据块存储在数组中,以便我可以在之后使用draw(Block * block,SDL_Renderer * renderer)。我创建了一个指针矩阵,我试图在它落到地面后将gameBlock中的块添加到它中。现在块下降后,它就会停留在那里,即使我在其上调用initGameBlock。我不知道发生了什么,请帮忙。我正在添加块并重新初始化" activeBlock"在updateGameBlock中。如何使这个矩阵起作用?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>

//Initialize the constants for the screen width, height and block width
const int width = 600;
const int height = 800;
const int bwidth = 40;

//Enum for storing the types of blocks
typedef enum {BLOCK, LINE, CHAIR, TABLE, BED} Type; 

//This variable is used in the update function in order to make timing work
float prevTicks = 0;

//Function that returns ceiling of a number
int mceil(double num){
    return (int)num + 1;

//Struct ofr position/velocity
typedef struct{
    float x, y;
} Vector2;

//Function to keep a value between some constrains
void limit(int* value, int min, int max){
    if(*value > max){
        *value = max;
    if(*value < min){
        *value = min;

//The blocks in the game
typedef struct Block{
    Vector2 position;
    SDL_Texture* texture;
    SDL_Rect rect;
} Block;

//"Consturctor" for the block
void initBlock(Block* block, float x, float y, SDL_Texture* texture){
    block->position.x = x;
    block->position.y = y;
    block->rect.x = (int) x - bwidth / 2;
    block->rect.y = (int) y - bwidth / 2;
    block->rect.w = bwidth;
    block->rect.h = bwidth;
    block->texture = texture;

//The gameblock consisting of 4 blocks
typedef struct GameBlock{
    Vector2 position;
    Vector2 velocity;
    int falling;
    Type type;
    Block blocks[4];
    SDL_Texture* texture;
} GameBlock;

//"Constructor" for the falling blocks
void initGameBlock(GameBlock* gameBlock, float x, float y, float xvel, float yvel, Type type, SDL_Texture* texture){
    gameBlock->falling = 1; //Variable which tells whether the block is falling
    gameBlock->position.x = x;  
    gameBlock->position.y = y;
    gameBlock->velocity.x = xvel;   
    gameBlock->velocity.y = yvel;
    gameBlock->type = type;
    gameBlock->texture = texture;
        //Depending on the type of the gameBlock, arranges the blocks in a certain way
        case BLOCK: {
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[0]), gameBlock->position.x - bwidth / 2, gameBlock->position.y - bwidth/2, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[1]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth / 2, gameBlock->position.y - bwidth/2, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[2]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth / 2, gameBlock->position.y + bwidth/2, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[3]), gameBlock->position.x - bwidth / 2, gameBlock->position.y + bwidth/2, texture);
        case LINE: {
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[0]), gameBlock->position.x - bwidth / 2 - bwidth, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[1]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth / 2 + bwidth, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[2]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth / 2, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[3]), gameBlock->position.x - bwidth / 2, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
        case CHAIR: {
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[0]), gameBlock->position.x, gameBlock->position.y - bwidth, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[1]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth, gameBlock->position.y - bwidth, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[2]), gameBlock->position.x - bwidth, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[3]), gameBlock->position.x, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
        case TABLE: {
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[0]), gameBlock->position.x, gameBlock->position.y - bwidth, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[1]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[2]), gameBlock->position.x - bwidth, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[3]), gameBlock->position.x, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
        case BED: {
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[0]), gameBlock->position.x, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[1]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth, gameBlock->position.y - bwidth, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[2]), gameBlock->position.x - bwidth, gameBlock->position.y, texture);
            initBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[3]), gameBlock->position.x + bwidth, gameBlock->position.y, texture);

//The matrix containing blocks on the ground
Block* blocks[20][15] = {NULL};

//Function to add a block in this matrix
void addBlock(Block* block, Block* blocks[][15]){
    int col = (int) (block->position.x / bwidth);
    int row = (int) (block->position.y / bwidth);
    blocks[row][col] = block;

