以下文件包含3个采购订单。每个采购订单的第一行以常量记录标识符开头(我输入 BOLD 字母):
850 00000000000
我需要搜索字符串" MC66F "在每个PO(斜体和BOLD)中。如果找到字符串,那么我需要替换客户ID。但是,客户ID" ABC00"在所有采购订单中。问题是我需要仅在包含字符串" MC66F"的采购订单中更新客户ID。与" ABC04"。
850 00000000000 123ABC45采购订单 ABC00 79 79 1 000056
850 BEG002000009 22123ABC45 20160909
850 CUR004000009欧元
850 REF00400000CR MC66F
850 DTM0170000013720160909
850 DTM0170000063 20160915
850 DTM0170000064 20160909
850 N1 04700000BY 5450534000031
850 N1 04700000SU 0728658000004
850 N1 04700000DP 5450534002370
850 N1 04700000IV 5450534005821
850 PO1083000001 0000000000000002EA200000000000009118 SAB00D9KR6T6
850 PO1083000002 0000000000000012EA200000000000015294 SAB0058FAEAS
850 00000000000 456ABC45 PO ABC00 18132 18132 1 000056
850 BEG002000009 22456ABC45 20160909
850 CUR004000009欧元
850 DTM0170000013720160909
850 DTM0170000063 20160914
850 DTM0170000064 20160909
850 N1 04700000BY 5450534000017
850 N1 04700000SU 608030938
850 N1 04700000DP 0534002349
850 N1 04700000IV 5450534005838
850 PO1083000001 0000000000000001EA200000000000010518 SAB00MYD9UP2
850 00000000000 789ABC45 PO ABC00 18133 18133 1 000056
850 BEG002000009 22789ABC45 20160909
850 CUR004000009欧元
850 DTM0170000013720160909
850 DTM0170000063 20160914
850 DTM0170000064 20160909
850 N1 04700000BY 5450534000017
850 N1 04700000SU 608030938
850 N1 04700000DP 0534002332
850 N1 04700000IV 5450534005838
850 PO1083000001 0000000000000002EA200000000000010518 SAB00MYD9UP2
@echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "delims=" %%a in (%INPUTFILE%) do (
set /A count+=1
set "array[!count!]=%%a"
for /L %%i in (1,1,%count%) do echo !array[%%i]! >> %OUTPUTFILE%
for %%b in (inputfile.*) do (
rem Process all input lines and create output file
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%a in (%%~fb) do (
set "line=%%a"
rem If new order starts
if "!line:~0,17!" equ "850 00000000000" (
rem show the previous one
if defined firstLine (
echo !firstLine!
type thisOrder.txt
del thisOrder.txt
rem and start new order
set "firstLine=%%a"
) else (
rem If the string was found in this order
if "!line:%search%=!" neq "%%a" (
rem replace the customer ID in first line
set "firstLine=!firstLine:%old%=%new%!"
rem Save this line in this order
echo %%a>> thisOrder.txt
echo !firstLine!
type thisOrder.txt
del thisOrder.txt
) > output.%RANDOM%.txt
我试图在文件中生成一个随机数,因为我认为它只是在每次新迭代时覆盖文件。但这并没有奏效。似乎它正在输出额外的" 850 00000000000"在下一个PO的开头处进行细分。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
)env var是 2维(基于 0 的索引):
变量包含每个订单的最后一个索引(长度 - 1)(在我们的例子中 12 10 10 ),并且它将在下一阶段使用。
处理先前创建的环境变量。它将每个订单头(第二个索引 0 )保存到另一个var中,以便稍后更改。然后它通过该订单的其余记录进行迭代,搜索客户。如果找到它,它会在标题中替换它。对于字符串/模式匹配,我使用了findstr /?。
创建输出文件并将修改过的env vars内容转储到其中。
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set _INPUTFILE=in.txt
set _OUTPUTFILE=out.txt
set _OIDX=-1
set _RIDX=0
set _RECORD=
set _HEADER=
set _IDMARK=850 00000000000
set _REFMARK=850 REF
:: Read the inoput file contents and store it in env vars
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (%_INPUTFILE%) do (
echo %%f | findstr /b /c:"%_IDMARK%" 1>nul
if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
set /a _OIDX+=1
if "!_RECORD!" neq "" (
) else (
set _RECORD=_
set /a _RIDX=0
) else (
set /a _RIDX+=1
set _ARRAY[!_OIDX!][!_RIDX!]=%%f
:: Do some processing on the env vars
set /a _OIDX=-1
for %%f in (%_OLENGTHS%) do (
set /a _OIDX+=1
call :set_header_var !_OIDX!
for /l %%g in (1,1,%%f) do (
call :process_record !_OIDX! %%g
:: Dump all the env vars contents into the output file
copy nul %_OUTPUTFILE%
set /a _OIDX=-1
for %%f in (%_OLENGTHS%) do (
set /a _OIDX+=1
call :set_header_var !_OIDX!
for /l %%g in (0,1,%%f) do (
call :dump_var !_OIDX! %%g
goto :eof
echo !_ARRAY[%1][%2]! | findstr /r /c:"^%_REFMARK%[0-9A-Za-z]* %_CUSTOMER%" 1>nul
if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
call :alter_header %1
goto :eof
set _HEADER=!_ARRAY[%1][0]!
goto :eof
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,*" %%h in ('echo !_HEADER!') do (
set _ARRAY[%1][0]=%%h %%i %%j %_NEWCUSTOMER% %%l
goto :eof
echo !_ARRAY[%1][%2]!>>%_OUTPUTFILE%
goto :eof
850 00000000000123ABC45采购订单 ABC04 79 79 1 000056
@ EDIT0 :我没有仔细阅读要求,我正在用字符串替换客户( ABC00 )来搜索( MC66F ),而不是新客户( ABC04 )。校正。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "firstLine="
del thisOrder.txt 2>NUL
rem Process all input lines and create output file
for /F "delims=" %%a in (input.txt) do (
set "line=%%a"
rem If new order starts
if "!line:~0,15!" equ "850 00000000000" (
rem show the previous one
if defined firstLine (
echo !firstLine!
type thisOrder.txt
del thisOrder.txt
rem and start new order
set "firstLine=%%a"
) else (
rem If the search string was found in this order
if "!line:MC66F=!" neq "%%a" (
rem replace the customer ID in first line
set "firstLine=!firstLine:ABC00=ABC04!"
rem Save this line in this order
echo %%a>> thisOrder.txt
echo !firstLine!
type thisOrder.txt
del thisOrder.txt
) > output.txt
set "search=MC66F"
set "old=ABC00"
set "new=ABC04"
rem If the search string was found in this order
if "!line:%search%=!" neq "%%a" (
rem replace the customer ID in first line
set "firstLine=!firstLine:%old%=%new%!"
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
powershell -command "(gc -Delimiter %delim% %file%)
-replace %regex0%, %replace0%
-replace %regexn%, %replacen%
-join %delim% | Set-Content %newfile%"