Unity3D - 我们有一个插件或任何人都在使用Tag集合输入视图,请参见截图

时间:2016-07-12 10:15:25

标签: unity3d plugins android-chips

我需要一个具有以下功能的Unity插件(例如Android Chips):


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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


目前还没有好的包装。使用Unity UI可以很容易地做到这一点。您必须熟悉Horizo​​ntalLayoutGroup等,以及如何在代码中添加UI项。从https://stackoverflow.com/a/38479097/294884开始。享受!


Unity tutorial





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然后点击“测试”按钮以运行// FattieFlow - flush left fitting for Unity reactive // for simplicity, it does assume the only things under here // are the relevant rows and items, and, the model row. // NOTE ---- // this is deliberately programmed in the most illustrative manner. // To use - just call Flow() any time to completely correct the layout. // To put in a project: simply copy the "all rows" and the "model rows" // in to your own scene. That's it. // To make your layout in editor. Just enable the model so you can see it. // Just duplicate the model item/row a few times to see what you're doing. // Change the colors/sizes/spacings in any way you wish. Done. // Eliminate the non-model items you used to layout. Roll tide. // To test. Hit Play. Literally add or delete "items" or rows, // so that the flow is wrong. Run the "Flow()" function and it // will fix everything regardless. using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; public class FattieFlow:MonoBehaviour { public GameObject modelRow; public GameObject modelItem; void Awake() { modelRow.SetActive(false); modelItem.SetActive(false); // (it's a little untidy having the model (which is inactive) // sibling to the real rows, so just be careful with it...) modelRow.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); // simple example of how you might add an item Invoke("_teste", 2f); } void _teste() { ExampleAddItem("added this"); Flow(); } public void ExampleAddItem(string label) { if (transform.childCount < 2) _addARow(); GameObject nu = Instantiate(modelItem); nu.name = "dynamically created item."; nu.transform.SetParent(transform.GetChild(1),false); nu.SetActive(true); Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); } float screen; public void Flow() { screen = GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width; // move downwards any which need to be moved downwards int row = 0; while (row < transform.childCount) // (dynamic) { if (transform.GetChild(row).gameObject.activeSelf) FlowRow(row); ++row; } // move upwards any which can be moved upwards row = 0; while (row < transform.childCount) { if (transform.GetChild(row).gameObject.activeSelf) UnflowRow(row); ++row; } // account perfectly for spacing, regardless of the user's layout // (the most elegant algorithm is to simply ABA) row = 0; while (row < transform.childCount) // (dynamic) { if (transform.GetChild(row).gameObject.activeSelf) FlowRow(row); ++row; } // remove any dud rows } private void UnflowRow(int r) { // so where possible move any from below us, into this row if (r == transform.childCount-1) return; Transform thisRow = transform.GetChild(r); Transform nextRow = transform.GetChild(r+1); while (_nominalWidthOfFirst(nextRow) < _availableSpaceOnRight(thisRow)) { Transform moveMeUp = nextRow.GetChild(0); moveMeUp.SetParent(thisRow, false); moveMeUp.SetAsLastSibling(); Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); } } private float _availableSpaceOnRight(Transform someRow) { return screen - someRow.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width; } private float _nominalWidthOfFirst(Transform someRow) { if (someRow.childCount == 0) return screen*2f; return someRow.GetChild(0).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width; } private void FlowRow(int r) { Transform row = transform.GetChild(r); // it's worth noting this is an indeterminate algorithm. // if you're not into compsci, don't worry about this. much. while (row.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width > screen) { int k = row.childCount; if (k<1) return; // setup problem! if (k==1) return; // one item is too wide for screen! Transform lastOnThisRow = row.GetChild(k-1); MoveToStartOf( lastOnThisRow, r+1 ); } } private void MoveToStartOf(Transform item, int newRow) { while (newRow >= transform.childCount) // may have to add a row _addARow(); Transform moveToThisRow = transform.GetChild(newRow); item.SetParent(moveToThisRow, false); item.SetAsFirstSibling(); Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); } private void _addARow() { GameObject r = Instantiate(modelRow); r.name = "dynamically created row."; r.SetActive(true); r.transform.SetParent(transform,false); Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); // just remove the model unit while(r.transform.childCount>0) { Debug.Log("Deleting model"); DestroyImmediate(r.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject); Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(); } } } ...

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这是脚本。这绝对是直截了当的 - 只需将它附加到最高级别(包含“所有行”的级别)并自动计算所有内容。

<h2>{{directive1}}</h2> <!-- This is seen by the user when he changes directive 1 !-->
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="directive1" name="input" placeholder="This is the primary input (this needs to be updated when the form is used by the user. ">
<h3>{{directive2}}</h3> <!-- This should only be changed when the user presses the submit button on the form ng-model-options: {onUpdate: 'submit'}

上面的包是关于Unity.UI的一个很棒的教程。但请务必查看这个精彩的质量保证:enter image description here