我正在使用的the STL reader this is an example STL file由gmsh
工具生成gmsh -2 -format stl -bin t4.geo
Alessandro Caliaro。如果是,STL函数的代码就在最后。
mesh = stlread("t4.stl");
function [F,V,N] = stlbinary(M)
F = [];
V = [];
N = [];
if length(M) < 84
error('MATLAB:stlread:incorrectFormat', ...
'Incomplete header information in binary STL file.');
% Bytes 81-84 are an unsigned 32-bit integer specifying the number of faces
% that follow.
numFaces = typecast(M(81:84),'uint32');
%numFaces = double(numFaces);
if numFaces == 0
warning('MATLAB:stlread:nodata','No data in STL file.');
T = M(85:end);
F = NaN(numFaces,3);
V = NaN(3*numFaces,3);
N = NaN(numFaces,3);
numRead = 0;
while numRead < numFaces
% Each facet is 50 bytes
% - Three single precision values specifying the face normal vector
% - Three single precision values specifying the first vertex (XYZ)
% - Three single precision values specifying the second vertex (XYZ)
% - Three single precision values specifying the third vertex (XYZ)
% - Two unused bytes
i1 = 50 * numRead + 1;
i2 = i1 + 50 - 1;
facet = T(i1:i2)';
n = typecast(facet(1:12),'single');
v1 = typecast(facet(13:24),'single');
v2 = typecast(facet(25:36),'single');
v3 = typecast(facet(37:48),'single');
n = double(n);
v = double([v1; v2; v3]);
% Figure out where to fit these new vertices, and the face, in the
% larger F and V collections.
fInd = numRead + 1;
vInd1 = 3 * (fInd - 1) + 1;
vInd2 = vInd1 + 3 - 1;
V(vInd1:vInd2,:) = v;
F(fInd,:) = vInd1:vInd2;
N(fInd,:) = n;
numRead = numRead + 1;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
% temporary array
T = [F(:,1) F(:,2) ; F(:,1) F(:,3) ; F(:,2) F(:,3)];
% get the edges
E = unique([min(T,[],2), max(T,[],2)],'rows');
% build the adjacency matrix
n = max(E(:,2));
A = sparse(E(:,1), E (:,2), ones(size(E,1),1), n, n);
A = A + A';