使用python Unittest或pytest运行一次方法

时间:2017-02-09 21:36:08

标签: python selenium selenium-webdriver pytest python-unittest

我在你登录的网站上,然后搜索课程,点击课程,然后登陆信用卡页面,因为它只有一个课程并且很常见,我只是想在CC部分运行DDT不是搜索部分这就是我所做的 1.登录是通过conftest.py中的conftest进行的。

def oneTimeSetUp(request, browser):
    print("Running one time setUp")
    wdf = WebDriverFactory(browser)
    driver = wdf.getWebDriverInstance()
    lp = LoginPage(driver)
    lp.login("test@fake.com", "xxyyzz")


class SendformTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def classSetup(self,oneTimeSetUp):
        self.sf = SendForms(self.driver)
        self.ts = TestStatus(self.driver)

    def setUp(self):  ############ I want this method to run just once after login, this method searches for course and then clicks and land on cc page

    @pytest.mark.run(order = 1)
    def test_cc_Form(self,ccNum, ccExp, ccCVV):
        result = self.sf.verifyOnCCforms() 
        self.ts.mark(result,"On Send Form Page")
        self.sf.ccdetails(ccNum, ccExp, ccCVV)
        result1 = self.sf.sentSuccessMsg()
        self.ts.markFinal("test_sending_Form", result1, "this is test")

现在这个运行一次很好然后只是坐在那里,它不会在CC页面上多次输入数据。 谢谢

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