Control multiple Servo using avr

时间:2016-02-12 20:06:19

标签: c assembly embedded avr atmega

I want to try to control about 20 servos ( for a robot ) using avr with timer1 by directly toggling the output. This is what I have been able to come up till now. But when I try to add the last two servos , all the servos fail. I am assuming this is a timing issue. But I do not know how to correct this . I searched online , but could not find any specific answers.

If any one could point to a good source where they talk about controlling multiple servos it would be very helpfull

int main(void)
    DDRB = 0xFF;
    DDRA = 0xFF;

    TCCR1A |= 1<<WGM11; 
    TCCR1B |= 1<<WGM12 | 1<<WGM13 | 1<<CS10;
    TIMSK |= 1 << OCIE1A;

    ICR1 = 19999;  // Clear on reaching this point. 
    uint16_t count = MIN_VAL;
    uint16_t count2 = 2000; 
    uint16_t c_rp = MIN_VAL;
    uint16_t c_rp2 = 1000; 
    uint16_t c_rp3 = MIN_VAL;

        // Control PORT B PINS 
        // TCNT1 counts upwards and on reaching count 
        // an then the pin goes low
        // SERVO 1
        if( (  PORTB & (1<<PIN) ) && TCNT1 >= count)
            PORTB &= ~(1<<PIN);
            if (count < MAX_VAL)
                count  += INC_VAL; // CHANGING SERVO POSITION
                count = MIN_VAL; 


        // SERVO 2
        if( (  PORTB & (1<<PIN2) ) && TCNT1 >= count2)
            PORTB &= ~(1<<PIN2); // CONSTANT SERVO POSITION


        // Control PORT A PINS 
         // SERVO 3
        if( (  PORTA & (1<<RP) ) && TCNT1 >= c_rp)
            PORTA &= ~(1<<RP);
            if (c_rp < MAX_VAL)
                c_rp  += INC_VAL;
                c_rp = MIN_VAL; 


          // SERVO 4
        if( (  PORTA & (1<<RP2) ) && TCNT1 >= c_rp2)
            PORTA &= ~(1<<RP2);



ISR (TIMER1_COMPA_vect) // ISR called when TCNT1 equals ICR1
    PORTB |= (1<< PIN ) | (1<< PIN2) ;
    PORTA |= (1 << RP ) | (1 << RP2) | (1<< RP3);

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