
时间:2008-12-22 01:20:50

标签: algorithm math performance intersection lines



所以例如调用行(A.x,A.y) - (B.x,B.y)和(C.x,C.y) - (D.x,D.y)



9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:60)


  1. 找到通过给定点的两条直线的交点。
  2. 确定交叉点是否属于两个线段。
  3. 但是当交叉不经常发生时,更好的方法可能是扭转这些步骤:

    1. y = ax + b (线路经过A,B)和 y = cx + d (线路经过C,D)的形式表示直线
    2. 查看 y = ax + b
    3. 的C和D是否在的同一侧
    4. 查看A和B在 y = cx + d
    5. 的同一侧是
    6. 如果上述答案都是,则 是一个交叉点。否则没有交集。
    7. 找到交叉点,如果有的话。
    8. 注意:要执行步骤2,只需检查(C.y - a(C.x) - b)和(D.y - a(D.x) - b)是否具有相同的符号。第3步类似。第5步只是两个方程式的标准数学运算。


答案 1 :(得分:17)


enter image description here

Amazon - Real Time Collision Detection

基本上,无论如何,进行一系列线路交叉测试都很昂贵。你所做的是在复杂的多边形上使用诸如边界框(轴对齐或方向)之类的东西。这将允许您快速执行最坏情况O(N ^ 2)检查每个“对象”之间的冲突。然后,您可以通过仅使用彼此靠近的对象的交叉点来使用空间树(二进制分区或四叉树)来进一步加快速度。


答案 2 :(得分:13)

float x12 = x1 - x2;
float x34 = x3 - x4;
float y12 = y1 - y2;
float y34 = y3 - y4;

float c = x12 * y34 - y12 * x34;

if (fabs(c) < 0.01)
  // No intersection
  return false;
  // Intersection
  float a = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2;
  float b = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4;

  float x = (a * x34 - b * x12) / c;
  float y = (a * y34 - b * y12) / c;

  return true;

公式取自: Line-line intersection - Wikipedia

答案 3 :(得分:3)

public struct PointD
    public double X { get; set; }
    public double Y { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Find the intersection point between two lines.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="IntersectPoint">The intersection point. A <see cref="Esteem.Geometry.PointD">PointD</see> structure.</param>
/// <param name="L1StartPoint">The starting point of first line. A PointD structure.</param>
/// <param name="L1EndPoint">The end point of first line. A PointD structure.</param>
/// <param name="L2StartPoint">The starting point of second line. A PointD structure.</param>
/// <param name="L2EndPoint">The end point of second line. A PointD structure.</param>
/// <param name="L1IntersectPos">The intersection position at first line.</param>
/// <param name="L2IntersectPos">The intersection position at second line.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a boolean. True if there is intersection, false otherwise.</returns>
/// <remarks>The formula is taken from comp.graphics.algorithms Frequently Asked Questions.</remarks>
public static bool LineIntersect(out PointD IntersectPoint, PointD L1StartPoint, PointD L1EndPoint, PointD L2StartPoint, PointD L2EndPoint, out double L1IntersectPos, out double L2IntersectPos) 
    IntersectPoint = new PointD();
    double ay_cy, ax_cx, px, py;
    double dx_cx = L2EndPoint.X - L2StartPoint.X,
        dy_cy = L2EndPoint.Y - L2StartPoint.Y,
        bx_ax = L1EndPoint.X - L1StartPoint.X,
        by_ay = L1EndPoint.Y - L1StartPoint.Y;

    double de = (bx_ax) * (dy_cy) - (by_ay) * (dx_cx);
    //double tor = 1.0E-10;     //tolerance

    L1IntersectPos = 0;      L2IntersectPos = 0;
    if (Math.Abs(de)<0.01)
        return false;
    //if (de > -tor && de < tor) return false; //line is in parallel

    ax_cx = L1StartPoint.X - L2StartPoint.X;
    ay_cy = L1StartPoint.Y - L2StartPoint.Y;
    double r = ((ay_cy) * (dx_cx) - (ax_cx) * (dy_cy)) / de;
    double s = ((ay_cy) * (bx_ax) - (ax_cx) * (by_ay)) / de;
    px = L1StartPoint.X + r * (bx_ax);
    py = L1StartPoint.Y + r * (by_ay);

    IntersectPoint.X = px;  //return the intersection point
    IntersectPoint.Y = py;  //return the intersection position
    L1IntersectPos = r;      L2IntersectPos = s;

    return true; //indicate there is intersection


答案 4 :(得分:3)

