Here is the threshed image showing the clear boxes
%% Creating Video Player
% Create the webcam object.
cam = webcam();
% Capture one frame to get its size.
videoFrame = snapshot(cam);
frameSize = size(videoFrame);
% Create the video player object.
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [100 100 [frameSize(2), frameSize(1)]+30]);
%% Loop to Find Poster
runLoop = true;
frameCount = 0;
while runLoop && frameCount < 1000
% Get the next frame.
videoFrame = snapshot(cam);
videoFrameGray = rgb2gray(videoFrame);
frameCount = frameCount + 1;
%% Thresholding
BW = imbinarize(videoFrameGray,.75);
% Craeting structure for Area size and box
rp = regionprops(BW, 'BoundingBox', 'Area');
if length(rp) > 1
% Sorting Struct
[values,ind] = sort([rp.Area],'descend');
% Getting top 2 boxes
bb1 = rp(ind(1)).BoundingBox;
bb2 = rp(ind(2)).BoundingBox;
if bb1(:,3) > 50 && bb2(:,3) > 50 && bb1(:,4) > 50 && bb2(:,4) < 150 && bb1(:,3) < 150 && bb2(:,3) < 150 && bb1(:,4) < 150 && bb2(:,4) <150
% Scan Box Dimensions
bb1BoxHeight = bb1(:,4);
bb1BoxWidth = bb1(:,3);
bb2BoxHeight = bb2(:,4);
bb2BoxWidth = bb2(:,3);
% Box top left points
bb1Position = bb1(:,1);
bb2Position = bb2(:,1);
% Makes sure that bb1 is our top left box not bottom right
if bb2Position < bb1Position
temp = bb1;
bb1 = bb2;
bb2 = temp;
% Creating Box the size of out target image
boxPolygonBig = [(bb1(:,1)), (bb1(:,2));... % top-left
(bb2(:,1) + bb2BoxWidth), bb1(:,2);... % top-right
(bb2(:,1) + bb2BoxWidth), (bb2(:,2) + bb2BoxWidth);... % bottom-right
(bb1(:,1)), (bb2(:,2) + bb2BoxHeight);... % bottom-left
bb1(:,1), bb1(:,2)]; % top-left again to close the polygon
% Getting X and Y mins and Max to convert polygon points to
% rectangle
bottomX = min(boxPolygonBig(:,1));
bottomY = min(boxPolygonBig(:,2));
topX = max(boxPolygonBig(:,1));
topY = max(boxPolygonBig(:,2));
height = topY - bottomY;
width = topX - bottomX;
% Display a bounding box around the poster being tracked.
videoFrame = insertShape(BW, 'Rectangle', [bottomX bottomY width height], 'LineWidth', 3);
% Display the annotated video frame using the video player object.
step(videoPlayer, BW);
% Check whether the video player window has been closed.
runLoop = isOpen(videoPlayer);
% Clean up.
clear cam;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
videoFrameGray = rgb2gray(imread('FXxLf.png'));
BW = imbinarize(videoFrameGray,.75);
% Craeting structure for Area size and box
rp = regionprops(BW, 'BoundingBox', 'Area', 'Eccentricity');
% skip all small areas
rp = rp([rp.Area] > 100);
% Sorting Struct based on eccentricity
[values,ind] = sort([rp.Eccentricity],'ascend');
% Getting top 2 boxes
bb1 = rp(ind(1)).BoundingBox;
bb2 = rp(ind(2)).BoundingBox;
% draw bounding boxes around the two areas
rectangle('Position',floor(bb1),'EdgeColor', [1 0 0])
rectangle('Position',floor(bb2),'EdgeColor', [1 0 0])