
时间:2016-07-30 13:49:55

标签: java search graph artificial-intelligence bidirectional-search

我正在尝试实施bi-directional graph search。据我所知,我应该以某种方式合并两个广度优先搜索,一个从起始(或根)节点开始,另一个从目标(或结束)节点开始。当广度优先搜索"满足"时,双向搜索终止。在同一个顶点。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class Node<T> {
    private final T data; // The data that you want to store in this node.
    private final Set<Node> adjacentNodes = new HashSet<>();

    // Constructor
    public Node(T data) {
        this.data = data;

    // Getters

     * Returns the data stored in this node.
     * */
    public T getData() {
        return data;

     * Returns a set of the adjacent nodes of this node.
     * */
    public Set<Node> getAdjacentNodes() {
        return adjacentNodes;

    // Setters

     * Attempts to add node to the set of adjacent nodes of this node. If it was not previously added, it is added, and
     * true is returned. If it was previously added, it returns false.
     * */
    public boolean addAdjacent(Node node) {
        return adjacentNodes.add(node);


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class BidirectionalSearch {

     * Returns true if a path exists between Node a and b, false otherwise.
     * */
    public static boolean pathExists(Node a, Node b) {
        // LinkedList implements the Queue interface, FIFO queue operations (e.g., add and poll).

        // Queue to hold the paths from Node a.
        Queue<Node> queueA = new LinkedList<>();

        // Queue to hold the paths from Node a.
        Queue<Node> queueB = new LinkedList<>();

        // A set of visited nodes starting from Node a.
        Set<Node> visitedA = new HashSet<>();

        // A set of visited nodes starting from Node b.
        Set<Node> visitedB = new HashSet<>();



        // Both queues need to be empty to exit the while loop.
        while (!queueA.isEmpty() || !queueB.isEmpty()) {
            if (pathExistsHelper(queueA, visitedA, visitedB)) {
                return true;
            if (pathExistsHelper(queueB, visitedB, visitedA)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    private static boolean pathExistsHelper(Queue<Node> queue,
                                            Set<Node> visitedFromThisSide,
                                            Set<Node> visitedFromThatSide) {
        if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            Node next = queue.remove();

            Set<Node> adjacentNodes = next.getAdjacentNodes();

            for (Node adjacent : adjacentNodes) {

                // If the visited nodes, starting from the other direction,
                // contain the "adjacent" node of "next", then we can terminate the search
                if (visitedFromThatSide.contains(adjacent)) {
                    return true;
                } else if (visitedFromThisSide.add(adjacent)) {
        return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Test here the implementation above.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

逻辑: 在正常过程中,BFS是递归的。但是在这里我们不能让它递归,因为如果我们从递归开始,那么它将从一侧(开始或结束)覆盖所有节点,并且只有在它无法找到结束或找到结束时才会停止。


npm install -g vue-cli@2.9.3


Let's say this is the graph
       /              |
      /               |
     /                |
     \                |
      \               |
       \              |
We want to find the path between nodes 1 and 9. In order to do this we will need 2 DS, one for recording the path form beginning and other from end:*/

ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>>> startTrav = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>>> endTrav = new ArrayList<>();

/*Before starting the loop, initialise these with the values shown below:
startTrav --> index=0 --> <1, {1}>
endTrav --> index=0 --> <9, {9}>

Note here that in the HashMap, the key is the node that we have reached and the value is a linkedList containing the path used to reach to that node. 
Now inside the loop we will start traversal on startTrav 1st. We will traverse it from index 0 to 0, and while traversing what ever children are there for the node under process, we will add in startTrav. So startTrav will transform like:
startTrav --> index=0 --> <1, {1}>
startTrav --> index=1 --> <2, {1,2}>
startTrav --> index=2 --> <3, {1,3}>
startTrav --> index=3 --> <4, {1,4}>

Now we will check for collision, i.e if either of nodes that we have covered in startTrav are found in endTrav (i.e if either of 1,2,3,4 is present in endTrav's list = 9). The answer is no, so continue loop.

Now do the same from endTrav
endTrav --> index=0 --> <9, {9}>
endTrav --> index=1 --> <8, {9,8}>
endTrav --> index=2 --> <6, {9,6}>
endTrav --> index=3 --> <10, {9,10}>

Now again we will check for collision, i.e if either of nodes that we have covered in startTrav are found in endTrav (i.e if either of 1,2,3,4 is present in endTrav's list = 9,8,6,10). The answer is no so continue loop.
// end of 1st iteration of while loop

// beginning of 2nd iteration of while loop
startTrav --> index=0 --> <1, {1}>
startTrav --> index=1 --> <2, {1,2}>
startTrav --> index=2 --> <3, {1,3}>
startTrav --> index=3 --> <4, {1,4}>
startTrav --> index=4 --> <5, {1,2,5}>
startTrav --> index=5 --> <6, {1,3,6}>
startTrav --> index=6 --> <7, {1,4,7}>

Now again we will check for collision, i.e if either of nodes that we have covered in startTrav are found in endTrav (i.e if either of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 is present in endTrav's list = 9,8,6,10). The answer is yes. Colission has occurred on node 6. Break the loop now.

