I have to creat test bench to my project which contains AXI bus.
I start to write the interface and the transaction for write and read. I read the following blog: http://blog.verificationgentleman.com/2016/08/testing-uvm-drivers-part-2.html?showComment=1471877179631#c7809781639091671746
According this blog the interface should be:
interface vgm_axi_interface(input bit ACLK, input bit ARESETn);
logic [3:0] AWID;
logic [31:0] AWADDR;
logic [3:0] AWLEN;
logic AWVALID;
logic AWREADY;
logic [3:0] WID;
logic [31:0] WDATA;
logic WLAST;
logic WVALID;
logic WREADY;
logic [3:0] BID;
logic [1:0] BRESP;
logic BVALID;
logic BREADY;
What about all the other signals (for example ARBURST,ARLOCK,ARCACHE,ARPROT,ARQOS,ARREGION)? There are many more signal according the specification of AXI4.
In addition are the following properties in the transaction are enough for write transaction?
typedef enum bit [3:0] { LENGTH_[1:16] } length_e;
class sequence_item extends uvm_sequence_item;
rand bit [3:0] id;
rand bit [31:0] address;
rand length_e length;
rand transfer transfers[];
rand int unsigned delay;
class transfer extends uvm_sequence_item;
rand bit[31:0] data;
rand int unsigned delay;
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