
时间:2016-07-28 13:16:40

标签: c# .net c#-4.0 vector geometry



class Line
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Point3D Start { get; set; } = new Point3D();
    public Point3D End { get; set; } = new Point3D();



class Point3D
    public double X { get; set; }
    public double Y { get; set; }
    public double Z { get; set; }


我可以找到两条“线”与该距离“线”的端点之间的距离。 [Here is an Image to Better Illustrate What I am trying to Achieve 1


目前,我可以使用此代码成功获取两行之间的距离(Adapted From Here使用段到段部分):

    public double lineNearLine(Line l1, Line l2)
        Vector3D uS = new Vector3D { X = l1.Start.X, Y = l1.Start.Y, Z = l1.Start.Z };
        Vector3D uE = new Vector3D { X = l1.End.X, Y = l1.End.Y, Z = l1.End.Z };
        Vector3D vS = new Vector3D { X = l2.Start.X, Y = l2.Start.Y, Z = l2.Start.Z };
        Vector3D vE = new Vector3D { X = l2.End.X, Y = l2.End.Y, Z = l2.End.Z };
        Vector3D w1 = new Vector3D { X = l1.Start.X, Y = l1.Start.Y, Z = l1.Start.Z };
        Vector3D w2 = new Vector3D { X = l2.Start.X, Y = l2.Start.Y, Z = l2.Start.Z };
        Vector3D u = uE - uS;
        Vector3D v = vE - vS;
        Vector3D w = w1 - w2;
        double a = Vector3D.DotProduct(u, u);
        double b = Vector3D.DotProduct(u, v);
        double c = Vector3D.DotProduct(v, v);
        double d = Vector3D.DotProduct(u, w);
        double e = Vector3D.DotProduct(v, w);
        double D = a * c - b * b;
        double sc, sN, sD = D;
        double tc, tN, tD = D;
        if (D < 0.01)
            sN = 0;
            sD = 1;
            tN = e;
            tD = c;
            sN = (b * e - c * d);
            tN = (a * e - b * d);
            if (sN < 0)
                sN = 0;
                tN = e;
                tD = c;
            else if (sN > sD)
                sN = sD;
                tN = e + b;
                tD = c;
        if (tN < 0)
            tN = 0;
            if (-d < 0)
                sN = 0;
            else if (-d > a)
                sN = sD;
                sN = -d;
                sD = a;
        else if (tN > tD)
            tN = tD;
            if ((-d + b) < 0)
                sN = 0;
            else if ((-d + b) > a)
                sN = sD;
                sN = (-d + b);
                sD = a;
        if (Math.Abs(sN) < 0.01)
            sc = 0;
            sc = sN / sD;
        if (Math.Abs(tN) < 0.01)
            tc = 0;
            tc = tN / tD;
        Vector3D dP = w + (sc * u) - (tc * v);
        double distance1 = Math.Sqrt(Vector3D.DotProduct(dP, dP));
        return distance1;




The Solution!

非常感谢@Isaac van Bakel对此解决方案背后的理论



  1. Sharp3D.Math:我将此参考用于Vector3D,但实际上任何3D矢量类都可以使用。除此之外,如果按元素执行减法元素,则甚至不需要向量。
  2. Point3D:我的个人Point3D课程。随意随意使用。

    class Point3D
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }
        public double Z { get; set; }
        public  Vector3D getVector()
            return new Vector3D { X = this.X, Y = this.Y, Z = this.Z };
  3. 专栏:我的个人专线课程。随意随意使用。

    class Line
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public Point3D Start { get; set; } = new Point3D();
        public Point3D End { get; set; } = new Point3D();
        public double Length
                return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((End.X - Start.X), 2) + Math.Pow((End.Y - Start.Y), 2));
  4. 功能

    1. ClampPointToLine:我写的夹紧功能是将一个点夹到一条线上。

      public Point3D ClampPointToLine(Point3D pointToClamp, Line lineToClampTo)
          Point3D clampedPoint = new Point3D();
          double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
          if(lineToClampTo.Start.X <= lineToClampTo.End.X)
              minX = lineToClampTo.Start.X;
              maxX = lineToClampTo.End.X;
              minX = lineToClampTo.End.X;
              maxX = lineToClampTo.Start.X;
          if (lineToClampTo.Start.Y <= lineToClampTo.End.Y)
              minY = lineToClampTo.Start.Y;
              maxY = lineToClampTo.End.Y;
              minY = lineToClampTo.End.Y;
              maxY = lineToClampTo.Start.Y;
          if (lineToClampTo.Start.Z <= lineToClampTo.End.Z)
              minZ = lineToClampTo.Start.Z;
              maxZ = lineToClampTo.End.Z;
              minZ = lineToClampTo.End.Z;
              maxZ = lineToClampTo.Start.Z;
          clampedPoint.X = (pointToClamp.X < minX) ? minX : (pointToClamp.X > maxX) ? maxX : pointToClamp.X;
          clampedPoint.Y = (pointToClamp.Y < minY) ? minY : (pointToClamp.Y > maxY) ? maxY : pointToClamp.Y;
          clampedPoint.Z = (pointToClamp.Z < minZ) ? minZ : (pointToClamp.Z > maxZ) ? maxZ : pointToClamp.Z;
          return clampedPoint;
    2. distanceBetweenLines:返回表示两条线之间最短距离的线的函数。如果无法解析,则返回null。

