
时间:2017-01-18 10:29:43

标签: r predict plm standard-error






  sales    fixef   b_sales     yhat  yhat_se      lwr       upr
1   100 219.8659 -1.219563 97.90953 5.695797 86.74577 109.07329
2   110 219.8659 -1.219563 85.71390 6.265377 73.43376  97.99404
3   120 219.8659 -1.219563 73.51826 6.834956 60.12175  86.91478
4   130 219.8659 -1.219563 61.32263 7.404536 46.80974  75.83552
5   140 219.8659 -1.219563 49.12699 7.974116 33.49773  64.75626
6   150 219.8659 -1.219563 36.93136 8.543696 20.18572  53.67700


use "$input/cigar.dta", clear

xtset state year

xtreg price sales, fe
margins, at(sales = (100(10)150))


       price |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       sales |  -1.219563    .056958   -21.41   0.000      -1.3313   -1.107826
       _cons |   219.8659   7.128342    30.84   0.000     205.8819    233.8499
     sigma_u |  30.485231
     sigma_e |  36.583061
         rho |   .4098257   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
F test that all u_i=0:     F(45, 1333) =     6.83            Prob > F = 0.0000

. margins, at(sales = (100(10)150))

Adjusted predictions                              Number of obs   =       1380
Model VCE    : Conventional

Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()

1._at        : sales           =         100

2._at        : sales           =         110

3._at        : sales           =         120

4._at        : sales           =         130

5._at        : sales           =         140

6._at        : sales           =         150

             |            Delta-method
             |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         _at |
          1  |   97.90953   1.682504    58.19   0.000     94.61189    101.2072
          2  |    85.7139   1.265388    67.74   0.000     83.23378    88.19401
          3  |   73.51826   1.010167    72.78   0.000     71.53837    75.49815
          4  |   61.32263   1.043317    58.78   0.000     59.27777    63.36749
          5  |   49.12699    1.34366    36.56   0.000     46.49347    51.76052
          6  |   36.93136   1.780781    20.74   0.000     33.44109    40.42163


$('.button').on('click', function(){
    var $this = $(this),
       tr = $this.closest('tr');

    tr.find('input[type="text"]').attr("readonly", false); 

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