我正在使用带有Arduino Uno的memsic2125加速度计,并试图将加速度计读数转换为伺服运动。经过一些校准后,返回正确的角度测量值(在-90到90度范围内),然后转换为0到360刻度以进行连续伺服,但伺服系统根本不会移动。我无法提供电路照片,但我相信我的布线和组件是正确的。我所拥有的程序基于http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Memsic2125找到的程序。对不起,如果这个错误非常明显或明显,我是Arduino的新手。谢谢。
//Based on source code from:
//Using a Memsic2125 accelerometer
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
const xPin = 2; //X-axis output
const yPin = 3; //Y-axis output
void setup() {
myservo.attach(9); //Servo is connected to I/O pin 9
Serial.begin(9600); //Initaialize serial monitor communications
pinMode(xPin, INPUT); //Initialize accelerometer pins
pinMode(yPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
int pulseX, pulse Y; //Reads pulse width for x-axis and y-axis
int accelerationX, accelrationY; //Variables which will contain the acceleration
int servoX;
int servoY;
pulseX = pulseIn(xPin, HIGH); //Read and assign the x and y pulses from the accelerometer
pulseY - pulseIn(yPin, HIGH);
accelerationX = (((pulseX / 9.81) - 500) * 8) / 11) - 2; //Division by the earth's acceleration
accelerationY = (((pulseY / 9.81) - 500) * 8) / 11) - 7; //Calculations after * 8 are for calibration purposes
Serial.print(accelerationX); //Printing x and y axis degrees of rotaion to serial monitor
servoX = map(accelerationX, -90, 90, 0, 360); //Converting the degree measurement of the axis from -90 - +90 to 0 - +360
myservo.write(servoX); //Using the converted value and sending it to the servo as a degree of rotation