
时间:2016-05-23 17:39:41

标签: python pygame



# Imports
import pygame
import os
import math
import pyganim
# -- Initialize the Surface --
# Startup

# Screen
size = (500, 500)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# -- Assign Global Variables --
#Sets the color of pure white to a variable to be called
WHITE    = (255, 255, 255)
#Sets the color of pure black to a variable to be called
BLACK    = (0, 0, 0)
#Sets the background to an image
menu_Background = pygame.image.load("image-menu_background.png")
#Sets the possible players to images
player_bright_blue = pygame.image.load("player-bright_blue.png")
player_dark_blue = pygame.image.load("player-dark_blue.png")
player_bright_green = pygame.image.load("player-bright_green.png")
player_dark_green = pygame.image.load("player-dark_green.png")
player_bright_purple = pygame.image.load("player-bright_purple.png")
player_dark_purple = pygame.image.load("player-dark_purple.png")
player_bright_red = pygame.image.load("player-bright_red.png")
player_dark_red = pygame.image.load("player-dark_red.png")
#Sets the weapons for the player to images\
player_bright_green_shortsword = pygame.image.load("player-bright_green_shortsword.png")
#Sets the pointer to an image 
pointer = pygame.image.load("pointer-cross_green.png")
#Sets the dark and bright menu go button to an image
menu_go_dark = pygame.image.load("button-go_dark.png")
menu_go_bright = pygame.image.load("button-go_bright.png")
#Sets the dark and bright menu exit button to an image
menu_exit_dark = pygame.image.load("button-exit_dark.png")
menu_exit_bright = pygame.image.load("button-exit_bright.png")
#sets the dark and bright menu options button to an image
menu_options_dark = pygame.image.load("button-options_dark.png")
menu_options_bright = pygame.image.load("button-options_bright.png")
#sets the arcflash text to an image and animation
anim_arcflash = pyganim.PygAnimation([("anim-arcflash_001.png", 100),
                                      ("anim-arcflash_002.png", 100),
                                      ("anim-arcflash_003.png", 100),
                                      ("anim-arcflash_004.png", 100),
                                      ("anim-arcflash_005.png", 100),
                                      ("anim-arcflash_006.png", 100)])
arcflash = pygame.image.load("image-arcflash.png")
#Sets a variable to know whether the script has run once or not
firstRun = 0

#sets up the Main loop of the game
# -- Main Loop --
def Main_Loop():
    #Sets the bool for the loop to run on
    loop = True
    #Game variables --
    #Sets the player center position
    player_pos_x = 255
    player_pos_y = 255
    #Sets the players X and y speed
    move_a_speed = 0
    move_d_speed = 0
    move_w_speed = 0
    move_s_speed = 0

    move_x_speed = 0
    move_y_speed = 0
    #Makes the mouse invisible
    #Starts the loop
    while loop == True:
        # -- Event Loop --
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                    done = True
                elif event.key == pygame.K_a:
                    move_a_speed = -2
                elif event.key == pygame.K_d:
                    move_d_speed = 2
                elif event.key == pygame.K_w:
                    move_w_speed = -2
                elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
                    move_s_speed = 2
            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                if event.key == pygame.K_a:
                    move_a_speed = 0
                elif event.key == pygame.K_d:
                    move_d_speed = 0
                elif event.key == pygame.K_w:
                    move_w_speed = 0
                elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
                    move_s_speed = 0
            # -- Screen Clearing --
        # -- Drawing Logic --
        move_x_speed = move_a_speed + move_d_speed
        move_y_speed = move_w_speed + move_s_speed
        #Increments vertical and horizontal player position by horizontal
        #and vertical speed
        player_pos_x += move_x_speed
        player_pos_y += move_y_speed
        #Set the mouse X and Y to a variable
        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        #Set the angle needed to rotate
        angle = 270-math.atan2(mouse_pos[1] - player_pos_x, mouse_pos[0] - player_pos_y) * 180 / math.pi
        # should rotate the character to the mouse, but doesnt work properly towards the edge/while moving
        #Transforms the image to the angle
        player_rotate = pygame.transform.rotate(player_bright_green, angle)
        rect = player_rotate.get_rect(center=(player_pos_x + 15, player_pos_y + 15))

        # -- Drawing --
        #blits the rotated player
        screen.blit(player_rotate, rect)
        #blits the weapon the player is currently using
        Sword(player_bright_green_shortsword, player_pos_x, player_pos_y, 14, 25)
        #blits the pointer at mouse - KEEP ABOVE ALL OTHER BLITS
        screen.blit(pointer, [mouse_pos[0] - 50, mouse_pos[1] - 50])
        #Screen Refresh

        # -- Refresh Rate --
        fps = str(clock.get_fps())

# -- Runs the game --

(我遗漏了整个菜单脚本,似乎没必要。) 我试过调整角度计算中的值,如果没有移动角色,这个游戏真的不可行。


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