在Assembly中输出REAL 4值

时间:2017-03-11 20:26:35

标签: assembly x86 x86-16 masm32

我正在创建一个包含一些简单除法的汇编程序(intel 8086 masm32)。一切都在工作,直到该部门产生一个浮动。


为了尝试解决我发现的有关FUP的问题,并使用REAL 4来存储浮点数并且它可以工作 我的问题是如何使用WriteConsoleA WindowsAPI将float REAL 4值输出到控制台? 或者在这种情况下可能有不同的处理浮动的方法?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



所有简单的东西,即" strlen"使用scasb等等,proc可能通常会更快。但它们基本上是初学者的教学辅助工具,但是ASM当然可以很快地完成任何涉及人类交互的任务。可能比wsprintf et.al.更快。因为他们只处理一个案例(十进制)。

它们只是为整数编写的,但是因为你只想输出一个十进制字符串,输出整数部分后跟02Eh然后将小数部分乘以10 ^ SignificantPlaces和也写出来。

玩得开心= D

哦顺便说一句:对于我需要一点精度进行计算的许多除法作业,但最终结果最终是整数,那么只要我使用的值不太大,我发现只需shl xxx,8或shl xxx,16所有内容然后div和其他任何东西直到我得到结果然后只需shr xxx,无论什么,并继续卡车运输;)


  decbuf db 32 dup(?)


;  DECIMAL to/from STRING routines
;        Lambchops 2/2017
;       ( a boy from AUS )

strlen proc saddr:DWORD ; 
; return length of string at saddr
  mov eax,saddr
  dec eax
    inc eax
    cmp byte ptr [eax], 0
    jnz @B
  sub eax,saddr
strlen endp

mul10 proc val:DWORD,expo:DWORD
; multiply val x10 expo times
  push ebx
  push ecx

  mov eax,val
  mov ecx,expo
  test ecx,ecx
  jz mul10out

      lea ebx,[eax*2]
      lea eax,[ebx+eax*8]   ; x2 + x8 = x10
    loop @B

  pop ecx
  pop ebx
mul10 endp

isDecChar proc cchar:DWORD
  ; is the low byte of cchar '0'->'9'?
  ; zf=true
  push eax
  mov eax,cchar
  mov ah,1
  cmp al,'0'
  jb @F
    cmp al,'9'
    ja @F
      xor eax,eax
  test eax,eax
  pop eax
isDecChar endp

getDecimal proc saddr:DWORD
; get the integer value of the unsigned decimal string at address saddr
; ignores any char that is not a decimal digit ** including '.' **
LOCAL retval

  ; zero return value
  mov retval,0

  ; get src address
  mov esi,saddr

  ; get string length
  push esi
  call strlen

  ; zero length string?
  test eax,eax
  jz getdecout

  ; add the length to the buffer address
  add esi,eax

  ; esi points to zero terminator so dec
  dec esi

  ; set loop counter to string length
  mov ecx,eax

  ; zero the column number
  xor ebx,ebx

    xor edx,edx
    ; get char in dl
    mov dl,[esi]
    dec esi

    ; is the char a decimal digit?
    push edx
    call isDecChar
    ; skip anything else
    jnz skipBadChar

      ; char '0'=48 so subtract this to get that char's value
      sub edx,48

      ; multiply by 10^column number
      push ebx
      push edx
      call mul10

      ; add to return value
      add retval,eax

      ; inc the column number
      inc ebx

  loop @B

  mov eax,retval
getDecimal endp

strDecimal proc daddr:DWORD,val:DWORD
; write unsigned integer val as a decimal string at daddr
  mov edi,OFFSET decbuf
  mov ebx,10
  mov eax,val

  ; generate the string
  ;(backwards in decbuf)
    ; must clear edx before using div
    xor edx,edx

    ; "div" divides eax by the operand (here ebx=10)
    ; and leaves the remainder in edx, so the remainder
    ; becomes our next digit value, and we continue
    ; until eax=0
    div ebx

    ; add '0' to the remainder to convert
    ; it to an ASCII char
    add dl,48

    ; write the char to the buffer
    mov [edi],dl

    ; inc the buffer ptr
    inc edi

    ; finished?
    test eax,eax
  jnz @B

  ;append a zero terminator
  mov BYTE ptr[edi],0

  ; reverse the string and copy to daddr
  ; (you can work this out, surely ;)
  push OFFSET decbuf
  call strlen

  mov ecx,eax
  add eax,OFFSET decbuf
  mov edi,daddr
    dec eax
    mov dl,[eax]
    mov [edi],dl
    inc edi
  loop @B
  mov BYTE ptr[edi],0
strDecimal endp

;   Please Note:
;   These routines have not been exhaustively tested under all
;   conditions but appeared to function correctly for the task
;   they were written for ( punting smallish integers to and 
;   from a bunch of EditText boxes ).