防止生成放置在不同Y位置的相同Xpos中 - Corona SDK

时间:2016-04-21 13:55:06

标签: lua corona

我似乎遇到了一个我无法正确解决并需要一些帮助的问题。 看下面的图片,我从一个名为enemies的表中产生形状,并试图检查它们的x位置是否被一个产生物占据,如果是这样的话,然后稍微向左或向右移动它以便它弹出足以击中它们,因为它们向下移动图像显示了形状堆叠在一起的问题。

Image showing the main problem, and an example of perfect spacing


local xPos = math.random(22,279)
local r = math.random(1, #spawnData)

local sd = spawnData[r] -- get the spawn data for this enemy 

local s = display.newSprite(sd.imgSheet, sd.seqData)
s.name = sd.name
physics.addBody(s, {isSensor = true})
s.y = display.contentHeight - 550 -- Create the enemies using spawnData 

local ok = false -- A flag to say whether we found a valid X position  
local gap = 2     -- Set the minimum gap in pixels between enemies 
local err = 0    -- An error flag to avoid the game slowing down if too many enemies 

while ok == false do -- Tell it to loop until a valid X position is found 
    xPos = math.random(20,300) -- give a new X position 
    ok = true -- Until it has checked against other enemies, assume it is ok for now 

    for i = 1, #enemies, 1 do -- Loop through the previously spawned enemies 
       local e = enemies[i] -- Link to this enemy

       local dist = mAbs(e.x - xPos) -- Work out the distance between this enemy and the random position chosen 
       if dist < (e.width + gap) then ok = false end -- If the enemies are too close, try agian 

    err = err + 1 -- Increase the count of attempts to find a valid position 
    if err > 50 then ok = true end -- After 50 tries, assume there is no empty space and just spawn wherever

s.x = xPos
enemies[#enemies+1] = s


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



for i = 1, #enemies, 1 do -- Loop through the previously spawned enemies 
       local e = enemies[i] -- Link to this enemy

       local dist = mAbs(e.x - xPos) -- Work out the distance between this enemy and the random position chosen 
       if dist < (e.width + gap) then ok = false end -- If the enemies are too close, try agian 


err = err + 1 -- Increase the count of attempts to find a valid position 
    if err > 50 then ok = true end -- After 50 tries, assume there is no empty space and just spawn wherever



    local xPos = math.random(22,279)
    local r = math.random(1, #spawnData)

    local sd = spawnData[r] -- get the spawn data for this enemy 

    local s = display.newSprite(sd.imgSheet, sd.seqData)
    s.name = sd.name
    physics.addBody(s, {isSensor = true})
    s.y = display.contentHeight - 550 -- Create the enemies using spawnData 

    local ok = false -- A flag to say whether we found a valid X position  
    local gap = 2     -- Set the minimum gap in pixels between enemies 
    local err = 0    -- An error flag to avoid the game slowing down if too many enemies 

    while ok == false do -- Tell it to loop until a valid X position is found 
        xPos = math.random(20,300) -- give a new X position 

        local e = enemies[#enemies] -- Get the last enemy in the table (should be the previously made)

        if e == nil then
           break  -- Break out of the while loop

        local dist = mAbs(e.x - xPos) -- Work out the distance between this enemy and the random position chosen
        if dist >= (e.width + gap) then
            ok = true
            err = err + 1 -- Increase the count of attempts to find a valid position
            if err > 50 then
                ok = true

    s.x = xPos
    enemies[#enemies+1] = s
