struct Term
double coefficient;
unsigned exponent;
Term *next;
TermPtr subtract(TermPtr p1, TermPtr p2) {
//can't change the function declaraction, only the contents in the function
TermPtr newPoly; //declares newPoly
newPoly = new Term; //creates new node
newPoly -> next=p1; // has next in newPoly point to
newPoly -> next=p2; // both p1 and p2 (not sure why really (?))
if (p1 -> exponent == p2 -> exponent){
newPoly->coeff = ((p1 -> coeff) - (p2 -> coeff));
// if the exponents in each p1 and p2 match, perform subtraction
// on coefficients
return newPoly; // return the new polynomial
Polynomial 1:
2.00 * X^4 + 1.00 * X^2
Polynomial 2:
1.00 * X^4 + 2.00 * X^2
//polynomial 1 - polynomial p2
//negative numbers are valid
Result of subtracting two polynomials:
1.00 * X^0 + 1.00 * X^4 + 2.00 * X^2 //wrong