如果边界框完全不相交,那么您可以确定没有交叉点 当然,这取决于您拥有的数据。如果你在每张支票上都很可能有一个交叉点,那么你可能会发现自己在一张总是正确的支票上浪费时间。

答案 5 :(得分:2)

下面是MathWorld中描述的我的直线交叉点。对于一般碰撞检测/交叉,您可能需要查看Separating Axis Theorem。我在SAT上发现this tutorial非常有用。

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the intersection point of the given lines. 
    /// Returns Empty if the lines do not intersect.
    /// Source: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Line-LineIntersection.html
    /// </summary>
    public static PointF LineIntersection(PointF v1, PointF v2, PointF v3, PointF v4)
        float tolerance = 0.000001f;

        float a = Det2(v1.X - v2.X, v1.Y - v2.Y, v3.X - v4.X, v3.Y - v4.Y);
        if (Math.Abs(a) < float.Epsilon) return PointF.Empty; // Lines are parallel

        float d1 = Det2(v1.X, v1.Y, v2.X, v2.Y);
        float d2 = Det2(v3.X, v3.Y, v4.X, v4.Y);
        float x = Det2(d1, v1.X - v2.X, d2, v3.X - v4.X) / a;
        float y = Det2(d1, v1.Y - v2.Y, d2, v3.Y - v4.Y) / a;

        if (x < Math.Min(v1.X, v2.X) - tolerance || x > Math.Max(v1.X, v2.X) + tolerance) return PointF.Empty;
        if (y < Math.Min(v1.Y, v2.Y) - tolerance || y > Math.Max(v1.Y, v2.Y) + tolerance) return PointF.Empty;
        if (x < Math.Min(v3.X, v4.X) - tolerance || x > Math.Max(v3.X, v4.X) + tolerance) return PointF.Empty;
        if (y < Math.Min(v3.Y, v4.Y) - tolerance || y > Math.Max(v3.Y, v4.Y) + tolerance) return PointF.Empty;

        return new PointF(x, y);

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the determinant of the 2x2 matrix defined as
    /// <list>
    /// <item>| x1 x2 |</item>
    /// <item>| y1 y2 |</item>
    /// </list>
    /// </summary>
    public static float Det2(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2)
        return (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2);

答案 6 :(得分:2)




答案 7 :(得分:1)

那么,数学和标量产品可以帮到那里 - 假设你想要分段[AB]和[CD]
- 假设线的线交叉是M

当且仅当为时,M在段[ÅB]内   矢量(AB)。矢量(AM)&gt; = 0

  矢量(AB)。向量(MB)&gt; = 0

点“。”表示标量积:u。 v = ux * vx + uy * vy

- 找到M
- 当且仅当下面的4 eq为真时,M在两个段内     矢量(AB)。矢量(AM)&gt; = 0
    矢量(AB)。矢量(MB)&gt; = 0
    矢量(CD)。矢量(CM)&gt; = 0
    矢量(CD)。矢量(MD)> = 0


答案 8 :(得分:0)

private function Loop(e:Event):void
    var x12:Number = Ball1.x - Ball2.x;
    var x34:Number = Ball3.x - Ball4.x;
    var y12:Number = Ball1.y - Ball2.y;
    var y34:Number = Ball3.y - Ball4.y;

    // Det
    var c:Number = x12 * y34 - y12 * x34;

    if (Math.abs(c) < 0.01)
        Circle.visible = false;
        var a:Number = Ball1.x * Ball2.y - Ball1.y * Ball2.x;
        var b:Number = Ball3.x * Ball4.y - Ball3.y * Ball4.x;
        var px:Number = (a * x34 - b * x12) / c;
        var py:Number = (a * y34 - b * y12) / c;

        var Btwn12x:Boolean = (px >= Math.min(Ball1.x, Ball2.x)) && (px <= Math.max(Ball1.x, Ball2.x));
        var Btwn12y:Boolean = (py >= Math.min(Ball1.y, Ball2.y)) && (py <= Math.max(Ball1.y, Ball2.y));
        var Btwn34x:Boolean = (px >= Math.min(Ball3.x, Ball4.x)) && (px <= Math.max(Ball3.x, Ball4.x));
        var Btwn34y:Boolean = (py >= Math.min(Ball3.y, Ball4.y)) && (py <= Math.max(Ball3.y, Ball4.y));

        var Btwn12:Boolean = Btwn12x && Btwn12y;
        var Btwn34:Boolean = Btwn34x && Btwn34y;

        if(Btwn12 && Btwn34)
            Circle.visible = true;
            Circle.x = px;
            Circle.y = py;
            Circle.visible = false;