任何帮助将不胜感激,如果我的描述不清楚,我道歉 - 我最近开始与Verilog合作并且我刚学习。
input signalOne; // Input signal 1
input signalTwo; // Input signal 2
input clk; // 50Mhz clock
output reg [15:0] outNumber = 0; // output number
reg [160:0] inputShiftReg = 161'd0; // Shift register containing the input(s) of signal 2
reg [80:0] outputShiftReg = 81'd0; // Shift register containing the input(s) of signal 1
reg [27:0] clkCount = 28'd0; // 28Bit counter to store the current clock count [0-268435456]
// Result of the 'first level' OR gates
reg resORMSB1 = 0; // Result of first MSB OR gate
reg resORMSB2 = 0; // Result of second MSB OR Gate
reg resORLSB1 = 0; // Result of first LSB OR gate
reg resORLSB2 = 0; // Result of second LSB OR gate
// Result of the 'second level' AND gates
reg resANDMSB1 = 0; // Result of first MSB AND gate
reg resANDMSB2 = 0; // Result of second MSB AND gate
reg resANDLSB1 = 0; // Result of first LSB AND gate
reg resANDLSB2 = 0; // Result of second LSB AND gate
always @ (posedge clk) // On the rising edge of the 50MHz clock
// Every 0.5 [ms] OR [400 Hz]
clkCount <= clkCount + 1;
if (clkCount == 28'd62500)
clkCount <= 0;
// Update the input shift register
inputShiftReg <= inputShiftReg >> 1; // Bitshift the input shift register right by 1Bit
inputShiftReg[0] = signalOne; // Assign signalOne to inputShiftReg[0]
// Update the output shift register
outputShiftReg <= outputShiftReg >> 1; // Bitshift the output shift register right by 1Bit
outputShiftReg[0] = signalTwo; // Assign signalTwo to outputShiftReg[0]
// Determine the outputs of the 'first level' OR gates
resORMSB1 <= |inputShiftReg[79:60]; // [-20 to -1]
resORMSB2 <= |inputShiftReg[79:0]; // [-80 to -1]
resORLSB1 <= |inputShiftReg[100:81]; // [1 to 20 ]
resORLSB2 <= |inputShiftReg[160:81]; // [1 to 80 ]
// Determine the outputs of the 'second level' AND gates
resANDMSB1 <= resORMSB1 & outputShiftReg[80];
resANDMSB2 <= resORMSB2 & outputShiftReg[80];
resANDLSB1 <= resORLSB1 & outputShiftReg[80];
resANDLSB2 <= resORLSB2 & outputShiftReg[80];
// Determine the output number change
outNumber <= outNumber + resANDLSB1 + resANDLSB2 - resANDMSB1 - resANDMSB2;