Haskell Happy解析器错误类型和无限类型错误

时间:2016-05-04 19:09:58

标签: haskell happy



module Lexer where

%wrapper "basic"

$alpha      = [a-zA-Z]
$digit      = [0-9]
$validChar  = [^\"]

tokens :-

  $white+                             ;
  "PROCEDURE"                 { \s -> KW_TokenProcedure }
  "END"                       { \s -> KW_TokenEnd }
  ";"                         { \s -> KW_TokenSemiColon }
  $alpha [$alpha $digit \_]*  { \s -> TokenVariableIdentifier s }


-- The token type:
data Token =
  KW_TokenProcedure               |
  KW_TokenEnd                     |
  KW_TokenSemiColon               |
  TokenVariableIdentifier String  |
    deriving (Eq,Show)


module Main where
import Lexer
import Tools

%name myParse
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }

  KW_PROCEDURE          { KW_TokenProcedure }
  KW_END                { KW_TokenEnd }
  ';'                   { KW_TokenSemiColon }
  identifier            { TokenVariableIdentifier $$ }


ProcedureDeclarationList  :   ProcedureDeclaration                              { $1 }
                          |   ProcedureDeclaration ';' ProcedureDeclarationList { $3 : $1 }

ProcedureDeclaration  : ProcedureHeading ';' ProcedureBody identifier   {
                                                                            let newProc = $1  -- Crea la nuova procedura
                                                                            let procBody = $3
                                                                            addProcedureToProcedure newProc procBody

ProcedureHeading        :   KW_PROCEDURE identifier { defaultProcedure { procedureName = $2 } }

ProcedureBody           : KW_END                                    { Nothing }
                        | DeclarationSequence KW_END                { Just $1 }

DeclarationSequence     :    ProcedureDeclarationList                 { $1 }

parseError :: [Token] -> a
parseError _ = error "Parse error"

main = do
  inStr <- getContents
  let result = oLikeParse (alexScanTokens inStr)
  putStrLn ("result: " ++ show(result))


module Tools where

data Procedure = Procedure {    procedureName :: String,
                                procedureProcedures :: [Procedure] } deriving (Show)

defaultProcedure = Procedure {  procedureName = "",
                                procedureProcedures = [] }

addProcedureToProcedure :: Procedure -> Maybe Procedure -> Procedure
addProcedureToProcedure procDest Nothing            = Procedure {   procedureName = (procedureName procDest),
                                                                    procedureProcedures = (procedureProcedures procDest) }
addProcedureToProcedure procDest (Just procToAdd)   = Procedure {   procedureName = (procedureName procDest),
                                                                    procedureProcedures = (procedureProcedures procDest) ++ [procToAdd] }


  • Couldn't match type ‘[Procedure]’ with ‘Procedure’
  • Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: t4 ~ [t4]



我已经更改了我的数据结构,因此我不再使用Maybe Procedure而且我不需要两种类型的列表,但我仍然遇到类型不匹配的问题。


module Main where
import Lexer
import Tools

%name myParse
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }

  KW_INTEGER            { KW_TokenInteger }
  KW_REAL               { KW_TokenReal }
  KW_BOOLEAN            { KW_TokenBoolean }
  KW_CHAR               { KW_TokenChar }
  KW_PROCEDURE          { KW_TokenProcedure }
  KW_END                { KW_TokenEnd }
  KW_VAR                { KW_TokenVar }
  ';'                   { KW_TokenSemiColon }
  ','                   { KW_TokenComa }
  ':'                   { KW_TokenColon }
  identifier            { TokenVariableIdentifier $$ }


ProcedureDeclarationList  :   ProcedureDeclaration                              { [$1] }
                          |   ProcedureDeclaration ';' ProcedureDeclarationList { $1:$3 }

ProcedureDeclaration  : ProcedureHeading ';' ProcedureBody identifier { defaultDeclaration { declarationType = DT_Procedure, procedureDeclared = (addBodyToProcedure $1 $3)} }

IdentifiersList     :   identifier                      { [$1] }
                    |   identifier ',' IdentifiersList  { $1:$3 }

VariableDeclaration : IdentifiersList ':' type          { createVariablesDefinitionsOfType $1 $3 }

ProcedureHeading    : KW_PROCEDURE identifier { defaultProcedure { procedureName = $2 } }

ProcedureBody     : KW_END                                      { [] }
                  | DeclarationSequence KW_END                  { $1 }

DeclarationSequence   : KW_VAR VariableDeclarationList ';'      { $2 }
                      | ProcedureDeclarationList                { $1 }

VariableDeclarationList : VariableDeclaration                             { [$1] }
                        | VariableDeclaration ';' VariableDeclarationList { $1:$3 }

type        :   KW_INTEGER    { Integer }
            |   KW_REAL       { Float }
            |   KW_BOOLEAN    { Boolean }
            |   KW_CHAR       { Char }

parseError :: [Token] -> a
parseError _ = error "Parse error"

main = do
  inStr <- getContents
  let result = oLikeParse (alexScanTokens inStr)
  putStrLn ("result: " ++ show(result))


module Lexer where

%wrapper "basic"

$alpha      = [a-zA-Z]
$digit      = [0-9]
$validChar  = [^\"]

tokens :-

  $white+                             ;
  "INTEGER"                   { \s -> KW_TokenInteger }
  "REAL"                      { \s -> KW_TokenReal }
  "BOOLEAN"                   { \s -> KW_TokenBoolean }
  "CHAR"                      { \s -> KW_TokenChar }
  "PROCEDURE"                 { \s -> KW_TokenProcedure }
  "END"                       { \s -> KW_TokenEnd }
  "VAR"                       { \s -> KW_TokenVar }
  ";"                         { \s -> KW_TokenSemiColon }
  ","                         { \s -> KW_TokenComa }
  ":"                         { \s -> KW_TokenColon }
  $alpha [$alpha $digit \_]*  { \s -> TokenVariableIdentifier s }


