我是Stack Overflow的新手,用MS Visual C ++ 2015编译器,Direct3D 9和HLSL(Shader model 3.0)编写3D游戏应用程序。
我实现了一个带有4个渲染目标纹理的延迟渲染逻辑。 我在渲染目标纹理中存储了像素的深度值,并创建了阴影贴图。结果如下。 (所有网格都有黑色,因为网格尺寸较小,靠近相机。远平面距离值为1000.0f。)
The depth texture and the shadow map.
我使用阴影贴图着色器渲染全屏四边形,并输出红色阴影以确认着色器工作正常。 但是,着色器似乎输出了错误的结果。阴影贴图纹理输出在网格曲面上重复。
struct VsInput {
float4 position : POSITION0;
struct VsOutput {
float4 position : POSITION0;
float4 cameraViewRay : TEXCOORD0;
float4x4 matInverseCameraViewProjection;
float4 cameraWorldPosition;
float farDistance;
VsOutput vs_main(VsInput input) {
VsOutput output = (VsOutput)0;
output.position = input.position;
output.cameraViewRay = mul(float4(input.position.xy, 1.0f, 1.0f) * farDistance, matInverseCameraViewProjection);
output.cameraViewRay /= output.cameraViewRay.w;
output.cameraViewRay.xyz -= cameraWorldPosition.xyz;
return output;
struct PsInput {
float2 screenPosition : VPOS;
float4 viewRay : TEXCOORD0;
struct PsOutput {
float4 color : COLOR0;
texture depthMap;
texture shadowMap;
sampler depthMapSampler = sampler_state {
Texture = (depthMap);
AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;
MagFilter = POINT;
MinFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
sampler shadowMapSampler = sampler_state {
Texture = (shadowMap);
AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;
MagFilter = POINT;
MinFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
//float4x4 matCameraView;
float4x4 matLightView;
float4x4 matLightProjection;
float4 cameraWorldPosition;
float4 lightWorldPosition;
float2 halfPixel;
float epsilon;
float farDistance;
PsOutput ps_main(PsInput input) {
PsOutput output = (PsOutput)0;
output.color.a = 1.0f;
//Reconstruct the world position using the view-space linear depth value.
float2 textureUv = input.screenPosition * halfPixel * 2.0f - halfPixel;
float viewDepth = tex2D(depthMapSampler, textureUv).r;
float3 eye = input.viewRay.xyz * viewDepth;
float4 worldPosition = float4((eye + cameraWorldPosition.xyz), 1.0f);
//Test if the reconstructed world position has right coordinate values.
//output.color = mul(worldPosition, matCameraView).z / farDistance;
float4 positionInLightView = mul(worldPosition, matLightView);
float lightDepth = positionInLightView.z / farDistance;
float4 positionInLightProjection = mul(positionInLightView, matLightProjection);
positionInLightProjection /= positionInLightProjection.w;
//If-statement doesn't work???
float condition = positionInLightProjection.x >= -1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.x <= 1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.y >= -1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.y <= 1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.z >= 0.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.z <= 1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.w > 0.0f;
float2 shadowMapUv = float2(
positionInLightProjection.x * 0.5f + 0.5f,
-positionInLightProjection.y * 0.5f + 0.5f
//If-statement doesn't work???
float condition2 = shadowMapUv.x >= 0.0f;
condition2 *= shadowMapUv.x <= 1.0f;
condition2 *= shadowMapUv.y >= 0.0f;
condition2 *= shadowMapUv.y <= 1.0f;
float viewDepthInShadowMap = tex2D(
output.color.r = lightDepth > viewDepthInShadowMap + epsilon;
output.color.r *= condition;
output.color.r *= condition2;
return output;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
第一个问题是渲染目标纹理的纹理格式错误。我应该使用D3DFMT_R32F。 (我使用过D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8。)
//Reconstruct the world position using the view-space linear depth value.
float2 textureUv = input.screenPosition * halfPixel * 2.0f - halfPixel;
float4 viewPosition = float4(input.viewRay.xyz * tex2D(depthMapSampler, textureUv).r, 1.0f);
float4 worldPosition = mul(viewPosition, matInverseCameraView);
//If-statement doesn't work???
float condition = positionInLightProjection.x >= -1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.x <= 1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.y >= -1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.y <= 1.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.z >= 0.0f;
condition *= positionInLightProjection.z <= 1.0f;
condition *= viewPosition.z < farDistance;
最后一行是关键,解决了我的第二个问题。 'farDistance'是相机平截头体的远平面距离。我仍在努力理解为什么需要这样做。