我想知道我是否可以在igraph对象中找到所谓的n-cliques。根据Wasserman& Sons,这些被定义为“最大子图,其中任意两个节点之间的最大测地距离不大于 n ”。浮士德。我知道可以通过cliques()
找到 n = 1 的派系,并且可以预先定义派系的大小,但有没有找到 n派系的方法大于1?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
g <- random.graph.game(100, p.or.m = 300, type = "gnm")
coords <- layout.auto(g)
cl <- kCliques(igraph.to.graphNEL(g))
k <- 2
clSel <- cl[[paste0(k, '-cliques')]][[1]] # select first of all k-cliques (e.g.)
layout = coords,
vertex.shape = "none",
vertex.label.color = ifelse(V(g) %in% clSel, "red", "darkgrey"),
edge.color = ifelse(tail_of(g, E(g)) %in% clSel & head_of(g, E(g)) %in% clSel, "orange", "#F0F0F099"),
vertex.size = .5,
edge.curved = 1
但是,练习 ...
all(print(distances(induced_subgraph(g, clSel))) <=k ) # should be TRUE
# [1] FALSE
在社交网络分析中,图表中的k-clique是子图 任何两个节点之间的距离不大于k。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
感谢lukeA指出RBGL :: kCliques是R中解决此问题的解决方案。
允许n-cliques通过其他不是派系的节点进行链接。所以 如果A和D通过另一个节点F连接,A-B-C-D,B-E和C-E也可以是2-clique,即使F不在2- clique(因为它距离E 3)。见http://faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/nettext/C11_Cliques.html#nclique
nclan <- function(g,n){
g <- as.undirected(g)
E(g)$weight <- 1 #just in case g has weights - does not modify original graph
ncliques <- kCliques(ugraph(igraph.to.graphNEL(g))) #get cliques
n.cand <- ncliques[[n]] #n-clique candidates to be an n-clan
n.clan <- list() #initializes a list to store the n-clans
n.clan.i <- 1 #initializes a list pointer
for (n.cand.i in 1:length(n.cand)){ #loop over all of the candidates
g.n.cand <- induced_subgraph(g,n.cand[[n.cand.i]]) #get the subgraph
if (diameter(g.n.cand)<=n){ #check diameter of the subgraph
n.clan[[n.clan.i]] <- n.cand[[n.cand.i]] #add n-clan to the list
n.clan.i <- n.clan.i+1 #increment list pointer
return(n.clan) #return the entire list
kplex <- function(g,k,m){
g.sym <- as.undirected(g) #to make sure that degree functions properly
g.sym.degmk <- induced_subgraph(g.sym,igraph::degree(g.sym)>=(m-k)) #makes algorithm faster
k.cand <- combn(V(g.sym.degmk)$name,m) #all candidate combinations with m members
k.plex <- list() #initializes a list to store the k-plexes
k.plex.i <- 1 #initializes a list pointer
for (k.cand.i in 1:dim(k.cand)[2]){ #loop over all of the columns
g.k.cand <- induced_subgraph(g.sym.degmk,k.cand[,k.cand.i]) #get the subgraph
if (min(igraph::degree(g.k.cand))>=(m-k)){ #if minimum degree of sugraph is > m=k, k-plex!
k.plex[[k.plex.i]] <- k.cand[,k.cand.i] #add k-plex to list
k.plex.i <- k.plex.i+1 #increment list pointer
return(k.plex) #return the entire list