      public Line distBetweenLines(Line l1, Line l2)
          Vector3D p1, p2, p3, p4, d1, d2;
          p1 = l1.Start.getVector();
          p2 = l1.End.getVector();
          p3 = l2.Start.getVector();
          p4 = l2.End.getVector();
          d1 = p2 - p1;
          d2 = p4 - p3;
          double eq1nCoeff = (d1.X * d2.X) + (d1.Y * d2.Y) + (d1.Z * d2.Z);
          double eq1mCoeff = (-(Math.Pow(d1.X, 2)) - (Math.Pow(d1.Y, 2)) - (Math.Pow(d1.Z, 2)));
          double eq1Const = ((d1.X * p3.X) - (d1.X * p1.X) + (d1.Y * p3.Y) - (d1.Y * p1.Y) + (d1.Z * p3.Z) - (d1.Z * p1.Z));
          double eq2nCoeff = ((Math.Pow(d2.X, 2)) + (Math.Pow(d2.Y, 2)) + (Math.Pow(d2.Z, 2)));
          double eq2mCoeff = -(d1.X * d2.X) - (d1.Y * d2.Y) - (d1.Z * d2.Z);
          double eq2Const = ((d2.X * p3.X) - (d2.X * p1.X) + (d2.Y * p3.Y) - (d2.Y * p2.Y) + (d2.Z * p3.Z) - (d2.Z * p1.Z));
          double[,] M = new double[,] { { eq1nCoeff, eq1mCoeff, -eq1Const }, { eq2nCoeff, eq2mCoeff, -eq2Const } };
          int rowCount = M.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
          // pivoting
          for (int col = 0; col + 1 < rowCount; col++) if (M[col, col] == 0)
              // check for zero coefficients
                  // find non-zero coefficient
                  int swapRow = col + 1;
                  for (; swapRow < rowCount; swapRow++) if (M[swapRow, col] != 0) break;
                  if (M[swapRow, col] != 0) // found a non-zero coefficient?
                      // yes, then swap it with the above
                      double[] tmp = new double[rowCount + 1];
                      for (int i = 0; i < rowCount + 1; i++)
                      { tmp[i] = M[swapRow, i]; M[swapRow, i] = M[col, i]; M[col, i] = tmp[i]; }
                  else return null; // no, then the matrix has no unique solution
          // elimination
          for (int sourceRow = 0; sourceRow + 1 < rowCount; sourceRow++)
              for (int destRow = sourceRow + 1; destRow < rowCount; destRow++)
                  double df = M[sourceRow, sourceRow];
                  double sf = M[destRow, sourceRow];
                  for (int i = 0; i < rowCount + 1; i++)
                      M[destRow, i] = M[destRow, i] * df - M[sourceRow, i] * sf;
          // back-insertion
          for (int row = rowCount - 1; row >= 0; row--)
              double f = M[row, row];
              if (f == 0) return null;
              for (int i = 0; i < rowCount + 1; i++) M[row, i] /= f;
              for (int destRow = 0; destRow < row; destRow++)
              { M[destRow, rowCount] -= M[destRow, row] * M[row, rowCount]; M[destRow, row] = 0; }
          double n = M[0, 2];
          double m = M[1, 2];
          Point3D i1 = new Point3D { X = p1.X + (m * d1.X), Y = p1.Y + (m * d1.Y), Z = p1.Z + (m * d1.Z) };
          Point3D i2 = new Point3D { X = p3.X + (n * d2.X), Y = p3.Y + (n * d2.Y), Z = p3.Z + (n * d2.Z) };
          Point3D i1Clamped = ClampPointToLine(i1, l1);
          Point3D i2Clamped = ClampPointToLine(i2, l2);
          return new Line { Start = i1Clamped, End = i2Clamped };
    3. 实施

      Line shortestDistanceLine = distBetweenLines(l1, l2);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



The direction vector of l1 is p2-p1, or d1.
The direction vector of l2 is p4-p3, or d2.


d1.v = 0 & d2.v = 0


d1x*vx + d1y*vy + d1z*vz = 0



Since i1 lies on l1, we can say that i1 = p1 + m*d1, where m is some number.
Similarly, i2 = p3 + n*d2, where n is another number.

由于v是i1和i2之间的向量(根据定义),我们得到v = i2 - i1。


vx = i2x - i1x = (p3x + n*d2x) - (p1x + m*d1x)



d1x * ( (p3x + n*d2x) - (p1x + m*d1x) ) + ... = 0


