
时间:2016-10-15 06:48:48

标签: python database csv raspberry-pi2

我在做项目时遇到了一些问题。目前我想更新我的csv文件详细信息。在我的csv文件中,有matric id行,类型行,权重行,点行,时间行。


这是我的编码。我在Raspberry Pi中使用Python。

打印“Tared ......”

        raw_input("put something on:")

        name, small, large = open_hid()
        print small

        nsmall = small / 11000.0 * 100
        ntotal = nsmall * 50 #kertas/aluminum/plastik (bonus point)
        #merit = ntotal * 0.01
        print "Your persentage is:"
        print ("%.2f" % nsmall)
        print "Your bonus point is:"
        print ("%.2f" % ntotal)
        with open('sensor2.csv', 'a') as csv_file:
            writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
            # Write a header row with the name of each column.
            writer.writerow(['MatricID', 'Recycle Type', 'Weight', 'Persentage', 'Bonus Points', 'Time'])
            # Now loop generating new fake sensor readings every second and writing them
            # to the CSV file.
            while True:
                # Make some fake sensor data.
                reading_time = datetime.datetime.now()
                matricID = ID
                recycleType = option
                weight = small
                persentage = ("%.2f" % nsmall)
                bonusPoint = ("%.2f" % ntotal) 

                # Print out the data and write to the CSV file.
                print('MetricID: {0} Recycle Type: {1} Weight: {2} Persentage: {3} Bonus Points: {4} Time: {5}'.format(matricID, recycleType, weight, persentage, bonusPoint,reading_time))
                writer.writerow([matricID, recycleType, weight, persentage, bonusPoint,reading_time])
    elif option == '2':

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