.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
WriteDec PROTO
WriteString PROTO
WriteChar PROTO
ReadString PROTO
DumpRegs PROTO
MAX = 80 ;max chars to read, if we input more it just gets cut off
stringIn BYTE MAX+1 DUP (?) ;room for null
stringASCII BYTE MAX+1 DUP (?) ;room for null
CharMAX = 2;
storedString DWORD ?
storedASCII DWord ?
savedSpots Dword ?
Command byte "Enter your 20 Word string" ,0
askforChar byte "Enter a char" ,0
Encrypt byte "Encrypted String" ,0
main PROC
mov edx , OFFSET Command ;Enter your 20 word String
call WriteString ;print it
call CRLF ;space
mov edx, OFFSET stringIn ;get the address of where we are gonna put our response
mov ecx, MAX ;mov max value of chars
call ReadString ;read it
call CRLF ;space
mov edx , OFFSET askforChar ;Then ask for a single char
call WriteString ;write it out
call CRLF ;clear the line
mov edx, OFFSET stringASCII ;get the address of where we are gonna put our char
mov ecx, CharMAX ;get the one ASCII code
call ReadString ;double space
call CRLf ;double space
mov edx, OFFSET stringASCII ;this was just a test to reprint our word
mov storedASCII, edx ;
mov ecx, CharMAX ;get the same max value
call CRLF
mov edx , OFFSET Encrypt ;Encrypted String
call WriteString ;print it
call CRLF ;space
mov esi,OFFSET stringIN ;get our string address
mov ecx, MAX ;get our counter
mov edx, [esi]
call WriteChar
call CRLF
add esi, TYPE stringIN
Loop L1;
main ENDP
end main