bash中#:( hashtag / pound冒号)的目的是什么?

时间:2016-08-16 14:54:22

标签: bash comments sh hashtag


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#: @hide_from_man_page
#:  * `vendor-install` [<target>]:
#:     Install vendor version of Homebrew dependencies.



#:  * `style` [`--fix`] [`--display-cop-names`] [<formulae>|<files>]:
#:    Check formulae or files for conformance to Homebrew style guidelines.
#:    <formulae> is a list of formula names.
#:    <files> is a list of file names.
#:    <formulae> and <files> may not be combined. If both are omitted, style will run
#:    style checks on the whole Homebrew `Library`, including core code and all
#:    formulae.
#:    If `--fix` is passed and `HOMEBREW_DEVELOPER` is set, style violations
#:    will be automatically fixed using RuboCop's `--auto-correct` feature.
#:    If `--display-cop-names` is passed, the RuboCop cop name for each violation
#:    is included in the output.
#:    Exits with a non-zero status if any style violations are found.


# To make changes to this man page:
# - For changes to a specific command (appears in the `COMMANDS` section):
#   - Edit the top comment in `Library/Homebrew/cmd/<command>.{rb,sh}`.
#   - Make sure to use the line prefix `#:` for the comments to be recognized as
#     documentation. If in doubt, compare with already documented commands.
# - For other changes: Edit this file.
# When done, regenerate the man page and its HTML version by running `brew man`.

here's the line where they get included into the manpage

<%= commands.join("\n") %>


\fBstyle\fR [\fB\-\-fix\fR] [\fB\-\-display\-cop\-names\fR] [\fIformulae\fR|\fIfiles\fR]
Check formulae or files for conformance to Homebrew style guidelines\.
\fIformulae\fR is a list of formula names\.
\fIfiles\fR is a list of file names\.
\fIformulae\fR and \fIfiles\fR may not be combined\. If both are omitted, style will run style checks on the whole Homebrew \fBLibrary\fR, including core code and all formulae\.
If \fB\-\-fix\fR is passed and \fBHOMEBREW_DEVELOPER\fR is set, style violations will be automatically fixed using RuboCop\'s \fB\-\-auto\-correct\fR feature\.
If \fB\-\-display\-cop\-names\fR is passed, the RuboCop cop name for each violation is included in the output\.
Exits with a non\-zero status if any style violations are found\.


<dt><code>style</code> [<code>--fix</code>] [<code>--display-cop-names</code>] [<var>formulae</var>|<var>files</var>]</dt><dd><p>Check formulae or files for conformance to Homebrew style guidelines.</p>

<p><var>formulae</var> is a list of formula names.</p>

<p><var>files</var> is a list of file names.</p>

<p><var>formulae</var> and <var>files</var> may not be combined. If both are omitted, style will run
style checks on the whole Homebrew <code>Library</code>, including core code and all

<p>If <code>--fix</code> is passed and <code>HOMEBREW_DEVELOPER</code> is set, style violations
will be automatically fixed using RuboCop's <code>--auto-correct</code> feature.</p>

<p>If <code>--display-cop-names</code> is passed, the RuboCop cop name for each violation
is included in the output.</p>

我不知道这是否是shell脚本中公认的惯例,但类似的约定用于各种语言和/或文档工具,例如: JavaDoc(/**),Doxygen(/**/*!/////!),JsDoc(/**)或C♯({ {1}})。