def matrixSeries(matrix):
nn = 10 #Smoother
# --Sup/Res Detail
SupResPeriod = 50
SupResPercentage = 100
PricePeriod = 16
ob = 200 #Overbought
os = -200 #Oversold
#OBOS = false
#dynamic = true
high = np.array(r['max'])
low = np.array(r['min'])
close = np.array(r['close'])
ys1 = (high + low + close * 2 ) / 4
rk3 = ta.EMA(ys1, nn)
rk4 = ta.STDDEV(ys1, nn)
rk5 = (ys1 - rk3) * 200 /rk4
rk6 = ta.EMA(rk5, nn)
up = ta.EMA(rk6, nn)
down = ta.EMA(up, nn)
# remove nans in array
upNans = np.isnan(up)
up[upNans] = 0
downNans = np.isnan(down)
down[downNans] = 0
Oo = np.where(up<down, up, down)
Cc= np.where(up<down, down, up )
if matrix == 'color':
color = []
aa = Oo > Cc
bb = up > down
color = np.where( aa , 'red' , np.where(bb, 'green','red') )
return color
#Body Calculations
bodyHigh = np.where(up>down, up, down)
bodyLow = np.where(Oo<down, up, down)
bodyCover = np.where( np.any(up>0) and np.any(down>0), bodyLow, np.where( np.any(up<0) and np.any(down<0), bodyHigh,0))
bodyCover = bodyCover
if matrix == 'cover':
return bodyCover
if matrix == 'top':
return Oo
if matrix == 'bottom':
return Cc
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((6,4), (0,0),sharex=ax1, rowspan=2, colspan=4)
ax3.bar(r['date'], matrixSeries('top'), width=1.1,linewidth=0, color=matrixSeries('color'))
ax3.bar(r['date'], matrixSeries('bottom'), width=1.1,linewidth=0, color=matrixSeries('color'))
ax3.bar(r['date'], matrixSeries('cover'), width=1.1, linewidth=0, color='black' )