二进制搜索数组溢出c ++

时间:2016-12-21 04:59:36

标签: c++ arrays binary


作业的目的是创建二进制搜索。我创建了一个我创建的程序,它使用堆排序并添加了二进制搜索。我使用Visual Studio作为我的编译器。



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::ifstream;

#define MAXSIZE 100

void heapify(int heapList[], int i, int n)  //i shows the index of array and n is the counter
     int listSize;
     int j, temp;//j is a temporary index for array
     temp = heapList[i];//temporary storage for an element of the array
     j = 2 * i;//end of list
     while (j <= listSize)
          if (j < listSize && heapList[j + 1] > heapList[j])//if the value in the next spot is greater than the value in the current spot
              j = j + 1;//moves value if greater than value beneath it
          if (temp > heapList[j])//if the value in i in greater than the value in j
          else if (temp <= heapList[j])//if the value in i is less than the value in j
              heapList[j / 2] = heapList[j];//assigns the value in j/2 to the current value in j--creates parent node
              j = 2 * j;//recreates end of list
       heapList[j / 2] = temp;//assigns to value in j/2 to i

  //This method is simply to iterate through the list of elements to heapify each one

  void buildHeap(int heapList[], int n) {//n is the counter--total list size
       int listSize;
       listSize = n;
       for (int i = listSize / 2; i >= 1; i--)//for loop to create heap
           heapify(heapList, i, n);

   //This sort function will take the values that have been made into a heap and arrange them in order so that they are least to greatest

   void sort(int heapList[], int n)//heapsort
       buildHeap(heapList, n);

       for (int i = n; i >= 2; i--)//for loop to sort heap--i is >= 2 because the last two nodes will not have anything less than them
           int temp = heapList[i];
           heapList[i] = heapList[1];
           heapList[1] = temp;
           heapify(heapList, 1, i - 1);
   //Binary search

   void binarySearch(int heapList[], int first, int last) {//first=the beginning of the list, last=end of the list
       int mid = first + last / 2;//to find middle for search
       int searchKey;//number to search
       cout << "Enter a number to search for: ";
       cin >> searchKey;
       while ((heapList[mid] != searchKey) && (first <= last)) {//while we still have a list to search through
           if (searchKey < heapList[mid]) {
                last = mid - 1;//shorten list by half
           else {
                first = mid + 1;//shorten list by half
           mid = (first + last) / 2;//find new middle
        if (first <= last) {//found number
           cout << "Your number is " << mid << "th in line."<< endl;
        else {//no number in list
           cout << "Could not find the number.";

   int main()
        int j = 0;
        int n = 0;//counter
        int first = 0;

        int key;//to prevent the program from closing
        int heapList[MAXSIZE];//initialized heapList to the maximum size, currently 100
        ifstream fin;
        fin.open("Heapsort.txt");//in the same directory as the program
           while (fin >> heapList[n]) {//read in

            heapList[n] = heapList[0];

        int last = n;
        sort(heapList, n);
        cout << "Sorted heapList" << endl;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)//for loop for printing sorted heap
             cout << heapList[i] << endl;
         binarySearch(heapList, first, last);

        cout << "Press Ctrl-N to exit." << endl;
        cin >> key;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

int heapList[MAXSIZE];//initialized heapList to the maximum size, currently 100

此评论错误 - heapList数组宣布 ,因此当您从文件中读取所有数据时,索引变量{{1}将指向未初始化的单元格。任何使用它的尝试都将调用未定义的行为。您可以:在使用数组之前初始化数组,递减n值,因为它比读数值大1,或者更好地使用n而不是数组。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


然后,您从heaplist访问1 n,因为heapsort[n]没有输入任何值,因此超出范围。


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) //instead of i=1 to n