//Function to add the blocks from a gameBlock in the matrix
void addBlocks(GameBlock* gameBlock){
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        addBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[i]), blocks);

//The logic for the gameBlock
void updateGameBlock(GameBlock** gameBlock){
    //If the gameObject is already on the ground do this:
    if((*gameBlock)->position.y > height - bwidth && (*gameBlock)->falling == 1){
        //Tell that it's not falling
        (*gameBlock)->falling = 0;
        //Add the blocks from the gameBlock into the matrix
        //Reset the pointer and create a new gameBlock at the top
        *gameBlock = NULL;
        *gameBlock = (GameBlock*) malloc(sizeof(GameBlock));
        initGameBlock(*gameBlock, width / 2, bwidth / 2, 1.f, 1.f, BED, (*gameBlock)->texture);
    //If the game object is still in the air
    if((*gameBlock)->falling == 1){
        //This makes it so that the object falls in steps
        if(SDL_GetTicks() - prevTicks >= 100){      
            (*gameBlock)->position.y += (*gameBlock)->velocity.y*bwidth/2;
        //Update the position of the blocks in the gameBlock(all at the same time)
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
            (*gameBlock)->blocks[i].rect.x += (*gameBlock)->velocity.x*bwidth;
            (*gameBlock)->blocks[i].position.x += (*gameBlock)->velocity.x*bwidth;
            if(SDL_GetTicks() - prevTicks >= 100){      
                (*gameBlock)->blocks[i].rect.y += (*gameBlock)->velocity.y*bwidth/2;
                (*gameBlock)->blocks[i].position.y += (*gameBlock)->velocity.y*bwidth/2;
                if(i == 3)
                    prevTicks = SDL_GetTicks();

//Function for displaying the block on the screen
void drawBlock(Block* block, SDL_Renderer* renderer){
    SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, block->texture, NULL, &(block->rect));

//Function for displaying the whole gameBlock on the screen
void drawGameBlock(GameBlock* gameBlock, SDL_Renderer* renderer){
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        drawBlock(&(gameBlock->blocks[i]), renderer);

int main(){

    //Initialize SDL, create a window and a renderer
    SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow("Tetris", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, 0);

    SDL_Renderer* renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 34, 134, 134, 255);
    int running = 1;    

    GameBlock testBlock;
    SDL_Surface* testSurface = IMG_Load("./res/blueCube.png");
    SDL_Texture* testTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, testSurface);
    testSurface == NULL;
    GameBlock* activeBlock = &testBlock;

    initGameBlock(&testBlock, width / 2, bwidth / 2, 1.f, 1.f, BED, testTexture);

    SDL_Event e;
    //These variables are for controlling the fps
    float df = 0.f;
    float past = SDL_GetTicks();
    float fps;
    float now;
    float dt;
        //Reset the x velocity of the block
        testBlock.velocity.x = 0.f;
                case SDL_QUIT: running = 0;
                case SDL_KEYDOWN:
                        case SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT:
                            activeBlock->velocity.x += -1;
                        case SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT:
                            activeBlock->velocity.x += 1;
                        case SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE:
                            running = 0;
        //Clear the screen and draw the testBlock
        drawGameBlock(activeBlock, renderer);
        //Draw the blocks from the matrix
        for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++){
                if(blocks[i][j] != NULL){
                    drawBlock(blocks[i][j], renderer);
                    printf("x: %d y: %d\n", (int) blocks[i][j]->position.x, (int) blocks[i][j]->position.y);

        //Limit the fps
        now = SDL_GetTicks();
        dt = (now - past)/1000;
        fps = df / dt;
        if(fps > 60){
            SDL_Delay(mceil((1.f / 30.f - dt / df)*1000));
        if(SDL_GetTicks() % 1000 == 0)
            printf("fps = %d\n", (int) fps);


    return 0;



gcc -o tetris tetris.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2)-lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf

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答案 1 :(得分:0)
