from visual import *
from visual.graph import * # For the graphing functions
#Create a graph display window (gdisplay)
win = gdisplay(xtitle="Distance [m]", ytitle="Height [m]")
#And a curve on this display
poscurve = gcurve(gdisplay=win, color=color.cyan)
#Target position (10 meters away)
target_pos = vector(10,0,0)
#Set the starting angle (in degrees)
angle = 45
#Set the magnitude of the starting velocity (in m/s)
v0 = 12.0
#Gravity vector (m/s**2)
g = vector(0, -9.8, 0)
#Create a vector for the projectile's velocity
velocity = v0 * vector(cos(anglepi/180), sin(anglepi/180), 0)
#and the position
position = vector(0,0,0)
dt = 0.01 # Time step
#Start loop. Each time taking a small step in time
while (position.y > 0) or (velocity.y > 0): # Change in position # dx = (dx/dt) * dt dx = velocity * dt
# Change in velocity
# dv = (dv/dt) * dt
dv = g * dt
# Update the position and velocity
position = position + dx
velocity = velocity + dv
# Plot the current position
#When loop finishes, velocity.y must be < 0, and position.y < 0
print "Landed at X position: ", position.x print "X distance to target: ", position.x - target_pos.x
答案 0 :(得分:0)
range = 2v^2/g *cos(a)sin(a)
where v=initial velocity
g=gravitational acceleration
from math import cos
from math import sin
from math import radians
from math import fabs
a=0 # angle in degrees
target=10 # How far you want it to go in m
v=12 # initial velocity in m/s
g=9.81 #gravitational acceleration m/s/s
while a<45: # we only need to check up to 45 degrees
r = 2*v*v/g*cos(radians(a))*sin(radians(a))
if not nearest_answer or fabs(r-target)<fabs(nearest_answer-target):
nearest_answer = r
best_angle = a
print("{0} -> {1}".format(a,r))
a+=.1 # try increasing the angle a bit. The lower this is the more accurate the answer will be
print("Best angle={}".format(best_angle))