Now pick the path to 6 from startTrav and pick the path to 6 from endTrav and merge the 2.*/


class Node<T> {
    public T value;
    public LinkedList<Node<T>> nextNodes = new LinkedList<>();
class Graph<T>{
    public HashMap<Integer, Node<T>> graph=new HashMap<>();
public class BiDirectionalBFS {
    public LinkedList<Node<Integer>> findPath(Graph<Integer> graph, int startNode, int endNode) {
        if(!graph.graph.containsKey(startNode) || !graph.graph.containsKey(endNode)) return null;

        if(startNode==endNode) {
            LinkedList<Node<Integer>> ll = new LinkedList<>();
            return ll;
        ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>>> startTrav = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>>> endTrav = new ArrayList<>();

        boolean[] traversedNodesFromStart = new boolean[graph.graph.size()];
        boolean[] traversedNodesFromEnd = new boolean[graph.graph.size()];

        addDetailsToAL(graph, startNode, startTrav, traversedNodesFromStart, null);
        addDetailsToAL(graph, endNode, endTrav, traversedNodesFromEnd, null);

        int collision = -1, startIndex=0, endIndex=0;

        while (startTrav.size()>startIndex && endTrav.size()>endIndex) {

            // Cover all nodes in AL from start and add new
            int temp=startTrav.size();
            for(int i=startIndex; i<temp; i++) {
                recordAllChild(graph, startTrav, i, traversedNodesFromStart);

            //check collision
            if((collision = checkColission(traversedNodesFromStart, traversedNodesFromEnd))!=-1) {

            //Cover all nodes in AL from end and add new
            for(int i=endIndex; i<temp; i++) {
                recordAllChild(graph, endTrav, i, traversedNodesFromEnd);

            //check collision
            if((collision = checkColission(traversedNodesFromStart, traversedNodesFromEnd))!=-1) {

        LinkedList<Node<Integer>> pathFromStart = null, pathFromEnd = null;
        if(collision!=-1) {
            for(int i =0;i<traversedNodesFromStart.length && (pathFromStart==null || pathFromEnd==null); i++) {
                if(pathFromStart==null && startTrav.get(i).keySet().iterator().next()==collision) {
                if(pathFromEnd==null && endTrav.get(i).keySet().iterator().next()==collision) {
            ListIterator<Node<Integer>> li = pathFromEnd.listIterator();
            while(li.hasNext()) li.next();
            while(li.hasPrevious()) {
            return pathFromStart;
        return null;
    private void recordAllChild(Graph<Integer> graph, ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>>> listToAdd, int index, boolean[] traversedNodes) {
        HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>> record=listToAdd.get(index);
        Integer recordKey = record.keySet().iterator().next();
        for(Node<Integer> child:graph.graph.get(recordKey).nextNodes) {
            if(traversedNodes[child.value]!=true) {                 addDetailsToAL(graph, child.getValue(), listToAdd, traversedNodes, record.get(recordKey));
    private void addDetailsToAL(Graph<Integer> graph, Integer node, ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>>> startTrav,
            boolean[] traversalArray, LinkedList<Node<Integer>> oldLLContent) {
        LinkedList<Node<Integer>> ll = oldLLContent==null?new LinkedList<>() : new LinkedList<>(oldLLContent);
        HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>> hm = new HashMap<>();
        hm.put(node, ll);

    private int checkColission(boolean[] start, boolean[] end) {
        for (int i=0; i<start.length; i++) {
            if(start[i] && end[i]) {
                return i;
        return -1;


ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Node<Integer>>>> 







答案 2 :(得分:0)



else if (date >= new Date('2019-03-10T15:00:00') && date <= new Date('2019-04-25T17:00:00')) {
    return false;


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class Graph<T> {
    private T value;
    private Set<Graph> adjacents = new HashSet<>();
    private Set<String> visitors = new HashSet<>();

    public Graph(T value) {
        this.value = value;

    public T getValue() {
        return value;

    public void addAdjacent(Graph adjacent) {

    public Set<Graph> getAdjacents() {
        return this.adjacents;

    public void setVisitor(String visitor) {

    public boolean hasVisitor(String visitor) {
        return this.visitors.contains(visitor);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("Value [").append(value).append("] visitors[");
        if (!visitors.isEmpty()) {
            for (String visitor : visitors) {
        return sb.toString().replace(",]", "]");


import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

public class GraphHelper {
    // implements singleton pattern
    private static GraphHelper instance;

    private GraphHelper() {

     * @return the instance
    public static GraphHelper getInstance() {
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new GraphHelper();
        return instance;

    public boolean isRoute(Graph gr1, Graph gr2) {
        Queue<Graph> queue1 = new LinkedList<>();
        Queue<Graph> queue2 = new LinkedList<>();

        addToQueue(queue1, gr1, "1");
        addToQueue(queue2, gr2, "2");

        while (!queue1.isEmpty() || !queue2.isEmpty()) {
            if (!queue1.isEmpty()) {
                Graph gAux1 = queue1.remove();
                Iterator<Graph> it1 = gAux1.getAdjacents().iterator();

                while (it1.hasNext()) {
                    Graph adj1 = it1.next();
                    System.out.println("adj1 " + adj1);
                    if (adj1.hasVisitor("2"))
                        return true;
                    else if (!adj1.hasVisitor("1"))
                        addToQueue(queue1, adj1, "1");

            if (!queue2.isEmpty()) {
                Graph gAux2 = queue2.remove();
                Iterator<Graph> it2 = gAux2.getAdjacents().iterator();
                while (it2.hasNext()) {
                    Graph adj2 = it2.next();
                    System.out.println("adj2 " + adj2);
                    if (adj2.hasVisitor("1"))
                        return true;
                    else if (!adj2.hasVisitor("2"))
                        addToQueue(queue2, adj2, "2");

        return false;

    private void addToQueue(Queue<Graph> queue, Graph gr, String visitor) {