
时间:2016-07-25 13:00:39

标签: r nlme

我正在参数化一些代谢缩放模型的指数拟合。我已经在lmer中完成了这个,没有问题,使用记录的依赖和自变量。但是,我现在想要合并其他参数,这些参数不一定与因变量呈指​​数关系。因此,我转向nlme(lme4 :: nlmer似乎没有处理固定效果),但我没有太多经验。为新手错误提前道歉。


Error in nlme.formula(dep ~ scaling_fun(alpha, beta, ind, site), data = scale_df,  :
  Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1



谢谢, 艾莉

# dput for data
# copy from (too large to include here)

> head(scale_df)
          dep        ind spp site
2  0.28069471 -0.0322841 157    A
3 -0.69719050 -1.2568901 183    A
4  0.29252012  0.1592420 246    A
5  0.72030740 -0.3282789 154    A
6 -0.08601891  0.3623756 110    A
7  0.30793594  0.2230840 154    A

scaling_fun <- function(alpha, beta, ind, site) {
    return(beta + ind^alpha + site*(ind^alpha))

# results in singularity in backsolve error

nlme(dep ~ trait_scaling_fun(alpha, beta, ind, site),
     data = scale_df,
     fixed = list(alpha + beta + site ~ 1), random = alpha ~ 1|spp,
     start = list(fixed = c(0.7, 0, 1)))

# simpler function converges #

scaling_fun <- function(alpha, beta, ind) {
    return(beta + ind^alpha)

nlme(dep ~ scaling_fun(alpha, beta, ind),
     data = scale_df,
     fixed = list(alpha + beta ~ 1), random = alpha ~ 1|spp,
     start = list(fixed = c(0.7, 0)))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



scaling_fun <- function(alpha, beta, ind) {
  return(beta + ind^alpha)

nlme(dep ~ scaling_fun(alpha, beta, ind),
     data = scale_df,
     fixed = list(alpha ~ site, beta ~ 1), random = alpha ~ 1|spp,
     start = list(fixed = c(0.487, rep(0, 19), -0.3)))
#Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
#  Model: dep ~ scaling_fun(alpha, beta, ind) 
#  Data: scale_df 
#  Log-likelihood: -716.4634
#  Fixed: list(alpha ~ site, beta ~ 1) 
#alpha.(Intercept)       alpha.siteB       alpha.siteC       alpha.siteD       alpha.siteE 
#       0.57671912       -0.61258632       -0.59244337       -0.25793558       -0.24572998 
#      alpha.siteF       alpha.siteG       alpha.siteH       alpha.siteI       alpha.siteJ 
#      -0.23615274       -0.31015393        0.17970575        0.01286117       -0.12539377 
#      alpha.siteK       alpha.siteL       alpha.siteM       alpha.siteN       alpha.siteO 
#       3.72445972       -0.08560994        0.13636185        0.31877456       -0.25952204 
#      alpha.siteQ       alpha.siteR       alpha.siteS       alpha.siteT       alpha.siteU 
#       0.15663989        0.66511079        0.10785082       -0.21547379       -0.23656126 
#             beta 
#      -0.30280707 
#Random effects:
# Formula: alpha ~ 1 | spp
#        alpha.(Intercept)  Residual
#StdDev:         0.6426563 0.4345844
#Number of Observations: 1031
#Number of Groups: 279
