我是Stack overflow和C ++的新手我希望能够在不同的类中使用一个函数,但是为新类更改一个变量。
所以在下面的代码中我在Class Business中有函数readfile
,我有一个由class Customer: public Business
我想为每个人打开一个不同的文件。在Business文件中是" Business.csv"在客户中,它是" Customer.csv"但当我调用Customer readfile时,它打开了" Business.csv"文件。
如何让它打开" Customer.csv"文件? (另外,我将使用相同的功能打开其他文件! 以下是基类
// Base Class Business
int Business::readfile(string file) // Read the file and store to vector
// create loops to take in necessary information
ifstream openfile; // create instance of ofstream function For reading the file
openfile.open(file); // Open file
if (!openfile)
{ // check if file opened, if not return with error message
cout << "Error, cannot open Business.txt file \n";
// open the file and count the number of lines so we know when to stop and where to add a new line
while (openfile)
getline(openfile, buffer, '\n'); //Open the file and read until return
i++; // count the number of lines
// open the file and store the data into a vector
openfile.open(file); // Open file
cout << file;
for (row = 0; row<(i - 1); row++) // loop to go through rows to i
vec.push_back(vector<string>()); //create an empty row in vector
for (column = 0; column<j; column++) // loop to go through the columns
getline(openfile, buffer, '\t'); // read a string until next tab
vec[row].push_back(buffer); //add data to column of vector
cout << setw(30) << setfill(' ') << vec[row][0]; // print data out onscreen
getline(openfile, buffer, '\n'); // read a string until return
cout << endl;