Monad Morphisms适用性问题

时间:2016-10-12 15:36:39

标签: haskell monads


import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer

data F = F Bool Bool

instance Monoid F where
    mempty =  F True False
    (F s0 c0) `mappend` (F s1 c1) = F (s0 && s1)
                                    (c0 || c1 || not (s0 || s1))
type S = Writer F
type SInt = S Int

上面我用两个布尔标志定义了数据类型F,它使用Writer monad跟踪状态。例如,我将在函数foo中使用它们:

foo :: SInt -> SInt -> SInt
foo = liftM2 (+)


instance Monoid F where
    mempty =  F True False
    (F s0 c0) `mappend` (F s1 c1) = F (s0 && s1) (c0 || c1)

这是我在Monad Morphisms的帮助下能够做到的吗?怎么样?

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foo :: (Monoid b) => Writer b Int -> Writer b Int -> Writer b Int


newtype F = F { unF :: (Bool, Bool) }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid F where -- etc.

newtype G = G { unG :: (Bool, Bool) }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid G where -- etc.


bar :: Writer F a -> Writer G a
bar = writer . fmap (G . unF) . runWriter

...实际上只是交换Monoid实例,就像你原来想要的那样。但是,您将无法使用 mmorph 机制,因为它实际上不是monad态射。引用Control.Monad.Morph

-- A monad morphism is a natural transformation:

 morph :: forall a . m a -> n a

-- ... that obeys the following two laws:

 morph (m >>= f)  = morph m >>= morph . f
 morph (return x) = return x

bar的明显实施违反了这些法律中的第一条,因为mappendm >>= f中隐含的morph m >>= morph . f可以提供不同的结果,即使基础对布尔是一样的。