
时间:2017-04-07 22:24:06

标签: c++ input file-io io ifstream

我正在完成Conway的生命游戏的两部分任务的后半部分。我创建了一个函数来生成1和0的随机数组; 1代表一个活细胞,零代表一个空的空间。我创建了一个单独的功能来检查邻域并进行计数以确定游戏的进展情况。规则:如果一个单元有2个或3个邻居它存活,超过3个或少于2它死亡,如果一个空的空间有3个邻居则它是“天生的”。我甚至得到了你们的帮助,使用模数包装屏幕,但我无法导入.txt文件来完成第二部分。以下是第一部分的代码:

#include <iostream> //includes input-output stream
#include <time.h> //includes time function
#include <iomanip> //includes setprecision function
#include <unistd.h> //includes sleep function
#include <fstream> //includes ifstream function
using namespace std; //using standard library

int master[24][79]; //initializes primary data array
int h = 24; // initializes height variable
int w = 79; // initialises width variable
int noOfCycles; //initialize cycles variable
void gen0 (int master[24][79]); // creates initial generation
void life(int master[24][79]); //initializes life function
void copy(int arrayX[24][79], int arrayY[24][79]); //initializes cycle update function
void print(int master[24][79]); //initializes print function
void fillPercent (int master[24][79]); //initializes percentage calculating function

int main() //initialize main function
    cout << "How many cycles would you like to run?"; //prompt user to input cycles
    cin >> noOfCycles; //user inputs cycles
    srand (time(0)); //creates initial randomness
    gen0(master); //creates initial generation
    for (int k = 0; k <= noOfCycles; k++) //prints gen0 and cycles 50 times
        print(master); //prints current array
        fillPercent(master); //calculates/prints fill percentage
        cout <<  " Cycle #" << k << " Author: Mikhail Morgan" << endl << endl;
        //prints cycle number and signature
        life(master); //calls life function
        sleep(1); //delays output by 1 second
    } //end width loop
} //end main function

void gen0 (int master[24][79])
    for(int j = 0; j < h; j++) //height loop
        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) //width loop
            master[j][i] = rand() % 2; //creates random generation 0
    } //end height loop

void print(int master[24][79]) //Prints array
    for(int j = 0; j < h; j++) //height loop
        for(int i = 0; i < w; i++) //width loop
            if(master[j][i] == 1)
                cout << '0'; //print living cells as zeros
                cout << ' '; //print dead cells as spaces
        } // end width loop
        cout << endl;
    } // end height loop
} //end print function

void fillPercent (int master[24][79]) // calculates fill percentage
    double fillNumber = 0; //resets every cycle
    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++ ) //width loop
        for (int j = 0; j < w; j++ ) //height loop
            fillNumber += master[i][j]; //increments fill number
        } //end height loop
    } //end width loop
    cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(2) << (fillNumber/(w*h))*100; //print percentage
} //end fillPercent function

void life (int master[24][79]) //generates/kills cells based on neighborhood
    int temp[24][79]; //temporary array for manipulating data
    copy (master, temp); //copy array onto temp
    for(int j = 0; j < h; j++) //height loop
        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) //width loop
            int count = 0; //intialize neighbor count variable
            count = master[(j-1+h) % h][i % w] + //searches down
            master[(j-1+h) % h][(i-1+w) % w] + //down left
            master[j % h][(i-1+w) % w] + //left
            master[(j+1+h) % h][(i-1+w) % w] + //up left
            master[(j+1+h) % h][i % w] + //up
            master[(j+1+h) % h][(i+1+w) % w] + //up right
            master[j % h][(i+1+w) % w] + //right
            master[(j-1+h) % h][(i+1+w) % w]; //down right
            //cell dies if count falls below 2 or rises above 3
            if(count < 2 || count > 3)
                temp[j][i] = 0;
            //cell stays alive if it has two neighbors
            if(count == 2)
                temp[j][i] = master[j][i];
            //cell either stays alive or gets born if three neighbors
            if(count == 3)
                temp[j][i] = 1;
        } //end width loop
    }//end height loop
    copy(temp, master); //copy temp back to main array
} //end life function

void copy(int arrayX[24][79], int arrayY[24][79]) //Copy machine
    for(int j = 0; j < h; j++) //height loop
        for(int i = 0; i < w; i++) //width loop
            arrayY[j][i] = arrayX[j][i]; //temporary arrays used for copying
    } //end height loop
} //end copy function



1 25
2 23
2 25
3 13
3 14
3 21
3 22
3 35
3 36
4 12
4 16
4 21
4 22
4 35
4 36
5 1
5 2
5 11
5 17
5 21
5 22
6 1
6 2
6 11
6 15
6 17
6 18
6 23
6 25
7 11
7 17
7 25
8 12
8 16
9 13
9 14


void getPattern (int master[24][79]) //generates Glider Gun
    ifstream infile("GliderGun.txt", ios::in);
    infile.open("GliderGun.txt", ios::in);//opens .txt file
    int numOfCoordinates; // number of coordinate pairs
    int i, j; // x, y coordinates
    infile >> numOfCoordinates;
       for (int a = 0; a < numOfCoordinates; a++)
           infile >> i >> j;
           master[j][i] = 1;
    infile.close(); // closes .txt file

控制台生成一个空白的24x79阵列。我觉得我有一个循环问题,但我不知道ifstream如何解决它。坐标列为(x y)或由我的其他循环(j i)定义。我不需要控制台来打印文件我只需要在列出的坐标中写1s。谢谢你的建议!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

仅仅是为了尝试推理您的代码,有两个问题是由getPattern替代gen0所引起的:{/ 1}}:

  1. 您不能将阵列的任何插槽初始化为零。
  2. 您在读取行数作为其中一个单元格的x坐标,所有x坐标作为y坐标,大多数y坐标作为x坐标读取,而不读取最后一个y坐标。
  3. 您可以通过两个简单的更改来解决此问题。

    1. 在从文件中读取之前,将2D数组的所有单元格中的值设置为0。
    2. 即使你没有对它做任何事情,在循环坐标之前,请先阅读文件中的行数。
    3. 与您的代码无关,文本文件不需要与源文件位于同一目录中,它需要位于执行程序的同一目录中。我不知道在XCode中执行的位置,但如果您知道如何,可能需要直接从您的计算机外壳进行测试。



      int num_coordinates; // This will be the number of coordinate pairs your file says it has.
      int i, j; // These will be your x, y coordinates.
      infile >> num_coordinates;
      for (int loop_ct = 0; loop_ct < num_coordinates; loop_ct++) {
          infile >> i >> j;
          master[j][i] = 1;