我收集了来自10个地区的500名受访者的调查数据。让我们说问的主要问题是(存储在H1_AreYouHappy专栏中):'你开心吗?' - 是/否/不知道
受访者被问到一个后续问题:“你为什么(不)开心?” 这是一个多项选择题,可以勾选多个响应框,因此响应存储在不同的列中,例如:
H1Yes_Why1(0/1,即勾选或未勾选方框) - '因为经济';
H1Yes_Why2(0/1) - '因为我很健康';
H1Yes_Why3(0/1) - '因为我的社交生活'。
districts <- c('Green', 'Red','Orange','Blue','Purple','Grey','Black','Yellow','White','Lavender')
myDataFrame <- data.frame(H1_AreYouHappy=sample(c('Yes','No','Dont Know'),500,rep=TRUE),
H1Yes_Why1 = sample(0:1,500,rep=TRUE),
H1Yes_Why2 = sample(0:1,500,rep=TRUE),
H1Yes_Why3 = sample(0:1,500,rep=TRUE),
District = sample(districts,500,rep=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
# Create an unweighted survey object
mySurvey.unweighted <- svydesign(ids=~1, data=myDataFrame)
# Choose which variable contains the sample distribution to be weighted by
sample.distribution <- list(~District)
# Specify (from Census data) how often each level occurs in the population
population.distribution <- data.frame(District = c('Green', 'Red','Orange','Blue','Purple','Grey','Black','Yellow','White','Lavender'),
freq = c(0.1824885, 0.0891206, 0.1381343, 0.1006533, 0.1541269, 0.0955853, 0.0268172, 0.0398353, 0.0809459, 0.0922927))
# Apply the weights
mySurvey.rake <- rake(design = mySurvey.unweighted, sample.margins=sample.distribution, population.margins=list(population.distribution))
# Calculate the weighted mean for the main question
svymean(~H1_AreYouHappy, mySurvey.rake)
# How can I calculate the WEIGHTED means for the multiple choice - multiple response follow-up question?
multipleResponseFrequencies = function(data, question.prefix) {
# Find the columns with the questions
a = grep(question.prefix, names(data))
# Find the total number of responses
b = sum(data[, a] != 0)
# Find the totals for each question
d = colSums(data[, a] != 0)
# Find the number of respondents
e = sum(rowSums(data[,a]) !=0)
# d + b as a vector. This is the overfall frequency
f = as.numeric(c(d, b))
result <- data.frame(question = c(names(d), "Total"),
freq = f,
percent = (f/b)*100,
percentofcases = (f/e)*100)
multipleResponseFrequencies(myDataFrame, 'H1Yes_Why')
答案 0 :(得分:2)
p = [xy,y,x,c] \ out