
时间:2016-05-05 06:43:55

标签: f#


通过名称plugElts定义| ==运算符可以很好地编译,但是稍后在模块RemoverTest中使用它会在右侧提供函数时失败error FS0002: This function takes too many arguments, or is used in a context where a function is not expected

module SampleOperators =

    let inline (|==) (x: ^URel) (wires: ^Wires) =
        (^URel: (static member plugElts: ^URel * ^Wires -> 'R) (x, wires))

module Remover =

    open SampleOperators

    type RemGroup<'G> = RemGroupPass | RemGroupAll | RemGroupExcept of 'G | RemGroupElts of 'G
    type RemMap<'K,'P when 'K: comparison> =
    type RemFun<'K,'P when 'K: comparison> =
        'K * 'P -> bool
    type Rem<'K,'MapVal,'FunVal when 'K:comparison> =
        | Map_ of RemMap<'K,'MapVal>
        | Fun_ of RemFun<'K,'FunVal>

    type X<'K,'P when 'K:comparison> =
        { id: 'K
          vv: Rem<'K,'P,'P> }
        static member inline plugElts (x:X<_,_>, ws:('K * 'P) seq) =
            {x with vv = Map_ (RemGroupElts (Map.ofSeq ws))}

        static member inline plugElts (x:X<_,_>, i:int) =
            {x with vv = Map_ (RemGroupElts (Map.ofSeq [i,i]))}

        static member inline plugElts (x:X<_,_>, fn:('K * 'P -> bool)) =
            {x with vv = Fun_ fn}

module RemoverTest =

    open Remover
    open SampleOperators

    let xxx1 () =
        {id = 1; vv = Map_ RemGroupPass} |== [1,1]   // compiles ok

    let xxx2 () =
        {id = 1; vv = Map_ RemGroupPass} |== 1       // compiles ok

    let xxx3 () =
        ({id = 1; vv = Map_ RemGroupPass}:X<_,_>) |== (fun _ -> bool)  // can't compile


谢谢,   卡罗尔


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

当你在xxx3中调用操作符时,你需要提供一个实际的函数 - 你现在拥有的只是类型声明的等价物。切换到以下内容,它将编译:

let xxx3 () =
    ({id = 1; vv = Map_ RemGroupPass}:X<_,_>) |== (fun _ -> true)


type MoreFun<'T> = 'T -> int

type X<'T> = 
        B: int 
        F: MoreFun<'T>
    static member (|==) (a: X<_>, b: int) = { B = b; F = fun (f:int) -> b}
    static member (|==) (a: X<_>, b: MoreFun<_>) = { a with F = b }

module Tests = 
    let one (f: int) = 1
    let t1() = { B = 1; F = one } |== 2
    // let t2() = { B = 1; F = one } |== (fun _ -> int) // Does not work
    let three: MoreFun<_> = (fun _ -> 3)
    let t3() = { B = 1; F = one } |== three
    // You don't need to cast three to be of type MoreFun:
    let t4() = { B = 1; F = one } |== (fun _ -> 3)