, total_times.section_id
, present_times.total as present
, relation_times.total as relation
, total_times.total as total
from (
, sec.section_id
, sum(sec_times.time) as total
from students s
join section_student_aff secsaff on secsaff.student_id = s.student_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = secsaff.section_id
join (
select distinct
, cal.date
, sec.section_id
, (time.end_time - time.start_time) as time
from calendar_days cal
join terms t on cal.date between t.start_date and t.end_date
join sessions ses on ses.session_id = t.session_id
join timeblocks blk on blk.session_id = ses.session_id
join timeblock_times time on time.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sites site on site.site_id = ses.site_id
join section_timeblock_aff sectaff on sectaff.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = sectaff.section_id
where ses.academic_year = 2016
and time.day_of_week = extract(dow from cal.date)
order by site_id, date, section_id
) sec_times
on sec_times.section_id = sec.section_id
--- Part 1 (no filter) ---
group by s.student_id, sec.section_id
) total_times
join (
, sec.section_id
, sum(sec_times.time) as total
from students s
join section_student_aff secsaff on secsaff.student_id = s.student_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = secsaff.section_id
join (
select distinct
, cal.date
, sec.section_id
, (time.end_time - time.start_time) as time
from calendar_days cal
join terms t on cal.date between t.start_date and t.end_date
join sessions ses on ses.session_id = t.session_id
join timeblocks blk on blk.session_id = ses.session_id
join timeblock_times time on time.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sites site on site.site_id = ses.site_id
join section_timeblock_aff sectaff on sectaff.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = sectaff.section_id
where ses.academic_year = 2016
and time.day_of_week = extract(dow from cal.date)
order by site_id, date, section_id
) sec_times
on sec_times.section_id = sec.section_id
--- Part 2 ---
where exists (
select null
from student_attendance sa
join attendance_flags af on af.attendance_flag_id = sa.attendance_flag_id
and sa.date = sec_times.date
and sa.sa_student_id = s.student_id
group by s.student_id, sec.section_id
) present_times
on present_times.student_id = total_times.student_id
and present_times.section_id = total_times.section_id
join (
, sec.section_id
, sum(sec_times.time) as total
from students s
join section_student_aff secsaff on secsaff.student_id = s.student_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = secsaff.section_id
join (
select distinct
, cal.date
, sec.section_id
, (time.end_time - time.start_time) as time
from calendar_days cal
join terms t on cal.date between t.start_date and t.end_date
join sessions ses on ses.session_id = t.session_id
join timeblocks blk on blk.session_id = ses.session_id
join timeblock_times time on time.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sites site on site.site_id = ses.site_id
join section_timeblock_aff sectaff on sectaff.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = sectaff.section_id
where ses.academic_year = 2016
and time.day_of_week = extract(dow from cal.date)
order by site_id, date, section_id
) sec_times
on sec_times.section_id = sec.section_id
--- Part 3 ---
where sec_times.date between secsaff.entry_date and secsaff.leave_date
group by s.student_id, sec.section_id
) relation_times
on relation_times.student_id = total_times.student_id
and relation_times.section_id = total_times.section_id
order by student_id, section_id
答案 0 :(得分:1)
sec_times as (
select distinct
, cal.date
, sec.section_id
, (time.end_time - time.start_time) as time
from calendar_days cal
join terms t on cal.date between t.start_date and t.end_date
join sessions ses on ses.session_id = t.session_id
join timeblocks blk on blk.session_id = ses.session_id
join timeblock_times time on time.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sites site on site.site_id = ses.site_id
join section_timeblock_aff sectaff on sectaff.timeblock_id = blk.timeblock_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = sectaff.section_id
where ses.academic_year = 2016
and time.day_of_week = extract(dow from cal.date)
sec_times_full as (
, sec.section_id
, sec_times.time
, exists (
select null
from student_attendance sa
join attendance_flags af on af.attendance_flag_id = sa.attendance_flag_id
and sa.date = sec_times.date
and sa.sa_student_id = s.student_id
) as is_present
, sec_times.date between secsaff.entry_date and secsaff.leave_date as is_relation
from students s
join section_student_aff secsaff on secsaff.student_id = s.student_id
join sections sec on sec.section_id = secsaff.section_id
join sec_times on sec_times.section_id = sec.section_id
, section_id
, sum(CASE WHEN is_present THEN time END) as present
, sum(CASE WHEN is_relation THEN time END) as relation
, sum(time) as total
from sec_times_full
group by student_id, section_id
order by 1, 2