
时间:2016-05-21 18:31:30

标签: python-3.x numpy scipy missing-data

我有两个巨大的向量 item_clusters beta 。元素 item_clusters [ i ]是 i 项所属的群集ID。元素 beta [ i ]是项目 i 的分数。分数为{-1,0,1,2,3}。


这是我到目前为止所尝试的。我将 item_clusters 转换为矩阵 clusters_to_items ,以便元素 clusters_to_items [ i ] [ j < / em>] = 1如果群集 i 包含项目 j ,则为0.之后我运行以下代码。

# beta (1x1.3M) csr matrix
# num_clusters = 1000
# item_clusters (1x1.3M) numpy.array
# clust_to_items (1000x1.3M) csr_matrix

alpha_z = []
for clust in range(0, num_clusters):
    alpha = clust_to_items[clust, :]
    alpha_beta = beta.multiply(alpha)
    sum_row = alpha_beta.sum(1)[0, 0]
    num_nonzero = alpha_beta.nonzero()[1].__len__() + 0.001
    to_impute = sum_row / num_nonzero
    Z = np.repeat(to_impute, beta.shape[1])
    alpha_z = alpha.multiply(Z)
    idx = beta.nonzero()
    alpha_z[idx] = beta.data
interact_score = alpha_z.tolist()[0]

# The interact_score is the required modified beta 
# This is used to do some work that is very fast



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


def fast_impute(num_clusters, item_clusters, beta):

    # get counts
    cluster_counts = np.zeros(num_clusters)
    np.add.at(cluster_counts, item_clusters, 1)

    # get complete totals
    totals = np.zeros(num_clusters)
    np.add.at(totals, item_clusters, beta)

    # get number of zeros
    zero_counts = np.zeros(num_clusters)
    z = beta == 0
    np.add.at(zero_counts, item_clusters, z)

    # non-zero means
    cluster_means = totals / (cluster_counts - zero_counts)

    # perform imputations
    imputed_beta = np.where(beta != 0, beta, cluster_means[item_clusters])

    return imputed_beta


>>> N = 10**6
>>> num_clusters = 1000
>>> item_clusters = np.random.randint(0, num_clusters, N)
>>> beta = np.random.choice([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], size=len(item_clusters))
>>> %time imputed = fast_impute(num_clusters, item_clusters, beta)
CPU times: user 652 ms, sys: 28 ms, total: 680 ms
Wall time: 679 ms

>>> imputed[:5]
array([ 1.27582017, -1.        , -1.        ,  1.        ,  3.        ])
>>> item_clusters[:5]
array([506, 968, 873, 179, 269])
>>> np.mean([b for b, i in zip(beta, item_clusters) if i == 506 and b != 0])


>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"beta": beta, "cluster": item_clusters})
>>> df.head()
   beta  cluster
0     0      506
1    -1      968
2    -1      873
3     1      179
4     3      269
>>> df["beta"] = df["beta"].replace(0, np.nan)
>>> df["beta"] = df["beta"].fillna(df["beta"].groupby(df["cluster"]).transform("mean"))
>>> df.head()
      beta  cluster
0  1.27582      506
1 -1.00000      968
2 -1.00000      873
3  1.00000      179
4  3.00000      269

答案 1 :(得分:0)


alpha_beta = beta.multiply(alpha)


sum_row = alpha_beta.sum(1)[0, 0]

因此,记下beta * alpha的离散公式,然后选择所需的行并推导出其总和的公式。