
时间:2016-04-24 06:28:24

标签: c visual-studio access-violation avl-tree


它给我一个错误,说 访问冲突读取位置0x00000000。



AVL min_node(AVL self)
    /*  A AVL node to keep track of the current node. */
    AVL current = self;

    /*  This loop finds the minimum node, by traversing the tree until the leftmost node is discovered. */
    while (!empty_tree(current))
        current = current->left;

    /*  Returns the tree.   */
    return current;

AVL delete(AVL self, long id)

    if (self != NULL)
        if (id == self->student_id)
            if (self->left != NULL)
                AVL successor = min_node(self->right);
                self->student_id = successor->student_id;
                self->right = delete(self->right, self->student_id);
                AVL to_free = self;
                if (self->left)
                    self = self->left;
                    self = self->right;
        else if (id < self->student_id)
            self->left = delete(self->left, id);
            self->right = delete(self->right, id);

    /*NEW SHIT*/
    int balance = getBalance(self);

    //Left Left Case
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) >= 0)
        return rotateRight(self);
    //Left Right Case
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) < 0)
        self->left = leftRotate(self->left);
        return rotateRight(self);
    //Right Right Case
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) <= 0)
        return leftRotate(self);
    //Right Left Case
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) > 0)
        self->right = rotateRight(self->right);
        return leftRotate(self);

    return self;


self->student_id = successor->student_id;


AVL successor = min_node(self->right);


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "avl.h"

bool names_match(char* name_one, char* name_two)
    if (strcmp(name_one, name_two) == 0)
        return true;
        return false;

bool empty_tree(AVL self)
    if (self == NULL)
        return true;
        return false;

AVL leftRotate(AVL self)
    AVL y = self->right;
    AVL T2 = y->left;

    y->left = self;
    self->right = T2;

    return y;

AVL rotateRight(AVL self)
    AVL x = self->left;
    AVL T2 = x->right;

    x->right = self;
    self->left = T2;

    return x;

int getBalance(AVL node)
    if (node == NULL)
        return 0;
    return height(node->left) - height(node->right);

AVL insert(AVL self, long id)
    if (self == NULL)
        self = (AVL)malloc(sizeof(struct avlNode));
        self->student_id = id;
        self->left = self->right = NULL;
    else if (id < self->student_id)
        self->left = insert(self->left, id);
    else if (id > self->student_id)
        self->right = insert(self->right, id);

    /*NEW SHIT*/
    int balance = getBalance(self);

    //Left Left Case
    if (balance > 1 && id < self->left->student_id)
        return rotateRight(self);
    //Right Right Case
    if (balance < -1 && id > self->right->student_id)
        return leftRotate(self);
    //Left Right Case
    if (balance > 1 && id > self->left->student_id)
        self->left = leftRotate(self->left);
        return rotateRight(self);
    //Right Left Case
    if (balance < -1 && id < self->right->student_id)
        self->right = rotateRight(self->right);
        return leftRotate(self);

    //Return unchanged pointer (i dunno why. could probably be void)
    return self;

/*  === AVL MINIMUM NODE ===
Finds the minimum node in a AVL.
AVL min_node(AVL self)
    /*  A AVL node to keep track of the current node. */
    AVL current = self;

    /*  This loop finds the minimum node, by traversing the tree until the leftmost node is discovered. */
    while (!empty_tree(current->left))
        current = current->left;

    /*  Returns the tree.   */
    return current;

AVL delete(AVL self, long id)
    if (self != NULL)
        if (id == self->student_id)
            if (self->left != NULL)
                AVL successor = min_node(self->right);
                self->student_id = successor->student_id;
                self->right = delete(self->right, self->student_id);
                AVL to_free = self;
                if (self->left)
                    self = self->left;
                    self = self->right;
        else if (id < self->student_id)
            self->left = delete(self->left, id);
            self->right = delete(self->right, id);

    /*NEW SHIT*/
    if (self == NULL)
        return self; //ADDED TODAY

    int balance = getBalance(self);

    //Left Left Case
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) >= 0)
        return rotateRight(self);
    //Left Right Case
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) < 0)
        self->left = leftRotate(self->left);
        return rotateRight(self);
    //Right Right Case
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) <= 0)
        return leftRotate(self);
    //Right Left Case
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) > 0)
        self->right = rotateRight(self->right);
        return leftRotate(self);

    return self;

/*  === AVL NODE COUNT ===
Counts the number of nodes in the AVL.
int number_of_nodes(AVL self)
    /*  If the tree is empty, return a count of 0 nodes.    */
    if (empty_tree(self))
    /*  If the tree is not empty, but its left and right nodes are, return a count of 1 node.   */
    else if (empty_tree(self->left) && empty_tree(self->right))

    /*  If the tree is not empty, and its left and right nodes are also not empty, run this function recursively in the left and right nodes.   */
        return(1 + (number_of_nodes(self->left) + number_of_nodes(self->right)));


/*  === AVL HEIGHT ===
Returns the total height of a AVL.
int height(AVL self)
    /*  If the tree is empty, return a count of 0 nodes.    */
    if (empty_tree(self))
        return 0;
    /*  If the tree is not empty, run this fucntion recursively on the left and right branches, returning the max of the two.   */
        return 1 + max(height(self->left), height(self->right));

/*  === PRINT AVL ===
Prints a AVL in pre-order.
void print_pre_order(AVL self)

    /*  If the tree isn't empty, print the node's ID and then run this function recursively on the left and then the right nodes,
    to print pre order. */
    if (!empty_tree(self))
        printf("%d", self->student_id);


/*  === SEARCH AVL ===
Searches a AVL for a particular node.
bool searchTree(AVL self, long id)
    if (!empty_tree(self))
        /*  If the node's ID matches the input ID, return true. */
        if (self->student_id == id)
            return true;

        /*  If the node's ID doesn't match the input ID, run this function recurseively on the appropriate node.    */
            if (self->student_id > id)
                return searchTree(self->left, id);
            else if (self->student_id < id)
                return searchTree(self->right, id);
    return false;

void destroy_tree(AVL self)
    /*  If the tree is not empty, free each node in the tree  by running this function recursively on the left and right branches.  */
    if (!empty_tree(self))

编辑3:有趣的发展。正在使用的AVL树实际上在链表中,每个节点包含一个AVL树。现在我已经意识到(通过大量测试)可以删除AVL树上的节点, IF 它是第一个被构建的节点。非常有趣,甚至更烦人。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我认为问题出在&#39; self-&gt; right&#39;你传递给函数。如果&#39; self&#39;是一个指针,我假设它是在我看来你应该通过&#39;地址&#39;自我&#39;像这样&#39;&amp;(自我&gt;右)&#39;并且应该为电流分配“&#39;&amp; self&#39;像这样&#39; current = * self&#39;。然后我认为它可以工作。 我想如果我提供完整的代码,我可以纠正我说的话,但我认为你得到了要点
