import numpy as np
a = np.array([[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
def answer(src, dest):
''' Takes integer inputs, converts them to board coordinates '''
x = np.argwhere(a==src)
y = np.argwhere(a==dest)
z = [tuple(l) for l in x]
''' Returns all possible moves from starting position, in coordinates '''
def knight_move(p):
offset1 = np.array([[-2,-1],[-2,1],[2,-1],[2,1]])
idx = np.row_stack((offset1, offset1[:,::-1])) + p
return idx[~((idx < 0) | (idx > 7)).any(1)]
''' Checks smallest number of moves from start to end position '''
for i in z:
mv1 = knight_move(i) #finds possible first moves
b = a[mv1[:,0], mv1[:,1]] #converts from coordinates to integers
if dest in b:
return 1
elif dest not in b:
c = np.array(mv1).tolist() #converts mv1 to iterable list
d = [tuple(e) for e in c] #converts list to tuples for knight_move
blah = np.concatenate([knight_move(f) for f in d]).tolist() #returns coordinates of all possible second moves
r = [tuple(m) for m in blah]
h = np.asarray(r)
w = a[h[:,0], h[:,1]]
if dest in w:
return 2