
时间:2010-11-08 20:27:16

标签: c# data-structures graph directed-acyclic-graphs

我获得了一串字符,其中每个随后的一对字符都包含一个边。我的意思是这是字符串: ABBCAD 。字符串的边是:


最短路径距离是A-> D

手头的任务是使用上述规则从字符串构建内存中的有向非循环图,并找到以终端节点结束的根节点(在示例中给出它的A标签)的最短路径。 p>


我收集的任务之一就是使用Depth First Search算法。


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

这是Djikstra's Algorithm的工作。一旦你构建了图表的表示,它应该很容易产生最低成本的遍历...因为在你的情况下似乎所有路径都有相同的成本(1)。

你可以look here on CodeProject在C#中合理地实现Djikstra。



在这样的问题中有多种表示图形的方法。如果图表中的顶点数量可能很小 - 使用adjacency matrix表示边缘就足够了。在这种情况下,您可以使用.NET multidimensional array。这里的技巧是你需要将标有字符的顶点转换为序数值。一种方法是编写一个包装类,将字符代码映射到索引到邻接矩阵中:

class AdjacencyMatrix
    // representation of the adjacency matrix (AM)
    private readonly int[,] m_Matrix;
    // mapping of character codes to indices in the AM
    private readonly Dictionary<char,int> m_Mapping;

    public AdjacencyMatrix( string edgeVector )
        // using LINQ we can identify and order the distinct characters
        char[] distinctChars = edgeVector.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x);

        m_Mapping = distinctChars.Select((c,i)=>new { Vertex = c, Index = i })
                                 .ToDictionary(x=>x.Vertex, x=>x.Index);

        // build the adjacency cost matrix here...
        // TODO: I leave this up to the reader to complete ... :-D

    // retrieves an entry from within the adjacency matrix given two characters
    public int this[char v1, char v2]
        get { return m_Matrix[m_Mapping[v1], m_Mapping[v2]];
        private set { m_Matrix[m_Mapping[v1], m_Mapping[v2]] = value; }

答案 1 :(得分:4)


class Node {
    public object Value;

    // Connected nodes (directed)
    public Node[] Connections;

    // Path back to the start
    public Node Route;

Node BreadthFirstRoute(Node[] theStarts, Node[] theEnds) {
    Set<Node> visited = new Set<Node>();

    Set<Node> frontier = new Set<Node>();

    Set<Node> ends = new Set<Node>();

    // Visit nodes one frontier at a time - Breadth first.
    while (frontier.Count > 0) {

        // Move frontier into visiting, reset frontier.
        Set<Node> visiting = frontier;
        frontier = new Set<Node>();

        // Prevent adding nodes being visited to frontier

        // Add all connected nodes to frontier.
        foreach (Node node in visiting) {               
            foreach (Node other in node.Connections) {
                if (!visited.Contains(other)) {
                    other.Route = other;
                    if (ends.Contains(other)) {
                        return other;

    return null;

答案 2 :(得分:3)


alt text



b = Table[a[[i]] -> a[[i + 1]], {i, Length@a - 1}]
vertexNumber[g_, vName_] := Position[ Vertices[g, All], vName][[1, 1]];

c     = ToCombinatoricaGraph[b]
sp    = ShortestPath[c, vertexNumber[c, "A"], vertexNumber[c, "M"]]
vlsp  = GetVertexLabels[c, sp]
vlspt = Table[{vlsp[[i]], vlsp[[i + 1]]}, {i, Length@vlsp - 1}] 

GraphPlot[b, VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 250, 
         DirectedEdges -> True, Method -> {"SpringEmbedding"}, 
         EdgeRenderingFunction ->
           (If[Cases[vlspt, {First[#2], Last[#2]}] == {}, 
                {Red, Arrowheads[Medium], Arrow[#1, .1]}, 
                {Blue, Arrowheads[Medium], Arrow[#1, .1]}] &)]

答案 3 :(得分:2)

LBushkin的回答是正确的。 Eric Lippert有a series关于在C#中实现A* algorithm的问题。 A *是Dijkstra算法的一般情况:如果您的成本估算函数总是返回0,则它完全等同于Dijkstra。

答案 4 :(得分:0)

另一种选择是使用具有各种最短路径算法的图库。我过去使用的一个被发现是好的是QuickGraph。文档非常好。例如,文档中的here is a page解释了如何使用Dijkstra的算法。

答案 5 :(得分:0)




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace DAGShortestPath
  class Arc
    public Arc(int nextstate, float cost)
      Nextstate = nextstate;
      Cost = cost;
    public int Nextstate { get; set; }
    public float Cost { get; set; }

  class State
    public bool Final { get; set; }
    public List<Arc> Arcs { get; set; }

    public void AddArc(int nextstate, float cost)
      if (Arcs == null)
        Arcs = new List<Arc>();
      Arcs.Add(new Arc(nextstate, cost));
  class Graph
    List< State > _states  = new List< State >();
    int _start = -1;

    public void AddArc(int state, int nextstate, float cost)
      while (_states.Count <= state)
      while (_states.Count <= nextstate)
      _states[state].AddArc(nextstate, cost);

    public List<Arc> Arcs(int state)
      return _states[state].Arcs;

    public int AddState()
      _states.Add(new State());
      return _states.Count - 1;

    public bool IsFinal(int state)
      return _states[state].Final;

    public void SetFinal(int state)
      _states[state].Final = true;

    public void SetStart(int start)
      _start = -1;

    public int NumStates { get { return _states.Count; } }

    public void Print()
      for (int i = 0; i < _states.Count; i++)
        var arcs = _states[i].Arcs;
        for (int j = 0; j < arcs.Count; j++)
          var arc = arcs[j];          
          Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", i, j, arc.Cost);

  class Program
    static List<int> ShortertPath(Graph graph)
      float[] d = new float[graph.NumStates];
      int[] tb = new int[graph.NumStates];
      for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; i++)
        d[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;
        tb[i] = -1;
      d[0] = 0.0f;
      float bestscore = float.PositiveInfinity;
      int beststate = -1;

      for (int i = 0; i < graph.NumStates; i++)
        if (graph.Arcs(i) != null)
          foreach (var arc in graph.Arcs(i))
            if (arc.Nextstate < i)
              throw new Exception("Graph is not topologically sorted");

            float e = d[i] + arc.Cost;
            if (e < d[arc.Nextstate])
              d[arc.Nextstate] = e;
              tb[arc.Nextstate] = i;

              if (graph.IsFinal(arc.Nextstate) && e < bestscore)
                bestscore = e;
                beststate = arc.Nextstate;

      //Traceback and recover the best final sequence

      if (bestscore == float.NegativeInfinity)
        throw new Exception("No valid terminal state found");
      Console.WriteLine("Best state {0} and score {1}", beststate, bestscore);
      List<int> best = new List<int>();
      while (beststate != -1)
        beststate = tb[beststate];

      return best;

    static void Main(string[] args)
      Graph g = new Graph();
      String input = "ABBCAD";      
      for (int i = 0; i < input.Length - 1; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < input.Length; j++)
          //Modify this of different constraints on-the arcs
          //or graph topologies
          //if (input[i] < input[j])
          g.AddArc(i, j, 1.0f);
      //Modify this to make all states final for example
      //To compute longest sub-sequences and so on...
      g.SetFinal(g.NumStates - 1);
      var bestpath = ShortertPath(g);

      //Print the best state sequence in reverse
      foreach (var v in bestpath)