-- The token type:
data Token =
  KW_TokenInteger                 |
  KW_TokenReal                    |
  KW_TokenBoolean                 |
  KW_TokenChar                    |
  KW_TokenVar                     |
  KW_TokenProcedure               |
  KW_TokenEnd                     |
  KW_TokenSemiColon               |
  KW_TokenComa                    |
  KW_TokenColon                   |
  TokenVariableIdentifier String  |
    deriving (Eq,Show)


module Tools where

data AttributeType  = String
                    | Float
                    | Char
                    | Integer
                    | Boolean
                    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Attribute = Attribute {    attributeName :: String,
                                attributeType :: AttributeType,
                                stringValue :: String,
                                floatValue :: Float,
                                integerValue :: Integer,
                                charValue :: Char,
                                booleanValue :: Bool } deriving (Show)

data Procedure = Procedure {    procedureName :: String,
                                attributes :: [Attribute],
                                procedureProcedures :: [Procedure] } deriving (Show)

data DeclarationType    = DT_Variable
                        | DT_Constant
                        | DT_Procedure
                        deriving (Show, Eq)

data Declaration = Declaration {    declarationType     :: DeclarationType,
                                    attributeDeclared   :: Attribute,
                                    procedureDeclared   :: Procedure } deriving (Show)

defaultAttribute = Attribute {  attributeName = "",
                                attributeType = Integer,
                                stringValue = "",
                                floatValue = 0.0,
                                integerValue = 0,
                                charValue = ' ',
                                booleanValue = False }

defaultProcedure = Procedure {  procedureName = "",
                                attributes = [],
                                procedureProcedures = [] }

defaultDeclaration = Declaration {  declarationType = DT_Variable,
                                    attributeDeclared = defaultAttribute,
                                    procedureDeclared = defaultProcedure }

addAttributeToProcedure :: Procedure -> Attribute -> Procedure
addAttributeToProcedure proc att = Procedure {  procedureName = (procedureName proc),
                                                attributes = (attributes proc) ++ [att],
                                                procedureProcedures = (procedureProcedures proc) }

addProcedureToProcedure :: Procedure -> Procedure -> Procedure
addProcedureToProcedure procDest procToAdd  = Procedure {   procedureName = (procedureName procDest),
                                                            attributes = (attributes procDest),
                                                            procedureProcedures = (procedureProcedures procDest) ++ [procToAdd] }

addBodyToProcedure :: Procedure -> [Declaration] -> Procedure
addBodyToProcedure procDest []          =   procDest
addBodyToProcedure procDest declList    = do 
                                            let decl = head declList
                                            let declType = declarationType decl

                                            if declType == DT_Variable || declType == DT_Constant then 
                                                addBodyToProcedure (addAttributeToProcedure procDest (attributeDeclared decl)) (tail declList)
                                                addBodyToProcedure (addProcedureToProcedure procDest (procedureDeclared decl)) (tail declList)

createVariablesDefinitionsOfType :: [String] -> AttributeType -> [Declaration]
createVariablesDefinitionsOfType namesList t = map (\x -> defaultDeclaration { declarationType = DT_Variable, attributeDeclared = (defaultAttribute {attributeName = x, attributeType = t})} ) namesList


PRODUCTION                  TYPE
---------------             ---------------
ProcedureDeclarationList    [Declaration]
ProcedureDeclaration        Declaration
IdentifiersList             [String]
VariableDeclaration         [Declaration]
ProcedureHeading            Procedure
ProcedureBody               [Declaration]
DeclarationSequence         [Declaration]
VariableDeclarationList     [Declaration]
type                        AttributeType


  • Couldn't match type ‘[Declaration]’ with ‘Declaration’ x2
  • Couldn't match type ‘Declaration’ with ‘[Declaration]’

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Production                            Type
--------------                        ---------
ProcedureHeading                      Procedure
ProcedureDeclaration                  Procedure
ProcedureDeclarationList              [ Procedure ]
DeclarationSequence                   [ Procedure ]
ProcedureBody                         Maybe Procedure


  1. ProcedureHeading以更改后的名称返回defaultProcedure,这样就可以了。

  2. ProcedureDeclaration会将调用结果返回给addProcedureToProcedure,以便检出。请注意addProcedureToProcedure调用的第二个参数是$3,它引用ProcedureBody生成的结果,这意味着该生产的返回类型必须是Maybe Procedure

  3. ProcedureDeclarationList有问题。制作规则应为:

      : ProcedureDeclaration                              { [ $1 ] }
      | ProcedureDeclaration ';' ProcedureDeclarationList { $1 : $3 }
  4. [$1]从单个过程中生成一个列表,$1:$3将一个过程添加到过程列表中。

    1. DeclarationSequence只是ProcedureDeclarationList,因此可以结帐。

    2. 如第2步所述,ProcedureBody必须是Maybe ProcedureKW_END的规则很好,但第二条规则需要做一些工作:

          | KW_END                     { Nothing }
          | DeclarationSequence KW_END { ??? }
    3. DeclarationSequence[Procedure])我们必须生成Maybe Procedure。这就是你的问题所在。 Just $1的类型为Maybe [Procedure],因此无法在这里工作。