我已经开始这样做,但却无法让它发挥作用 使用PIL或tensorflow编码。我在###### BEGIN END #####
之间附加了代码假设我的图层的输出是一个形状的张量(64,16,16,1)是否有一种非常简单的方法提取并保存该张量的第一个元素,即(64,64,1),如使用PIL / numpy或TF的png / jpeg图像?
非常感谢您的时间和帮助。 Ñ
def _view_layer(name, layer, w, h, d, training=True):
L = tf.slice(layer, (0, 0, 0, 0), (1, -1, -1, -1), name='slice_first_input')
L = tf.reshape(L, (w, h, d))
L = tf.transpose(L, (2, 0, 1))
# Bring into shape expected by image_summary
L = tf.reshape(L, (-1, w, h, 1))
###### BEGIN save as image ### not working #################################
if(training == False):
img_f = tf.image.resize_images(L, 64, 64, method=2) # 224
img_int = tf.cast(img_f, tf.uint8)
slice_im_2d = img_int[0, 2:66, 2:66, :] #<=Not sure how to get (64, 64, 1)
# Trying with PIL
# im = Image.fromarray(np.array(slice_im_2d).astype(np.uint8))
# im.save( datetime.now() + ".png")
# png_bin = tf.image.encode_png(slice_im_2d)
# Trying with TensorFlow
# with tf.Session().as_default():
# format_str = ('%s.png')
# fr = format_str % datetime.now()
# f = open(fr, "wb+")
# f.write(png_bin.eval())
# f.close()
###### END save as image ### not working #################################
# show in Tensorboard summary
tf.image_summary(name, V)